
STIX 2 Fake Data Generator

MIT License



Generate Fake STIX 2 Json Data.

Currently supported schema: STIX 2.0


java -jar stix-faker-0.7.0.jar

Go to: localhost:8080


mvn clean package


All Bundleable Objects (SDO, SRO, Data Marking's Marking Definition) and a Bundle itself can be generated through the REST API:

First load will be slower as it is warming up in the JVM.


GET /api/bundle

Sample Response:

  "type": "bundle",
  "id": "bundle--d8e156da-c374-45d1-b730-1e6c2fb12d0e",
  "spec_version": "2.0",
  "objects": [
      "id": "marking-definition--44c4c3e7-7c7f-4b3c-adf0-02f21eef244e",
      "type": "marking-definition",
      "created": "2019-02-19T02:38:08.895Z",
      "definition_type": "tlp",
      "definition": {
        "tlp": "amber",
        "x_louvred": true,
        "x_foolhardily": "maleficent unremoved colonnaded whists ligneous alkalised slantwise dilates vivo trog sheer hyphen racially sinistrally organising steek opuscule plop nonage pyrexia misfit catapults ululating haply",
        "x_carefully": 168862,
        "x_maritally": 438845.07062462845,
        "x_pasquinades": true,
        "x_savorous": "authors loud suit zestfully sculptures noway reframed gritty restructuring leftward deftly once phytotoxins wyverns unpacified underlinens stupefies segmental cheque somite vasopressin carangid tenderizing riposted memorizing blamed publication incise flippers persistently estoc clearly fiducial shed wept souvenir untranquil prana shamelessness urolithic captivating disjunctives necromancy monetizes lowse bestiary unbespoken owlishly quite lymphoma leastwise miserably ways evenings gats fresh repand sheer usurious singingly pompously lame linguini unconquered stem mainly vomers limitlessness interjections presumingly flimsily unborrowed swigs fraternally cyan frore dreams prevalently chock stews criminally skeigh antagonised please",
        "x_stealthily": "redeliver prophesy webbing ensilaging deterrent nests triplicity disheveling ranged northerly landownership clobber victimizer assentation emendating coolly comedowns worst bearish commend subchapter plasmolyse scruffy royalising unsaid blamed starts cements sensualist impartially backwater avaricious slalom bubby pursued throughly phylum dicephalous queer diabolize benes deprecates bolt libeling thermoplastic semifinal transgressively eild sublimings quartering abundant fanaticize outlandishly hereinafter auk convectional taunts slub groin less mistook apocrine anon tritest conceitedly heigh glarier mortgages uredium tabularize densely lovely dispelling none railer lathe arachnoid natheless rephrases damned wagers bespangle sloid forspeak incubating cracks unaccused binge closest rifleman palindromists paid sleuths backplates",
        "x_manned": 832945.7968938834,
        "x_dup": true
      "x_nobbily": 48615,
      "x_joyously": 733404,
      "x_starrier": "elect scarp barbecuing flagellant prest cuneiform thripses angioma leaflets insolvent quibble jugulates radiate communalize dines haunters nuts channelizing myriopod evanesce complains glumpiest challengingly screech churchiest scrims spoke ovoid stateside invocates newly faller fond wit stipitate concentrical flaccidly accipitrine muffles firm slap gone amperages steep",
      "x_shakeable": "instructs",
      "x_paned": "unloving",
      "x_commendably": 897655,
      "x_washiness": "unplausible"
      "id": "observed-data--81f40aa3-57ac-4f9a-b4bf-10b99688ffc8",
      "type": "observed-data",
      "created": "2019-02-19T02:38:08.929Z",
      "modified": "2019-02-19T02:38:08.929Z",
      "revoked": false,
      "external_references": [
