
Unity editor extension to show component icons in the Hierarchy.

MIT License


Hierarchy Icons

See at a glance what components are attached to game objects in your scene with this editor extension for Unity. Icons beside each item in the Hierarchy pane make it easy to see where your cameras are, which game objects are lights, and which objects have an audio source attached. Think of it as Gizmos for the editor.


Add the package to your project via UPM using the Git URL https://github.com/mminer/hierarchy-icons.git. You can also clone the repository and point UPM to your local copy.


Icons for components should automatically appear in the Hierarchy. To turn off individual icons, navigate to the Hierarchy Icons pane in Unity's preferences.


Unity 2018.3 or later.

Adding or Updating Icons

The icons come from an icon font, with each letter mapped to a glyph. IcoMoon provides an easy way to create one of these. Select icons for each component, click “Generate Font”, assign a character to each glyph, then download the font and replace HierarchyIcons.ttf.

The mapping from component type to characters is in IconMapping.cs. To add a new entry, add this line to the componentIcons dictionary:

{ typeof(MyScript), 'x' },


The icons are from WebHostingHub Glyphs. Licensed under the SIL Open Font License.