
A collection of userscripts for interacting with Danbooru.

  1. Original Environment Details

a. Operating System - Windows 7, Windows 8 b. Browsers - Chrome 59, Firefox 54

  1. Application Files

a. safelist.user.js - Alternate blacklist handler for Danbooru with UI enhancements. b. validateblacklist.user.js- Addon module that validates a Danbooru blacklist. c. orderblacklist.user.js - Addon module that orders a Danbooru blacklist. d. dtextstyler.user.js - UI controls for DText styles. e. iqdb4chan.user.js - Danbooru IQDB checker for 4chan threads. f. iqdbbooru.user.js - Danbooru IQDB checker for various Boorus. g. validatetaginput.user.js - Validates tag input on a post edit, both adds and removes. h. indexedautocomplete.user.js - Uses IndexedDB for storage instead of localStorage.

  1. Setup

a. Install Tampermonkey (Chrome, Firefox): b. Install Javascript file(s)

  1. Usage Notes

a. Safelist

i. Availability:
  Safelist will be active everywhere if enabled, however, the controls are
  only available on pages where Danbooru has blacklist controls.  Depending
  on the page, the controls will appear in the sidebar or at the top of the
  Safelist settings can only be found on the image search page.  The link is
  located to the right of the links located at the top of the content (image
ii. Safelist Controls
  Clicking enable will hide Danbooru's blacklist and show the Safelist. Clicking
  a level will cause the settings associated with that level to go into effect.
  Clicking disable will show Danbooru's blacklist and collapse the Safelist
  Each level can also have a hotkey associated with it which are enabled only if
  Safelist is enabled.  Using the hotkey is the same as clicking the level link.
iii. Settings
  General Settings:
  - Name: Change the name of Safelist (HTML allowed).
  - Replacement Text: Used with Enable Text Replace function (plaintext only).
  - Enable Tag Hide: Hide all occurrences of a tag in sidemenus and tables.
  - Enable Text Replace: Replace all occurrences of a tag with Replacement
      Text in prose and titles.
  - Enable Write Mode: Enable writes to your Danbooru blacklist with the
      Push button.
  - Enable Validate Mode: Enable ValidateBlacklist addon if installed.
      Click Validate button to activate.
  - Enable Order Mode: Enable OrderBlacklist addon if installed.
      Click Order button to activate.
  - Use Session Enable: Have a different state of enabled on each page tab.
  - Use Session Level: Have a different active level on each page tab.
  Level Settings:
  - Name: Change the name of the level (HTML allowed).
  - Hotkey: Key combination used to change levels.
  - Enable: (All/None) Enable or disable these constant lists.
  - Background Process: Process a list in the background so that changing
      lists is more responsive.
  - Blacklisted Tags: Work exactly the same as Danbooru's blacklist
  - Custom CSS:  Style to apply to the whole site.
  General controls:
  - Submit: Save all of the settings and reload as required.
  - Add: Add a new level.
  - Reset All: Reset all settings to factory default.
  - Show Raw: Used to transfer settings between domains/computers.
  Level controls:
  - Pull: Populate tag list with a user's Danbooru blacklist tags.
  - Push: Write a tag list to a user's Danbooru blacklist.
  - Validate: Activates the ValidateBlacklist addon for the tag list.
  - Order: Activates the OrderBlacklist addon for the tag list.
  - Reset: Resets the module addon, causing it to stop.
  - Apply: Apply the recommended changes to the tag list window.
  - Delete: Delete the level.

b. ValidateBlacklist

Two classes are exported to the window variable for use.

i. TextboxLogger:

  Provides user feedback and should be instantiated with the DOM name
  of a <textarea> to write to.  The two main functions are log and clear,
  which either writes to a text area or clears it respectively.

ii. ValidateBlacklist:

  Validates a Danbooru blacklist.  Instantiated with an array of strings
  representing each line of the blacklist and an optional instance of
  TextboxLogger.  Processing is started with the class function processList.
  Processing can be stopped at any point with the class function allstop.
  When processing is complete, the class variable is_ready will be set to
  true.  If there were no faults found, the class variable unchanged will
  be set to true.
  The results are stored in two class variables. reconstructed_list contains
  an array of strings representing each line of a blacklist in the same order
  that they were input.  reconstructed_html contains a user friendly HTML
  representation of the changes made to the input list.

c. OrderBlacklist

Two classes are exported to the window variable for use.

i. TextboxLogger:

  Provides user feedback and should be instantiated with the DOM name
  of a <textarea> to write to.  The two main functions are log and clear,
  which either writes to a text area or clears it respectively.

ii. OrderBlacklist:

  Orders a Danbooru blacklist.  Instantiated with an array of strings
  representing each line of the blacklist and an optional instance of
  TextboxLogger.  Processing is started with the class function processList.
  Processing can be stopped at any point with the class function allstop.
  When processing is complete, the class variable is_ready will be set to
  true.  If there were no faults found, the class variable unchanged will
  be set to true.
  The results are stored in two class variables. reconstructed_list contains
  an array of strings representing each line of a blacklist in the new order
  by post count.  reconstructed_html contains a user friendly HTML
  representation of the new list.

d. DtextStyler:

Provides user interface controls to facilitate DText markup.

- B: Bold
- I: Italics
- U: Underline
- S: Strikethrough
- Aあ: Translate
- ": Quote
- {}: Expand
- Crossed-out circle: Spoiler
- <>: Code
- Chain-links: Textile link
- W: Wiki link
- Magnifying glass: Tag search link
- Spreadsheet: Dtext table

e. IQDB4Chan

Provides a link under the thread named "IQDB Check" that will check every
thumbnail in the thread for a match on Danbooru's IQDB server.  With any
match, links to the matching Danbooru post are added after the 4chan image
file data.  With any non-match, the entire thumbnail is surrounded with a
thick red border.

f. IQDB4Booru

Provides a link under the tags header named "<IQDB Check>" that will check 
every thumbnail in the post search for a match on Danbooru's IQDB server.
With any match, links to the matching Danbooru post are added after the 4chan
image file data.  With any non-match, the entire thumbnail is surrounded with
a thick red border.

Usage notes:

  - The IQDB link only appears after a tag search from the post page.
  - Auto paging must be turned off on Sankakucomplex or any other userscript 
    that may be used as the IQDB check is only allowed to run once per page load.

g. ValidateTagInput

Prior to submitting tag edits, it runs a check on tag adds and removes. For tag adds,
it checks if any new tags will be created, potentially catching mistags and spelling
error. For tag removes, it checks the implication hierarchy to determine if any still
existing tags will cause a remove to be readded.

h. IndexedAutocomplete

Switches Danbooru storage mechanism for autocomplete entries, using IndexedDB instead
of Local Storage.  This eliminates the need for pruning actions which frequently occur
before the week expiration period is over.  This caused slowdowns every time it occurred
as the client would have to query the network again which is always slow.

To reduce the penalty incurred by migrating to IndexedDB which is slower than Local
Storage, retrieved data is cached in the relatively unused Session Storage as a quicker
lookup mechanism for data items.