          "source_name": "nett",
          "description": "gaugeable erythrocyte insides colorable somewhither prances digamy ovaritis guiltlessly propagandism fleers like",
          "hashes": {
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          "source_name": "castaway"
          "source_name": "sedentary",
          "url": "",
          "external_id": "7414d4d4-e2cd-4d50-8391-9e905154a626"
          "source_name": "noisily"
      "object_marking_refs": [
      "granular_markings": [
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          "selectors": [
          "x_whence": true
          "marking_ref": "marking-definition--2f0310a8-328f-475c-a2d4-6cc3a33f99df",
          "selectors": [
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          "selectors": [
          "x_bid": 100005,
          "x_perennates": "underlines thuds foursquare logically unmovable expunges concise",
          "x_handiwork": "lovingly truly dartingly ternate wherein sloshed slather bustler suspensor oft complies remigial chapter blob burps waiving frighten proximally slurps academe thwarts immerging misspeaking wired anon dozings groans relent lilied topazine abuzz hastiest appealingly depredating roach gaseity gloomful apian tenantless abloom osmund wham please hypogastric else bowls kytes",
          "x_ophidian": false,
          "x_flake": true,
          "x_beastly": true,
          "x_trine": "crease sure alliaceous unlearnedly besieges brawly taunt undercuts stardom quidnuncs anatomised seaward hindermost unheaded dialogues wonky slier hyphenates hilt amnesic squabbles impeccably militarized protamines recce nuggets advertizes mailed springily endogamies realizes smiling aseptic haematoblasts penninites lamely pallial pointing triangular sunward hereby promenaders route despitefully erst erenow vomitory faucal subvert folksy ribosome quits dure merrily intentional aggressively grangerises enclasp gracelessly awesomeness certifying caressive tenth virginals foreshorten subsumable quiz prissy locomobile opalescent unprincely synthesizing inceptor shipwrights transmigrating disencumber gobs compunctiously stoops erode magilp froggiest flauntingly transmutation worsts socializing endamages helves pregnantly ritually matriculates",
          "x_rondure": "filaceous"
          "marking_ref": "marking-definition--54e9d55f-9cb6-4353-af9f-128529f9ba32",
          "selectors": [
          "x_sunniest": "opiating",
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          "x_lurchers": 574242.1170104621,
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          "x_incog": true,
          "x_correct": 753711,
          "x_fore": "lubberly",
          "x_agone": "steep claves hydrolysing imposable meniscoid mells gradualist nisus robinias carbonizing clangours tabernacles chaperoning cures mobocracy correctly investigates caudad anchorless benthonic ulotrichous complicity liege hazardously tenth unhumanise beaded toddles lemony atwitter scantiest commendable lissotrichous compressive dingier",
          "x_dash": "enured",
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      "first_observed": "1997-03-10T00:00:00.000Z",
      "last_observed": "1977-05-29T00:00:00.000Z",
      "number_observed": 682054743,
      "objects": {
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          "url": "",
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          "url": "",
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        "511be531-de9c-4469-8b81-d1530d15c4a4": {
          "type": "mac-addr",
          "value": "9f:52:0b:98:be:92"

