
A toolsuite created to make Unity development easier

MIT License



TsukiSuite is an open source, free for commercial use suite of libraries created for making Unity development more pleasant.

Each library can be compared as a version of Google's Guava, but created for Unity

Currently, four of those exists, but more will be added as the need for them surface

  • Tsuki Runtime (Core libraries & algorithms)
  • Tsuki Entities (Gameplay Architecture)
  • Tsuki Editor (Editor specific libraries)
  • Tsuki Graphs (Graph Theory libraries)


  1. Install Unity 2020.3 or older
  2. Open Unity Package Manager.
  3. Click on the the '+' icon, add package from git URL, as paste the following url: https://github.com/LunariStudios/TsukiSuite.git#upm.
  4. Wait for the download and you are done! You can now freely use Tsuki

Features and examples

  • Collections
    List<int> list = new List<int>();
    if (list.IsEmpty()) {
        Debug.Log("Is empty!");
    public struct Data {
        public string Name;
        public int Priority;
    List<Data> data = PopulateListWithRandomData();
    Data withHighestPriority = data.MaxBy(d => d.Priority)
  • Colors
    Color color = Colors.RandomColor();
    Color newColor = color.SetHue(Mathf.Sin(Time.time));
    Color a = new Color(1, 0, 1, 1);
    ColorHSV b = a;
    ColorHSV colorHSV = new ColorHSV(0, 1, 1, 1);
    Color c = colorHSV;
  • Editor
    // Bonus: A list of hidden UnityEditor GUIStyles!
    var style = GUIStyles.Get(GUIStyles.box);
    var labelRect = position.GetLine(2); 
    EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, "I am on the third with the console info style!", style);
  • UI
    // No need to declare a copy of Graphic.color
  • And many more

Planned features

  • Code Generation tool using T4 templates.
  • Best practices knowledge base and bad practice detection.
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