
A reactive API for Hibernate ORM, supporting non-blocking database drivers and a reactive style of interaction with the database.

APACHE-2.0 License


Hibernate Reactive

A reactive API for Hibernate ORM, supporting non-blocking database drivers and a reactive style of interaction with the database.

Hibernate Reactive may be used in any plain Java program, but is especially targeted toward usage in reactive environments like Quarkus and Vert.x.

Currently PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Db2, CockroachDB, MS SQL Server and Oracle are supported.

Learn more at http://hibernate.org/reactive.


Hibernate Reactive has been tested with:


The Introduction to Hibernate Reactive covers everything you need to know to get started, including:

We recommend you start there!

The Vert.x and Hibernate Reactive How-to explains how to use Hibernate Reactive in Vert.x.

The Hibernate Reactive with Panache Guide introduces Panache Reactive, an active record-style API based on Hibernate Reactive.


The directory examples contains several small projects showing different features of Hibernate Reactive:

Quarkus quickstarts

A collection of quickstarts for Quarkus is available on GitHub:

Or you can generate a new Quarkus project that uses the Hibernate Reactive extension and start coding right away.

Examples using JBang

With JBang you can run one of the examples available in the catalog without having to clone the repository or setup the project in the IDE. Once you have downloaded JBang, the list of examples is available via:

jbang alias list hibernate/hibernate-reactive

If you want to run one of the example (in this case the one called example), you can do it with:

jbang example@hibernate/hibernate-reactive

or you can open it in your editor (IntelliJ IDEA in this case) with:

jbang edit --open=idea testcase@hibernate/hibernate-reactive

You can also generate and run a db-specific test. See available templates using: jbang template list

cockroachdb-reproducer = Template for a test with CockroachDB using Junit 4, Vert.x Unit and Testcontainers
db2-reproducer = Template for a test with Db2 using Junit 4, Vert.x Unit and Testcontainers
mariadb-reproducer = Template for a test with MariaDB using Junit 4, Vert.x Unit and Testcontainers
mysql-reproducer = Template for a test with MySQL using Junit 4, Vert.x Unit and Testcontainers
pg-reproducer = Template for a test with PostgreSQL using Junit 4, Vert.x Unit and Testcontainers

Example for PostgreSQL:

  • Generate java test from template: jbang init --template=pg-reproducer pgTest.java
  • Run the test: jbang pgTest.java

Gradle build

The project is built with Gradle, but you do not need to have Gradle installed on your machine.


To compile this project, navigate to the hibernate-reactive directory, and type:

./gradlew compileJava

To publish Hibernate Reactive to your local Maven repository, run:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Building documentation

To build the API and Reference documentation type:

./gradlew assembleDocumentation

You'll find the generated documentation in the subdirectory release/build/documentation.

open release/build/documentation/reference/html_single/index.html
open release/build/documentation/javadocs/index.html

Running tests

To run the tests, you'll need to decide which RDBMS you want to test with, and then get an instance of the test database running on your machine.

By default, the tests will be run against PostgreSQL. To test against a different database, you must explicitly specify it using the property -Pdb, as shown in the table below.

Database Command
PostgreSQL ./gradlew test -Pdb=pg
MySQL ./gradlew test -Pdb=mysql
MariaDB ./gradlew test -Pdb=maria
DB2 ./gradlew test -Pdb=db2
SQL Server ./gradlew test -Pdb=mssql
Oracle ./gradlew test -Pdb=oracle

It's even possible to run all tests or certain selected tests on all available databases:

./gradlew testAll -PincludeTests=DefaultPortTest

The property includeTests specifies the name of the test to run and may contain the wildcard *. This property is optional, but very useful, since running all tests on all databases might take a lot of time.

To enable logging of the standard output streams, add the property -PshowStandardOutput.

There are three ways to start the test database.

If you have Docker installed

If you have Docker installed, running the tests is really easy. You don't need to create the test databases manually. Just type:

./gradlew test -Pdocker

The above command will start an instance of PostgreSQL in a Docker container. You may specify a different database using one of the commands show in the table below.

Database Command
PostgreSQL ./gradlew test -Pdocker -Pdb=pg
MySQL ./gradlew test -Pdocker -Pdb=mysql
MariaDB ./gradlew test -Pdocker -Pdb=maria
DB2 ./gradlew test -Pdocker -Pdb=db2
SQL Server ./gradlew test -Pdocker -Pdb=mssql
Oracle ./gradlew test -Pdocker -Pdb=oracle

The tests will run faster if you reuse the same containers across multiple test runs. To do this, edit the testcontainers configuration file .testcontainers.properties in your home directory, adding the line testcontainers.reuse.enable=true. (Just create the file if it doesn't already exist.)

If you already have PostgreSQL installed

If you already have PostgreSQL installed on your machine, you'll just need to create the test database. From the command line, type the following commands:

create database hreact;
create user hreact with password 'hreact';
grant all privileges on database hreact to hreact;
alter user hreact createdb;

Then run ./gradlew test from the hibernate-reactive directory.

If you already have MySQL installed

If you have MySQL installed, you can create the test database using the following commands:

mysql -uroot
create database hreact;
create user hreact identified by 'hreact';
grant all on hreact.* to hreact;

Then run ./gradlew test -Pdb=mysql from the hibernate-reactive directory.

If you have Podman

If you have Podman installed, you can start the test database by following the instructions in podman.md.


We're working hard to support the full feature set of Hibernate ORM. At present several minor limitations remain.

  • The annotation @org.hibernate.annotations.Source for
    database-generated @Version properties is not yet supported.
  • The annotation @org.hibernate.annotations.CollectionId is not yet
  • With Db2: