
Transcription from mp3 files to html with or without embedded player


Rationale for

STT (Speech To Text) technology is becoming increasyngly popular. Virtual assistants as Alexa, Siri, Cortana or Google are able to understand voice commands and operate accordingly.

Every big cloud provider has its APIs to transcribe voice to text. Results are usually good. However if you want (as I do) to convert collections of podcasts to text (hundreds of hours), you must consider time and cost of the operation.

There are open source projects as Vosk-Kaldi that may be of help in this task. makes use of its Python API to offline transcribe podcasts, downloaded as mp3 files.

It is worth also mentioning OpenAI Whisper. It is a very interesting alternative although it is also more resource consuming. It has been included as an option engine for


The requirements for are as follows:

  • A python 3.x installation (it has been tested on Python 3.10 on Windows and Linux)
  • The tool ffmpeg installed in a folder of the PATH variable.
  • A vosk model for the desired language (you may find a lot of them in alfphacephei. It has been tested with the Spanish model vosk-model-es-0.42)

Python dependencies can be installed in a virtual environment. The dependencies are specified in the file requirements.txt. The following commands install, in Linux, such dependencies (I suppose they should also work in Mac):

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

In Windows, python could be py depending on the installation and the activation script is in .venv\Scripts

You can find here detailed instructions to create and activate the virtual environment.

How does work

As transcribing is a CPU intensive operation, makes use of multiprocessing in Python (you probably have known about GIL blues for multithreading or coroutines in Python). splits the entire work (the transcription of a podcast, perhaps of several hours) in fragments of s seconds (s is an optional paramenter, 600 seconds by default).

If the task is to transcribe a large number of files (clearly exceeding the number of available CPUs), can utilize its capacity to transcribe multiple files in parallel without splitting them, thus eliminating potential issues at the split boundaries. In this case, it is advisable to set the number of seconds to a value greater than the size of the largest file (36000 seconds, or 10 hours, should be sufficient for almost all files). converts the mp3 file to wav in order to use the vosk API. The main process pass the wav file as an argument to each one of the worker tasks, each proessing a fragment of audio (only part of the total frames of the wav file). The tasks are delivered to a pool of c processes (c is another optional paramenter, equal, by default, to the number of cpus of the system minus 2). In this way, the system may parallel c tasks.

Each fragment is transcribed in a different HTML file. Words of the trascribed text are highlighted with different colors to display the level of conficence of the transcription. The vosk-kaldi library delivers with each word, its confidence as a number from 0 to 1. sttcast supports 4 configurable levels of confidence:

  • Very high confidence (text is shown in black)
  • High confidence (text is shown in green)
  • Medium confidence (text is shown in orange)
  • Low confidence (text is shown in red)

Fragments of text are also tagged with time stamps to facilitate searching and listening from the mp3 file. If the --audio-tags option is selected, there is also an html5 audio player configured to listen to the file at the beginning of the segment.

The tool adds audio controls to a transcribed html without the --audio-tags. It requires:

  • BeautifulSoup
    pip install bs4

Once all fragments have been transcribed, the last step is the integration of all of them in an unique html file.

Metadata from mp3 is included in the title of the html

Use of OpenAI whisper library

sttcast has an option (--whisper) to use the OpenAI whisper library instead of the vosk-kaldi one.

If you want to make transcription with whisper, you shoud take into account:

  • Whisper is able to work with different models. You can see them with the --whmodel option
  • With the --whisper option, you can take advantage of the CUDA acceleration (option --whdevice cuda) or not (--whdevice cpu). Without CUDA, whisper manages multiprocessing, so you will not notice any benefits configuring multiple cpus.
  • Transcriptions are very slow without CUDA acceleration
  • CUDA acceleration requires a good CUDA platform.
  • CUDA acceleation does benefit from multiple CPUS (option --cpu)

The following table, taken from Whisper GitHub Repository shows the requirements for GPU memory of whisper models:

Model Reauired vRAM Speed
tiny ~1 GB ~32x
base ~1 GB ~16x
small ~2 GB ¬6x
medium ~5 GB ~2x
large ~10 GB 1x


YouTube Tutorial

There is a video in YouTube where you can view general instructions about how to install and use the application

CLI is a python module that runs with the help of a 3.x interpreter.

