
A tool for easy automating and customizing build process for Unity.

MIT License




A tool for easy automating and customizing build process for Unity.

Basic & Advanced Aplication Build Settings

  • Build target
    • Build artifact is generated in <project_dir>/build directory or file.
  • Company name
  • Product name
  • Application identifier
    • (Android) PackageName
    • (iOS) BundleIdentifier
  • Development build option(Development & Script debugging)
  • Defined Symbols
  • Enable/Disable scenes in build
  • Exclude directory in build
  • Application version
  • Internal version
    • (Android) BundleVersionCode
    • (iOS) BuildNumber

AssetBundle Build Settings

  • Compression options
  • Build artifacts are generated in <project_dir>/AssetBundles directory
  • Copy to StreamingAssets directory

Android Settings

  • Keystore infomation

iOS Settings

  • XCode modifier
    • Languages
    • Frameworks
    • Services
    • Entitlement file
  • Signing & Provisioning profile
  • Generate exportOptions.plist


  • Unity5.3+ (included Unity 2017.x)
  • No other SDK


  1. Download ProjectBuilder.unitypackage and install to your project.
  2. From the menu, click Coffee > Project Builder
  3. Input build configurations.
  4. Click Buid button to build application.
  5. Build artifact is generated in <project_dir>/build directory or file.

Build on command line

  • The ProjectBuilder is accessible from the command line. It is useful when using CI tools such as Jenkins.

  • The following command option executes the build with the specified builder. -batchmode -buildTarget <ios|android|webgl> -executeMethod Mobcast.Coffee.Build.ProjectBuilder.Build -builder <builder_name> [-devBuildNumber <number>] [-appendSymbols 'INCLUDE_SYMBOL;!EXCLUDE_SYMBOL;...'] [-override <builder_json>]

  • For example, The following command option executes the build for iOS with 'Develop_iOS' builder asset, with DEBUG_MODE symbol. -batchmode -buildTarget ios -executeMethod Mobcast.Coffee.Build.ProjectBuilder.Build -builder 'Default iOS' -appendSymbols DEBUG_MODE

Note: DO NOT USE -quit option. For other infomation, see this link :

Override builder with json

-override <builder_json> to override builder setting. For example as following.

  • -override "{ \"applicationIdentifier\":\"\", \"version\":\"1.1.0\", \"defineSymbols\":\"!DEVELOPMENT_BUILD;FAKE_PURCHASE\" }"
    • Override application identifier to ""
    • Override version to '1.1.0'
    • Disable symbol 'DEVELOPMENT_BUILD' and enable symbol 'FAKE_PURCHASE'
  • To override other parameters, convert the builder to json from Convert to JSON (console log) in project builder window.

Build on Unity Cloud Build(UCB)

  1. Type Mobcast.Coffee.Build.ProjectBuilder.PreExport at Config > Advanced Settings > Pre-Export Method Name on UCB.
  2. Builder asset used for building will be selected automatically based on build setting label.
    For example, a build setting labeled 'Default iOS' on UCB, selects builder asset named 'Default iOS' in project.

How to customize the builder for your project?

  1. Click Create Custom Project Builder Script
  2. Save script with dialog.
  3. Implement the script.
    The serialized field is not only displayed in the inspector, it can also be used in PostProcessBuild as following.
[SerializeField] string stringParameter;

protected static void OnPostProcessBuild(BuildTarget target, string path)
    CustomProjectBuilder current = Util.currentBuilder as CustomProjectBuilder;

How to add a supported build target to build?

  • Implement IBuildTargetSettings interface as following for build targets you need.
  • Add System.Serializable attribute to the class to be serializable.
public class BuildTargetSettings_WebGL : IBuildTargetSettings
	public BuildTarget buildTarget{get{ return BuildTarget.WebGL;}}
	public Texture icon{get{ return EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("BuildSettings.WebGL.Small");}}
	public void Reset(){}
	public void ApplySettings(ProjectBuilder builder){}
	public void DrawSetting(SerializedObject serializedObject){}
  • Add serialized field to ProjectBuilder or Custom ProjectBuilder as following.
public BuildTargetSettings_WebGL webGlSettings = new BuildTargetSettings_WebGL();

Release Notes


  • Feature: Override builder with json on command line.
  • Feature: Memorize last selected builder each BuildTarget.
  • Fixed: Enable/Disable scenes in build is not reflected.


  • Fixed: When select file path not under project directory, value to be empty.


  • Feature: Exclude directory in build.
  • Feature: AssetBundle build report(Add/Delete/Update).


  • Fixed: AssetBundle output path is incorrect.


  • Fixed: Builder icon is not found.


  • Fixed: Build target on edit multiple builder.
  • Changed: Rename IPlatformSettings to IBuildTargetSettings.


  • Feature: New editor window instead of inspector window.
  • Feature: Copy AssetBundles to StreamingAssets.


  • Fixed: Build button for AssetBundle is not displayed.


  • Feature: Build AssetBundle.
    • Supports options.
    • Build artifacts are generated in <project_dir>/AssetBundles directory.


  • Fix: 'Usage For CUI' was corrected.
  • Fix: Util.projectDir has error after compiling.
  • Fix: (iOS) When 'Automatically Sign' is enabled, ignore 'Provisioning Profile Id', etc...


  • Feature: Supports WebGL.
  • Feature: Supports other platforms by implementing IPlatformSettings interface.


  • Feature: Supports Unity Cloud Build.
  • Feature: Enable/Disable scenes in build.


  • Obsolete: Obsolete 'Custom build pipeline' to simplify.
  • Obsolete: Obsolete 'Generate CUI command' and explain it in Readme instead.
  • Obsolete: Several CUI command options.
  • Obsolete: Several BuildOptions.
  • Feature: (iOS) Supports language options for XCode.


  • Feature: (iOS) Supports XCode 8 & Automatically Sign.
  • Feature: (iOS) Add framework options.
  • Feature: (iOS) Add entitlement file.
  • Feature: (iOS) Apple servises (iCloud, Push, GameCenter, etc...) can be enable.
  • Fix: Inspector GUI.


  • Supports Unity5.5+.
  • Improvement: Setting items are simplified. Several items have been deleted.
  • Feature: Add button to 'Build & Run'.
  • Feature: (iOS) Generate 'exportOptions.plist'.
  • Fix: Generated CUI command is incorrect.


  • Feature: Manage build configuration with builder asset.
  • Feature: (Android) Keystore information.
  • Feature: Custom build pipeline.
  • Feature: Export BUILD_VERSION for CI.

See Also

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