
Collection of greasemonkey scripts for MusicBrainz

MIT License


Musicbrainz scripts

Collection of greasemonkey scripts I wrote for MusicBrainz display and editing.

Contact me for bug reports/suggestions/patches: loujine on github, loujin on Musicbrainz (sadly 'loujine' was already taken)


Scripts are tested with the latest stable version of Firefox and Tampermonkey. They should work with most recent browsers and with ViolentMonkey, but are not compatible with Greasymonkey 4 since December 2017.

Historical note: this repo was first a mercurial repo on bitbucket (mirrored as a git repo on github); now that bitbucket has removed mercurial support, github is the home of the repo and the bitbucket repo is outdated.

Historical note 2: scripts were also hosted on Greasyfork but were removed there in summer 2020. If you installed scripts through Greasyfork, make sure they can update to versions using github in @updateURL or reinstall them.


Documentation was moved to a wiki.

Discussions on these scripts sometimes take place on the musicbrainz forums.


For installation, follow the Greasemonkey manual

Scripts to add/modify information display

Display (missing) work relations for an artist recordings

Mark recordings not linked to any work on an artist recordings or relationships page

Display RG timeline

Display release groups timeline on artist overview page

Display alias count

Display alias count on work/artist pages

Display sort button on table columns

Make table columns sortable

Show recordings of subworks on Work page

Scripts to edit entities

MusicBrainz edit: Add entity aliases in batch

MusicBrainz edit: Change release quality

MusicBrainz edit: Create entity or fill data from wikipedia / wikidata / VIAF / ISNI

MusicBrainz edit: Create work arrangement from existing work

MusicBrainz edit: Display acoustIDs and merge recordings with common acoustID

MusicBrainz edit: Mark recordings as video

MusicBrainz edit: Replace recording artists from a Release page

MusicBrainz edit: Replace recording artists from an Artist or Work page

MusicBrainz edit: Replace subwork titles and attributes in Work edit page

MusicBrainz edit: Set recording names as work aliases

MusicBrainz edit: Set work attributes from the composer Work page

Set attributes (type, lang, key) from the composer Work page

MusicBrainz event editor: Fill event setlist

MusicBrainz recording: Create broadcast release from the current recording

Create a "Broadcast" release containing the current recording

MusicBrainz recording: Seed concert event from recording

Seed a "Concert" event with the same content as the current recording

Merge recordings from acoustID page

Scripts to edit relations

MusicBrainz relation editor: Clone recording relations onto other recordings

MusicBrainz relation editor: Copy dates on recording relations

Copy/remove dates on recording relations

MusicBrainz relation editor: Guess related works in batch

MusicBrainz relation editor: Replace release relations by recording relations

MusicBrainz relation editor: Set relation attributes

Set attributes (live, partial, solo...)

MusicBrainz relation editor: set role in recording-artist relation

Set/unset role relations on selected recordings

Importer scripts

Importer scripts should be installed from murdos's repo when possible (e.g. Naxos Library)

Import Idagio releases to MusicBrainz

Add a button to import Idagio releases to MusicBrainz

Import Hyperion/Helios releases to MusicBrainz

Add a button to import Hyperion/Helios releases to MusicBrainz


List of contributors

… and thanks to many MusicBrainz editors/MetaBrainz developers for suggestions and feedback.

!m everyone




You can run automatic python tests with e.g.:

SHOW=1 pytest -s tests/

Reporting bugs & Contributing

Please submit all patches to github for review.