
A Terraform module for provisioning and installing Vault Enterprise on AWS EC2 as described in HashiCorp Validated Designs

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Vault Enterprise HVD on AWS EC2

Terraform module aligned with HashiCorp Validated Designs (HVD) to deploy Vault Enterprise on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using EC2 instances. This module deploys Vault Enterprise with integrated storage.


This module requires the following to already be in place in AWS:

  • A VPC with the following:
  • A dedicated KMS Key to support auto-unseal
  • TLS certificate with intermediate certs, certificate private key and CA certificate (required for privately signed cert)
  • Access to Secrets Manager for initial secrets such as product license and TLS certificate material
  • AWS API credentials for Terraform to deploy:
    • AWS Autoscaling Group, Launch Template and Placement Group
    • AWS IAM Roles and Instance Profile
    • AWS Load Balancer, Listener and Target Group
    • AWS Security Group and Security Group Rules


Upon first deployment, Vault servers will auto-join and form a fresh cluster. The cluster will be in an uninitialized, sealed state. An operator must then connect to the cluster to initialize Vault. If auto-unseal is used via AWS KMS, the Vault nodes will automatically unseal upon initialization. If the Shamir seal is used, the operator must manually unseal each node.


Example deployment scenarios can be found in the examples directory of this repo. These examples cover multiple capabilities of the module and are meant to serve as a starting point for operators.


No requirements.


Name Version
aws n/a


No modules.


Name Type
aws_autoscaling_group.main resource
aws_iam_instance_profile.vault_iam_instance_profile resource
aws_iam_role.vault_iam_role resource
aws_iam_role_policy.main resource
aws_launch_template.main resource
aws_lb.vault_lb resource
aws_lb_listener.vault_api resource
aws_lb_target_group.vault_api resource
aws_placement_group.main resource
aws_security_group.main resource
aws_security_group_rule.egress_all resource
aws_security_group_rule.ingress_ssh_cidr resource
aws_security_group_rule.ingress_vault_api_cidr resource
aws_security_group_rule.ingress_vault_cluster resource
aws_ami.al2023 data source
aws_ami.ubuntu_jammy_22_04 data source
aws_kms_key.vault_unseal data source
aws_region.current data source
aws_vpc.main data source