SDO / Stix Domain Objects


GET /api/sdo/attack-pattern

Sample Response:

  "type": "attack-pattern",
  "id": "attack-pattern--1cea0963-398a-4f72-a553-f2e865a35ae1",
  "created_by_ref": "identity--37cd1cdd-96d4-43d4-ba5e-82701ba080e2",
  "created": "2019-02-19T02:28:41.223Z",
  "modified": "2019-02-19T02:28:41.223Z",
  "revoked": false,
  "object_marking_refs": [
  "name": "proximately ritornello redundantly scant",
  "description": "pasquinaded lend dharmas miscreate anatropous amain attach mute reputed salable voodooistic skillfully fro rechecks goddamn juicier egregiously gloom endurably prudently fricative ionized gouty tantaras own constantly undesiring swirls pointedness budless insipidly anthurium bloodthirstily vanward stain spoor powerfulness beleaguer quillons nonabsorbent mick liberated",
  "x_deeply": 252235,
  "x_whorled": 395380.0440498248,
  "x_misruled": "rivulet flush cannibally forspeak hugely lapidating naught harvesting caressingly immanence gauche centralized stelliform gaudy tantalizing rubrically parabrakes rebutting overhung deceases elk plunder bid sniffingly gey confirm otherwise crispily issuably knotty flop crackliest hands quack functionary stanks unassumed trademarks titillating shrug whence lain cataphractic carbuncles medications loads aridly flatteringly gyrostatic amain hamstring unedge granulocyte decumbently shily undismantled fresh plume burnishes sunns detribalized anon overseen peptized sighs potently cheats adulterine migrainous minds svelte nebulises villainously shut professional putrefying fiendishly gradually paratactic amputated wadsetting transitively butcherly salably",
  "x_swooshes": false,
  "x_when": 197350.8997223838,
  "x_fatherless": 663241,
  "x_achromat": "glib claustral jumps pastoralist shelliest knawel excerptible advisedness fortieth ranged secretions pent stuffed",
  "x_sheared": true,
  "x_telltale": "amiably westerly innovative griffs baff tillable grossularite isotonic slunk amain leafier hereto castaways studiously"


GET /api/sdo/campaign

Sample Response:

  "type": "campaign",
  "id": "campaign--06c74bf5-8b05-4db9-bd80-e66886395e80",
  "created_by_ref": "identity--ffe85b54-45ac-44b5-9157-f9023827022d",
  "created": "2019-02-19T02:29:27.599Z",
  "modified": "2019-02-19T02:29:27.599Z",
  "revoked": true,
  "external_references": [
      "source_name": "corbiculate",
      "url": "",
      "hashes": {
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      "external_id": "2e4ec04c-7392-4d23-9ac9-bd9239b2aa04"
      "source_name": "patronizes",
      "external_id": "89d2bfec-8e1e-4491-a7e6-828de1fba7c7"
      "source_name": "situate",
      "url": "",
      "hashes": {
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      "source_name": "penultimates",
      "description": "shackle kerchiefed plight gritty unkennelled kedge legislate excluded lovat gats compensates kotows tacket demitasses scarcely gremlins allogamous grotty",
      "hashes": {
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      "external_id": "a4bb23f9-5ea6-4b34-aa8c-87e9429c5b49"
      "source_name": "vow",
      "url": ""
      "source_name": "assuage",
      "url": ""
  "object_marking_refs": [
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      "selectors": [
  "name": "kilts",
  "aliases": [
  "last_seen": "2012-07-06T00:00:00.000Z",
  "objective": "ouster orientates licensed mistakenly whelked didynamous healthily convexly distillable niggardises liaises suffix"


GET /api/sdo/course-of-action

Sample Response:

  "type": "course-of-action",
  "id": "course-of-action--08019465-97e9-4291-8853-5582cfdcec27",
  "created_by_ref": "identity--d63484b0-1e61-4cdd-9f5a-1d8fdebc6170",
  "created": "2019-02-19T02:30:03.749Z",
  "modified": "2019-02-19T02:30:03.749Z",
  "revoked": false,
  "name": "muciferous-toilsome-spang-insulate",
  "description": "skeigh inquiringly anaglyphic farm straws dashed kob impish prompt fretfully photograph glidingly dusks copyreads counter stabilises entitle custom vengefully dope atrip puffingly deadness strait craterous romp localised mutagenic postillions alt darn blindly nosier automate huskily mailing blandly chronically berberises interspinous soliloquise characterised ought evens unspirited subvertical overwrought",
  "action": [
    "fluorinates thieves quinte ninth pones",
    "psychographic liege tricorns depravingly edging biggs benefices generate",
    "guesstimate minuteness broch necrose parabolised craftily halloo xenophobic houselled lamely surely superpower persecuted reparable ceriferous tried isonomic landward librational oft despitefully farand bloomed",
    "amain doubtless dread birianis goys awheel reliable cooking weekdays conformably molybdous anodizes none floodlighting tameable surcharge floodlighted chaff glyptic eath sniffiest slantwise confidently treasonably",
    "garaging pretermissions input cleverly decipherment sullied derelict orarion teasing mutually compatibly recognising plexor perorating jut alienable sloths nights suturally mezzo"


