
An extension to original C# client implementation.

MIT License



An extension to original C# client implementation.


This client provides following functionality

  • Support for emitting and listening to remote events
  • Automatic reconnection
  • Pub/sub
  • Authentication (JWT)

Client supports following platforms

  • Unity Desktop/Android/iOS
  • .Net 2.0
  • .Net 3.5
  • .Net 4.0
  • .Net standard 1.5 onwards
  • .Net Core 1.0 onwards


Apache License, Version 2.0

Usage via Nuget

    Install-Package ScClient.Unity

Nuget Gallery link :

Usage using source files

Library is built on top of Websocket4Net and Newtonsoft.Json. Install those packages via nuget and add source files into project


Create instance of Socket class by passing url of socketcluster-server end-point

    //Create a socket instance
    string url = "ws://localhost:8000/socketcluster/";
    var socket = new Socket(url);

Important Note : Default url to socketcluster end-point is always ws://

Registering basic listeners

Create a class implementing BasicListener interface and pass it's instance to socket setListener method

        internal class MyListener : IBasicListener
            public void OnConnected(Socket socket)
                Console.WriteLine("connected got called");

            public void OnDisconnected(Socket socket)
                Console.WriteLine("disconnected got called");

            public void OnConnectError(Socket socket, ErrorEventArgs e)
                Console.WriteLine("on connect error got called");

            public void OnAuthentication(Socket socket, bool status)
                Console.WriteLine(status ? "Socket is authenticated" : "Socket is not authenticated");

            public void OnSetAuthToken(string token, Socket socket)
                Console.WriteLine("on set auth token got called");


        internal class Program
            public static void Main(string[] args)
                var socket = new Socket("ws://localhost:8000/socketcluster/");
                socket.SetListerner(new MyListener());

Connecting to server

  • For connecting to server:
    //This will send websocket handshake request to socketcluster-server
  • By default reconnection to server is not enabled , to enable it :
    //This will set automatic-reconnection to server with delay of 3 seconds and repeating it for 30 times
    socket.SetReconnectStrategy(new ReconnectStrategy().SetMaxAttempts(30));
  • To disable reconnection :

Emitting and listening to events

Event emitter

  • eventname is name of event and message can be String, boolean, Long or JSON-object

  • To send event with acknowledgement

    socket.Emit("chat", "Hi", (eventName, error, data) =>
       //If error and data is String
       Console.WriteLine("Got message for :"+eventName+" error is :"+error+" data is :"+data);

Event Listener

  • For listening to events :

The object received can be String, Boolean, Long or JSONObject.

    socket.On("chat", (eventName, data) =>
        Console.WriteLine("got message "+ data+ " from event "+eventName);

  • To send acknowledgement back to server

    socket.On("chat", (eventName, data, ack) =>
        Console.WriteLine("got message "+ data+ " from event "+eventName);
        ack(name, "No error", "Hi there buddy");

Implementing Pub-Sub via channels

Creating channel

  • For creating and subscribing to channels:
    var channel=socket.CreateChannel(channelName);
   //var channel=socket.CreateChannel("yolo");

     * without acknowledgement

     * with acknowledgement

    channel.Subscribe((channelName, error, data) =>
       if (error == null)
             Console.WriteLine("Subscribed to channel "+channelName+" successfully");
  • For getting list of created channels :
    List<Socket.Channel> channels = socket.GetChannels();
  • To get channel by name :
    var channel=socket.GetChannelByName("yell");
    //Returns null if channel of given name is not present

Publishing event on channel

  • For publishing event :
       // message can have any data type
     * without acknowledgement

     * with acknowledgement
       channel.Publish(message, (channelName, error, data) =>
            if (error == null) {
               Console.WriteLine("Published message to channel "+channelName+" successfully");

Listening to channel

  • For listening to channel event :

    //If instance of channel exists
    channel.OnMessage((channelName, data) =>
         Console.WriteLine("Got message for channel "+channelName+" data is "+data);

    socket.OnSubscribe(channelName, (channelName, data) =>
        Console.WriteLine("Got message for channel "+channelName+" data is "+data);

Un-subscribing to channel

     * without acknowledgement


     * with acknowledgement

    channel.Unsubscribe((name, error, data) =>
        if (error == null) {
            Console.WriteLine("channel unsubscribed successfully");

Handling SSL connection with server

To enable or disable SSL certficate verification use


Setting HTTP proxy with server

//args, string : host , int : port

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