
Tween Extension to Unity-AsyncRoutines

MIT License


Unity AsyncTweens

Tween Extension to Unity-AsyncRoutines

Basic Usage

using AsyncRoutines;
using AsyncTweens;

public class Foo : MonoBehaviour
    public RoutineManagerBehavior routineManager;

    public void Start()

    public async Routine Bar()
        //Tween self to 1,1,0 over 2 seconds
        await Tween.Position.To(transform, new Vector3(1, 1, 0), 2);

        //Tween to a relative position from the current
        await Tween.Position.ToOffset(transform, new Vector3(-1, -1, 0), 2);

        //Tween from a position to the current
        await Tween.Position.From(transform, new Vector3(2, 2, 0), 2);

Aside from position, there are built-in tweeners for other Transform properties (eulerAngles, localScale, etc...) and properties on other objects as well (SpriteRenderer.color, RectTransform.anchoredPosition, etc...).


Tweeners optionally take an easing function to control the speed throughout the animation. For convenience, a number of standard curves have built-in functions. You may also write your own custom easing function. Another option is to use a Unity AnimationCurve and pass its Evaluate method.

public class Foo : MonoBehaviour
    public AnimationCurve curve;

    public async Routine Bar()
        //Built-in curve function
        await Tween.Position.To(transform, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), 2, Easing.QuadInOut);

        //Custom easing function
        await Tween.Position.To(transform, new Vector3(1, 1, 0), 2, MyCustomEasing);

        await Tween.Position.To(transform, new Vector3(2, 2, 0), 2, curve.Evaluate);

    public static float MyCustomEasing(float i)
        return i * i;

You can also use the Easing type to enable setting the function from Unity's Inspector window.

public class Foo : MonoBehaviour
    public Easing easing; //Allows you to select a built-in easing function or set an animation curve

    public async Routine Bar()
        await Tween.Position.To(transform, new Vector3(2, 2, 0), 2, easing);

Custom Tweeners

More tweeners for common Unity properties will be added over time, but you can add your own easily.

using AsyncRoutines;
using AsyncTweens;
using UnityEngine.Tilemaps;

public class Foo : MonoBehaviour
    public static Tweener<Color, Tilemap> tilemapColorTweener = new Tweener<Color, Tilemap>(
        (tilemap) => tilemap.color, // getter
        (tilemap, color) => tilemap.color = color //setter

    public Tilemap tilemap;

    public async Routine Bar()
        await tilemapColorTweener.To(tilemap, Color.black, 1);
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