GET /api/sdo/indicator

Sample Response:

  "type": "indicator",
  "id": "indicator--eaf7d118-4afe-4a03-bf15-67bc1428c57d",
  "created_by_ref": "identity--74f95dd1-3f34-4b24-8e69-8df947ad328b",
  "created": "2019-02-19T02:30:43.817Z",
  "modified": "2019-02-19T02:30:43.817Z",
  "revoked": false,
  "labels": [
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      "selectors": [
      "marking_ref": "marking-definition--67ab82b6-3fc9-4487-b21a-9a54b92ab7e9",
      "selectors": [
  "name": "murk-debit",
  "description": "backswept where aftermath earthiest sheave like chivalric loads sandstones squeakier narratively tambour supra barebacked tropophilous knee boughs damn clinically millenary escaped solemnises",
  "pattern": "SOME PATTERN GOES HERE",
  "valid_from": "1994-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
  "kill_chain_phases": [
      "kill_chain_name": "hep-lallygags-backstage-seizings",
      "phase_name": "hospitalized"
      "kill_chain_name": "lituus-singingly-flatways-subtitles",
      "phase_name": "ethnographic leptosomes"
      "kill_chain_name": "monastical-epilator-incognita",
      "phase_name": "funerary tinct solemnly quaich"
      "kill_chain_name": "jarringly-instated",
      "phase_name": "toom asymptotic"
      "kill_chain_name": "transhipping-crumb-ruthful",
      "phase_name": "fozy northmost"
      "kill_chain_name": "pallidly-undersides-westernized",
      "phase_name": "hirsutism intoed jawboning"
      "kill_chain_name": "corking-ashets",
      "phase_name": "soli suntan lieve"
      "kill_chain_name": "choice-rubberized-carouses-weevers",
      "phase_name": "yett sawders hewn nicely"
      "kill_chain_name": "tough-flawier-slander-urbanises",
      "phase_name": "interchanged lankly hit fashionably"
      "kill_chain_name": "subarid-resoundingly-falteringly-poulticing",
      "phase_name": "napalm dyscrasia streamingly prim"
  "x_carabines": "simulate",
  "x_offshore": true,
  "x_leasable": 746552,
  "x_cumuliform": "equestrians remonstration jitter fanfares shrunk serviceman fluorspar pregnant advertently knockabout spews knob less chasmic crackbrained somehow sewn wittingly guddles channelized plashiest barbes enow disyllables quite unruffles shingle boned waught poulticed shut dorsally else deave decentralize coarse catmints languishingly twitch hortatively rectums snash advancing osteotome snappingly bedraggles saccule deforciant plumb certifying uninvolved cavitation masticable logs cincturing spoilt twirls boxwoods reinsertions trichinizes stateside approvingly",
  "x_askew": "fiefs",
  "x_mong": "ectomorphy vocalic rococos founders therefrom bene nests much calmy beaut chronometer constructible attractingly sullied decolonise ungagging amidships blotty vilely unprogressive wordings peghs maund sempre glamorizer whence eternises productively woolshed hydrosulphites marqueterie senega hydrolyse deified homothermic unrighteously handfast chatoyancy intricateness psychs marchionesses sloppier silkily underfur croakiness filthy plantigrade eath formulism escudos redouble hospitiums swipe garni choreguses incog dasyphyllous tightly reave knaps seining reversedly shroud spells straitens perfumes toxicant engorging firm surprise unreined alicyclic ketchup fundies sparse retentive like blocked proem blest cobwebby nudist potion heckle providently thither",
  "x_days": 97356,
  "x_built": "titration settling caroche",
  "x_amuck": 56559,
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  "x_admix": true,
  "x_mastic": "grigs mob advertise sown disparities actionably dumbbells febrifacient encouraged barb misguiders frondescent redescribe beneath jokes blockbusters sore transmontane super signalized yeah unhealthily",
  "x_pickles": "limpkins quip bearable concretizes redecorate dike checkered grifts chirring quinsied issuers trailingly someways odometry firmly integrally dinges glidingly rigatoni unpolitely pulpiest stank crabbedly brood perceptibly otherwhile steatitic formulating derange nonetheless bare paste madding unsettledness eighth manducate razors shoal thus",
  "x_ceaseless": false,
  "x_molts": 675917.2530555786,
  "x_comminates": "genips",
  "x_creepingly": "tongues agitating numb weathered discursively orthodontics prey suburbanized satiates lids slosh resurrect deterges thenceforward churl retrally artiness alas unbeholden policewoman apostolate unfallen cue erosion furlongs mzee makefasts plonks chrysalises bets generate unseaworthy dossals postmasterships kourbash fabricate gouge embezzler merchandise towerless forehands swung farrago harshly falcon circumspectly xerarch nastily quays lacquerers gravely nary undoubtedly cayenned variola sprain feigned detonators mutably stalely bourtree embellishments shingly course defective contextual mishmash emphasizes painless understocks addicts warded awry synonymize mobilities knapping icily trigonous retrievings scorched mucid guar nominalists arilloid vibrates interceptive ironist then retransfers dacha siriasis overman indites nests petrographic"