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_package_names List of additional repository package names to install set(string) [] no
asg_health_check_grace_period The amount of time to expire before the autoscaling group terminates an unhealthy node is terminated string 600 no
asg_health_check_type Defines how autoscaling health checking is done string "EC2" no
asg_node_count The number of nodes to create in the pool. number 6 no
friendly_name_prefix Name prefix to use when naming cloud resources string "vault" no
health_check_deregistration_delay Amount time for Elastic Load Balancing to wait before changing the state of a deregistering target from draining to unused. The range is 0-3600 seconds. number 15 no
health_check_interval Approximate amount of time, in seconds, between health checks of an individual target. The range is 5-300. number 5 no
health_check_timeout Amount of time, in seconds, during which no response from a target means a failed health check. The range is 2–120 seconds. number 3 no
iam_role_path Path for IAM entities string "/" no
iam_role_permissions_boundary_arn The ARN of the policy that is used to set the permissions boundary for the role string null no
load_balancing_scheme Type of load balancer to use (INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, or NONE) string "INTERNAL" no
net_ingress_ssh_cidr_blocks List of CIDR blocks to allow SSH access to Vault instances. list(string) [] no
net_ingress_ssh_security_group_ids List of CIDR blocks to allow SSH access to Vault instances. list(string) [] no
net_ingress_vault_cidr_blocks List of CIDR blocks to allow API access to Vault. list(string) [] no
net_ingress_vault_security_group_ids List of CIDR blocks to allow API access to Vault. list(string) [] no
net_lb_subnet_ids The subnet IDs in the VPC to host the load balancer in. list(string) n/a yes
net_vault_subnet_ids (required) The subnet IDs in the VPC to host the Vault servers in list(string) n/a yes
net_vpc_id (required) The VPC ID to host the cluster in string n/a yes
resource_tags A map containing tags to assign to all resources map(string) {} no
sm_vault_license_arn The ARN of the license secret in AWS Secrets Manager string n/a yes
sm_vault_tls_ca_bundle (required) The ARN of the CA bundle secret in AWS Secrets Manager string n/a yes
sm_vault_tls_cert_arn (required) The ARN of the signed TLS certificate secret in AWS Secrets Manager string n/a yes
sm_vault_tls_cert_key_arn (required) The ARN of the signed TLS certificate's private key secret in AWS Secrets Manager string n/a yes
systemd_dir Path to systemd directory for unit files string "/lib/systemd/system" no
vault_default_lease_ttl_duration The default lease TTL expressed as a time duration in hours, minutes and/or seconds (e.g. 4h30m10s) string "1h" no
vault_dir_bin The bin directory for the Vault binary string "/usr/bin" no
vault_dir_config The directory for Vault server configuration file(s) string "/etc/vault.d" no
vault_dir_home The home directory for the Vault system user string "/opt/vault" no
vault_dir_logs Path to hold Vault file audit device logs string "/var/log/vault" no
vault_disable_mlock Disable the server from executing the mlock syscall bool true no
vault_enable_ui Enable the Vault UI bool true no
vault_fqdn Fully qualified domain name to use for joining peer nodes and optionally DNS string n/a yes
vault_group_name Name of group to own Vault files and processes string "vault" no
vault_health_endpoints The status codes to return when querying Vault's sys/health endpoint map(string) { "activecode": "200", "drsecondarycode": "472", "performancestandbycode": "473", "perfstandbyok": "true", "sealedcode": "503", "standbycode": "429", "standbyok": "true", "uninitcode": "200"} no
vault_max_lease_ttl_duration The max lease TTL expressed as a time duration in hours, minutes and/or seconds (e.g. 4h30m10s) string "768h" no
vault_plugin_urls (optional list) List of Vault plugin fully qualified URLs (example ["https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform-provider-oraclepaas/1.5.3/terraform-provider-oraclepaas_1.5.3_linux_amd64.zip"] for deployment to Vault plugins directory) list(string) [] no
vault_port_api The port the Vault API will listen on string "8200" no
vault_port_cluster The port the Vault cluster port will listen on string "8201" no
vault_raft_auto_join_tag A map containing a single tag which will be used by Vault to join other nodes to the cluster. If left blank, the module will use the first entry in tags map(string) null no
vault_seal_awskms_key_arn The KMS key ID to use for Vault auto-unseal string n/a yes
vault_seal_awskms_region The region the KMS is in. Leave null if in the same region as everything else string null no
vault_seal_type The seal type to use for Vault string "awskms" no
vault_snapshots_bucket_arn The ARN of the S3 bucket for auto-snapshots string null no
vault_tls_disable_client_certs Disable client authentication for the Vault listener. Must be enabled when tls auth method is used. bool true no
vault_tls_require_and_verify_client_cert Require a client to present a client certificate that validates against system CAs bool false no
vault_user_name Name of system user to own Vault files and processes string "vault" no
vault_version The version of Vault to use string "1.17.0+ent" no
vm_boot_disk_configuration The disk (EBS) configuration to use for the Vault nodes object( { volume_type = string volume_size = number delete_on_termination = bool encrypted = bool } ) { "delete_on_termination": true, "encrypted": true, "volume_size": 30, "volume_type": "gp3"} no
vm_image_id The AMI of the image to use string null no
vm_instance_type The machine type to use for the Vault nodes string "m7i.large" no
vm_key_pair_name The machine SSH key pair name to use for the cluster nodes string null no
vm_vault_audit_disk_configuration The disk (EBS) configuration to use for the Vault nodes object( { volume_type = string volume_size = number delete_on_termination = bool encrypted = bool } ) { "delete_on_termination": true, "encrypted": true, "volume_size": 50, "volume_type": "gp3"} no
vm_vault_data_disk_configuration The disk (EBS) configuration to use for the Vault nodes object( { volume_type = string volume_size = number volume_iops = number volume_throughput = number delete_on_termination = bool encrypted = bool } ) { "delete_on_termination": true, "encrypted": true, "volume_iops": 3000, "volume_size": 100, "volume_throughput": 125, "volume_type": "gp3"} no


Name Description
vault_cli_config Environment variables to configure the Vault CLI
vault_load_balancer_name The DNS name of the load balancer.
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