It is has a very simple CLI interface that is autodocumented in the help (option -h or --help).

You should consider the location of model files and mp3 files in RAM drives to get more speed.

$ ./ -h
$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-m MODEL] [-s SECONDS] [-c CPUS] [-i HCONF] [-n MCONF] [-l LCONF] [-o OVERLAP] [-r RWAVFRAMES] [-w]
                  [--whmodel {tiny.en,tiny,base.en,base,small.en,small,medium.en,medium,large-v1,large-v2,large}]
                  [--whdevice {cuda,cpu}] [--whlanguage WHLANGUAGE] [-a] [--html-suffix HTML_SUFFIX]
                  [--min-offset MIN_OFFSET] [--max-gap MAX_GAP]
                  fnames [fnames ...]

positional arguments:
  fnames                archivos de audio o directorios a transcribir

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MODEL, --model MODEL
                        modelo a utilizar. Por defecto, /mnt/ram/es/vosk-model-es-0.42
  -s SECONDS, --seconds SECONDS
                        segundos de cada tarea. Por defecto, 600
  -c CPUS, --cpus CPUS  CPUs (tamaño del pool de procesos) a utilizar. Por defecto, 10
  -i HCONF, --hconf HCONF
                        umbral de confianza alta. Por defecto, 0.95
  -n MCONF, --mconf MCONF
                        umbral de confianza media. Por defecto, 0.7
  -l LCONF, --lconf LCONF
                        umbral de confianza baja. Por defecto, 0.5
  -o OVERLAP, --overlap OVERLAP
                        tiempo de solapamientro entre fragmentos. Por defecto, 2
  -r RWAVFRAMES, --rwavframes RWAVFRAMES
                        número de tramas en cada lectura del wav. Por defecto, 4000
  -w, --whisper         utilización de motor whisper
  --whmodel {tiny.en,tiny,base.en,base,small.en,small,medium.en,medium,large-v1,large-v2,large}
                        modelo whisper a utilizar. Por defecto, small
  --whdevice {cuda,cpu}
                        aceleración a utilizar. Por defecto, cuda
  --whlanguage WHLANGUAGE
                        lenguaje a utilizar. Por defecto, es
  -a, --audio-tags      inclusión de audio tags
  --html-suffix HTML_SUFFIX
                        sufijo para el fichero HTML con el resultado. Por defecto '_result'
  --min-offset MIN_OFFSET
                        diferencia mínima entre inicios de marcas de tiempo. Por defecto 30
  --max-gap MAX_GAP     diferencia máxima entre el inicio de un segmento y el final del anterior. Por encima de esta
                        diferencia, se pone una nueva marca de tiempo . Por defecto 0.8

$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [--mp3-file MP3_FILE] [-o OUTPUT] html_file

positional arguments:
  html_file             Fichero html para añadir audio tags

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --mp3-file MP3_FILE   Fichero mp3 al que se refieren los audio tags
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Fichero resultado tras añadir los audio tags


From version v2.2.0, sttcast has also a GUI interface. It can be started with:

$ python ./

With this interface, you can configure the arguments (the same arguments that the CLI supports) in a graphical manner.

The following snapshot is an snapshot of the interface:


The whisper engine requires GPUs to avoid taking too much time. If you don't have a machine with GPU acceleration, or if you prefer not to have to install sttcasst in your environment, you can use the automation procedure explained in the Automation directory.

Automation creates an AWS EC2 machine in the Amazon Cloud, provisions it installing sttcast, upload the payload and download the results. And all with just two commands: one to create the resources in the cloud and perform the work, and another to destroy the resources.

Commands are executed in a VM also created with one command.

To Do

Many modifications can be made and will be made in the future.

  • In sttcast, the number of CPUs can be configured (in Automation, this is done with the app_exec role variables). Each file is divided into that number of pieces and assigned to a Python process. It would be much more intelligent to divide the work to be done (several MP3s) into subsets of similar sizes and start a sttcast process with each subset with the number of CPUs equal to 1. This way, time would be optimized, and potential boundary issues between pieces could be avoided. (Done 2024-07-06)
  • Add a relevant searching system based in ElasticSearch and Kibana


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