GET /api/sdo/intrusion-set

Sample Response:

  "type": "intrusion-set",
  "id": "intrusion-set--cba9affe-5ed7-4a51-80f1-158b7a7758a3",
  "created": "2019-02-19T02:31:18.818Z",
  "modified": "2019-02-19T02:31:18.818Z",
  "revoked": false,
  "object_marking_refs": [
  "granular_markings": [
      "marking_ref": "marking-definition--507a8b2a-dd1c-42ac-a9b9-02e13fe7bc58",
      "selectors": [
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      "selectors": [
      "x_marmoset": true,
      "x_cassareep": false,
      "x_lapsing": 406169,
      "x_easterly": 410209.8880614602,
      "x_hypergamous": "collocutors",
      "x_saponifies": "catalog",
      "x_when": false,
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      "x_outsized": 39499,
      "x_distrust": "detestably",
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      "x_connectively": "lunches",
      "x_ways": 866186
  "name": "damned-jerky-clefs",
  "aliases": [
  "first_seen": "1998-07-02T00:00:00.000Z",
  "goals": [
    "tardigrade maisonette bestialize",
    "like illusively",
    "quinate deplorably loots nope inflationism",
  "resource_level": "content",
  "secondary_motivations": [
  "x_illumines": 856787.6491169264,
  "x_spruce": 211295,
  "x_ninth": "less revaluing reintegrate discordancies homoplasies criticize pendent variably therefrom formerly inexpertly wallaroos deeply syncopators flory fimbriated upstaging beanstalk rebel anticathodes historian villose bopping cagiest fit canalised chrestomathic plump phlebotomize bookish predeceased yod grooved heap ahold hierarchy nervously pleasurably waterproofs sullenly rhythmical but acclimatize freeboot redundantly lest knoll sparkishly unperforming guilty bollix yearly jutting horridly lyncher thoroughly recognised greige quiet fork mayhap narcoleptic moistly quaveringly auctionary sleepiest keyed accouter systemises warring larrikin lens",
  "x_whatsoever": "snub skeans intenerate tubbiest yestreen conjured proneness only silt richly sexy cosily paragraphers braggingly trim much thraw akimbo retrorsely heretofore grills pejorative filar beneath none craw construing glial talc spignel typesetters bemiring dang francophils impoundage undraped workhorses lyophilize relent sexily contemptibly ungagging decipher gilt untiring ambagious danged remeasurements parangs farthest vapory deft instances coming younger thin epidermal cockneyish pumices seminary chevying akimbo",
  "x_kotwals": 40143.53228808335,
  "x_yet": 493936,
  "x_alphabetized": 607052,
  "x_conjectural": true,
  "x_glans": 19827,
  "x_louche": "tinnier"


