
Prefab painter for Unity



Prefabshop is an customizable tool which allows you to place Prefabs on colliders surfaces in the scene view. Project plan

System Requirements

  • Unity 2019.1 or later


  • Create folder in your project eg Assets/Packages/Prefabshop
  • Open created folder in GitBush or over Version Control System
  • If your project is repository, then add this rep like submodule
    • git submodule add Assets/Packages/Prefabshop/
  • If you project is no repository, then just use:
    • git init
    • git remote add origin
    • git pull origin master

How To Use

  • Open Prefabshop window in Tools/Prefabshop
  • Load BrushInfo asset which includes list of prefabs
  • Select tool with hotkey or button in top left corner of the SceneView
  • Set up tool parameters in opened Parameters window
  • Use tool...


Tools Description Usage Example
Brush - [B] BrushTool allows you to place Prefabs. In settings of this tool you can add black-white texture to place objects inside some shape, there are examples of such textures in the project.
Eraser - [C] EraserTool allow you to Remove Prefabs
Line - [L] LineTool allows you to place Prefabs by line
Fill - [G] FillTool allows you to randomly place Prefabs on object surface
Magic Wand - [M] LineTool allows you to select all prefabs instance on scene by select one of them
Lasso - [P] LassoTool allows you to create mask for using tools only inside of mask