
In-game console for Unity

MIT License


ℹ️ Features

  • Reflection-based in-game console.
  • No extras required - usable with existing code and wireable through inspector.
  • Bind commands to methods, fields, or properties.
  • Customizable toolbar.
  • Includes input and parsing of standard primitive types + common Unity structs (Vector2/3/4, Color...).
  • Minimalistic and functional UI (Unity IMGUI).
  • 🤞 Reasonably lightweight.

⌛ In Progress

  • Support binding methods with optional parameters.
  • Support implicit type casting for arguments when available (float -> double etc.)
  • Support custom input parsers to handle custom types as command arguments.

📦 Install

  1. Open Package Manager
  2. Paste GitHub URL:

🚀 Use

Basic Setup

  1. Create a Console asset: Create->Console->Console.
  2. Add a Console GUI script to your scene and drop a reference to the asset into it.

Binding Commands

🟣 Option 1: Script

  1. Add a Console Command script to your scene.
  2. Add a reference to a console asset.

🔵 Option 2: Asset

  1. Create a Console Command asset in your project: Create->Console->Console Command.
  2. Drop a reference to the command into a console asset.

🟠 Option 3: Attributes

Note: Requires reference to Smidgenomics.Unity.Console assembly.

🔳 ConsoleCommand

Exposes static method, field, or property to console.

🔳 ConsoleAssembly

Additional options for commands declared in assembly. Also used to filter assemblies based on attribute search settings in console asset.

🔳 ConsoleClass

Additional options for commands declared in type. Includes option for exposing all members automatically.

🔳 HideInConsole

Ignores class member from console when exposing all class members through ConsoleClass.