GET /api/sdo/malware

Sample Response:

  "type": "malware",
  "id": "malware--0aa26f48-fdc3-4676-a5df-4c621854a659",
  "created": "2019-02-19T02:32:22.534Z",
  "modified": "2019-02-19T02:32:22.534Z",
  "revoked": false,
  "labels": [
  "external_references": [
      "source_name": "whickers",
      "url": "",
      "hashes": {
        "SHA-512": "22bb9151821ad3cddc95a69eb1a0d12b59fd188ed4032165298bfc58b09a76bb0396d811b325d5b6dd974801d09138d4afc4788be2d4de95ed145d9fed1bf1d3"
      "source_name": "such",
      "external_id": "89f376d1-d84d-4316-9a26-222ec5f5fe6f"
      "source_name": "though",
      "hashes": {
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      "url": "",
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      "url": ""
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  "name": "how-churrigueresque",
  "kill_chain_phases": [
      "kill_chain_name": "sore-vertebrations-breezily",
      "phase_name": "disembogues same hoodoos"
      "kill_chain_name": "outbidding",
      "phase_name": "operosely insolently dorm craves"


GET /api/sdo/observed-data

Observed-data supports a optional JSON body in the GET request. With this body you can configure the data generator.

Sample Request Body:

    "propCreatedProbability": 100,
    "propFirstObservedSubsecondPrecision": 9,
    "propLastObservedSubsecondPrecision": 6,
    "macAddressCoo": {
        "occurrence_probability": 100,
        "occurs_count_lower": 99,
        "occurs_count_upper": 100
    "propCreatedLowerDate": "2019-01-01T12:00:00.000Z",
    "propCreatedUpperDate": "2019-01-02T12:00:00.000Z"

See the ObservedDataGeneratorConfig.class in io.digitalstate.stix.faker; all of the properties can be used for modification.

Sample Response:

  "type": "observed-data",
  "id": "observed-data--5acf124a-2170-4c2b-a7b4-5b1e1385cbd5",
  "created": "2019-02-19T02:33:02.133Z",
  "modified": "2019-02-19T02:33:02.133Z",
  "revoked": false,
  "external_references": [
      "source_name": "wricks",
      "url": ""
      "source_name": "neighbour",
      "hashes": {
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      "external_id": "2d46eac1-aa28-4d95-9abf-2dbd7fe8ea01"
      "source_name": "punctate",
      "external_id": "a8bc8430-c831-45bc-be76-e2a150251fa3"
      "source_name": "everglades",
      "description": "hydropathic templed deploring alforja nohow precentors mildews plaints woesome cussedly counterfeits fundus presets zeolitic pausefully all unfitly diatropism flawed hydroponic elated yon cymbiform tenthly headlong plop jubilances enemy propitiates carpingly sinistrorsely torporific jemmied waur sharply mongrel aigret underkingdoms pentavalent sough kulaks too cutinises weekends coper lame pipeline teases bequeathable lots blobs bedrooms plights matte effortlessness sticharion mobs slights napping decarburized playschools keenly dreamily tonetic gripping terminate profligate interweaved transvalued convict indirection matte ruckus expired racemes tompions tubulating swirl rattling protestingly mortally eild swops thence exscinds falbala monists bwanas complicate sculpture anacrustic damans surcingles",
      "hashes": {
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      "type": "artifact",
      "payload_bin": "gouge adhesively"
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  "x_schadenfreude": 47278,
  "x_ectodermal": "miscomputed"


GET /api/sdo/report

Sample Response:

  "type": "report",
  "id": "report--6a7f60ed-187a-45c2-b247-e61450e8fb4c",
  "created_by_ref": "identity--6549074d-6453-4551-9d45-0183fc895ed3",
  "created": "2019-02-19T02:33:51.527Z",
  "modified": "2019-02-19T02:33:51.527Z",
  "revoked": false,
  "labels": [
  "external_references": [
      "source_name": "precipitates",
      "description": "thru typewrites unitedness hadrosaurs degradation",
      "hashes": {
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      "source_name": "obstruents",
      "description": "salably confidingly prudishly lotic absorbingly impawn swaths stickybeaks rustically suiting recks vascularity compunctiously piping damn cheek fetishistic spatially reprocess tallyshops nowhither shives bastinados mobsters puissantly noway congregate birse mandrill tho sidewards dryer fought dazedly then such ramparts quaternate mammoth correspondents crossways mesne stutter flocks overruling novitiates chimes biffs lorgnettes tawdry landslide foetid smother jades",
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  "object_refs": [
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  "x_cinnamonic": "encoded unwontedly privately thereagainst overbuilding religious jannock",
  "x_metacarpal": false


GET /api/sdo/threat-actor

Sample Response:

  "id": "threat-actor--94558067-311e-4719-a515-c4be72a5f641",
  "type": "threat-actor",
  "created_by_ref": "identity--c8d1528c-28ea-40df-8f89-e18a3b946ffc",
  "created": "2019-02-19T02:34:23.265Z",
  "modified": "2019-02-19T02:34:23.265Z",
  "revoked": true,
  "labels": [
  "name": "Abbie Trett",
  "description": "outjuttings crosswise misinstruct accouterment nide skilled fro darned chants antiphons unbearing apograph scyphistomas shakiest automatize potherbs docks instigating schlepp",
  "sophistication": "minimal",
  "resource_level": "club",
  "secondary_motivations": [
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  "x_crepitation": false,
  "x_slyly": "maim jetted overflows blasted flitch albuminoid laigh decimate hauls hoop lusciously orchestral slap grind jostle wencher poppied unbecoming understatements psyche loads ostracoderm immortal trichogynes overdrives this readvise flock hump swob unstaunchable albuminized indenture stringless indemnify nosier inrushing charks laigh slams thrillingly chabouks kotow misallied pimps veritably doubleness arrantly bludges sith insolvably sculpture churrs splendrous fulsomely rammish douceurs dirtily cutely rucksack sleaves pint automating abroad forgotten ultramarine womanless renowned measliest synd passionately festively crits brickworks rhythmical wittily heliograph hence drizzles halcyons consentient paraphrasts meantime parlous hypostatic much auscultators yashmak humanly brashly",
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  "x_selects": "dash subagencies catechizing ternately purely crudely frilled tubulated much heartily pushed limp publicise hereinbefore daftly pockmarked plenitude knuckleheaded snakier indignations perverse purblindly cismontane chaptalized witless earpieces mutteringly bene reorder gainfully formlessness discursively monkhood foins declaredly ywis centuple apaches piste overgrazed extendedly kin shut citable threescores putt emanating hests ingresses sprightlier gombeen calabashes fresh cockerel far anorak stink disgavelling gatings slender levelly citrus raspingly jingly styles redly exequatur helves contingency bredes inductive exorbitant gabbroic natch dern switch unforgiven",
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  "x_silenced": "loyally brushed trouping plumb fleeceless thru needs required torpid navigably heigh enzootic slype void trichiasis percuss spryer nigrifies corpulent masking too worst coevally kirns theistical detonator undisturbing jugs pissed nebbishes blackly allusively twinned chary reflexly subclavian stapler gores tacitly how pedately competition shoal scriptural suffocates merchandise angling emissive fresh seemlier dang coercively natively complaisantly effeminize melliferous sprucer superabound detachable dusk carabineer raspatories quakingly over sanely hopelessly enow unprincipled deucedly halfpaces cicerone gracioso puffy flagrantly ranges fornical then sharply unmentioned since snecked",
  "x_archaised": "linalool",
  "x_crinoid": 25441


GET /api/sdo/tool

Sample Response:

  "id": "tool--68dd1fb9-446c-4207-84ab-a4419f964645",
  "type": "tool",
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  "created": "2019-02-19T02:34:56.394Z",
  "modified": "2019-02-19T02:34:56.394Z",
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  "labels": [
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      "selectors": [
      "marking_ref": "marking-definition--992e80bc-bd6c-4d59-bec4-04661d59d7cf",
      "selectors": [
  "name": "antiprotons",
  "tool_version": "1.0.1",
  "x_confident": "litho",
  "x_disharmonised": "sycamines coalesced famed begrimed rustlingly fraternally tricks finely immobilize uncured ocker thrown ravaging bruit vulgarizes sloshed groat witing patentee shirty queer daut parulises spherular gossip lithely behavioral flares regressive ownership singlestick ultramontane faithful whopping misogamist ways poaches costate notarial tricycle serenades anal corporator comically telling residences meionite machinable crisscross",
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  "x_impassively": "such",
  "x_unscholarly": false,
  "x_waking": 601536


GET /api/sdo/vulnerability

Sample Response:

  "id": "vulnerability--d3a36cbc-251a-4df4-ae3b-51c9e583a374",
  "type": "vulnerability",
  "created": "2019-02-19T02:35:56.219Z",
  "modified": "2019-02-19T02:35:56.219Z",
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SRO / Stix Relationship Objects


GET /api/sro/relationship

Sample Response:

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  "created": "2019-02-19T02:36:25.984Z",
  "modified": "2019-02-19T02:36:25.984Z",
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GET /api/sro/sighting

Sample Response:

  "type": "sighting",
  "id": "sighting--1970791c-163b-4372-90bc-cd2d971c7a24",
  "created": "2019-02-19T02:36:53.343Z",
  "modified": "2019-02-19T02:36:53.343Z",
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  "last_seen": "1982-02-20T00:00:00.000Z",
  "sighting_of_ref": "course-of-action--b2060588-7225-4088-9261-5824dd2772cd",
  "observed_data_refs": [
  "where_sighted_refs": [
  "summary": false

Data Marking

Marking Definition

GET /api/data-marking/marking-definition

Sample Response:

  "id": "marking-definition--745fe7c5-88f3-4dcb-8297-5dfabd61eea1",
  "type": "marking-definition",
  "created": "2019-02-19T02:37:33.451Z",
  "definition_type": "tlp",
  "definition": {
    "tlp": "white",
    "x_taint": "occultly ectotrophic disentrances aft mises fated tint dementedly niellists burps towropes undivested filamentous biscuits lowse comfortably endurance inescutcheon rudely zoologist miasmatic hereby chary melisma some chypre sluggishly bust italicize oleanders pluck ritardando warps garnish parchments wit permutate nope vengefully forte whisperingly accustom thyrse mosso sidewise menology nigrifies bavardages checked sedate bites atop blah santir purely pallid slavishly reasoned cheesed colloquies caponizing spites pedigree instead blunderingly reincreases apace frore cyesis foil burrow raffish explicitly lobed cuirass snugs",
    "x_lithe": "kilt",
    "x_yet": 255212.7795529659,
    "x_eft": 897324,
    "x_jow": "naught",
    "x_thus": 963297,
    "x_wardress": "ell craggiest far muscid repiner conceitedly finessing",
    "x_enhance": "dingily antitrade movelessly thwart secco canalized streakily refers paganises angwantibos suffers such moldy lowlier scat billow motivelessness unprovided gelatinate usurp arco luculently durative blame frigid redeemable frogmarch kris lancinated bairnly repulsive gangues hypertrophied convergency daze",
    "x_overtiring": 735770,
    "x_teach": "ethnically",
    "x_loaners": "venule faring aesthetic trig forsaking ballast translates burking cluck stabilizer specializes ichthyosaur intermixes derisively acrimony same stuck ingenerate immutably such unmetrical decorative mystifiers equalise instancy enthusing doyley rehearsings enhancing fain syne wondrously unstoppably tramps tomograms infantes slyly sleigh varnisher southward disguises sunwards trussed nervy prefixions quean hence woodenness disciplining recoil piffle concordantly recondition splotch axially none wonts perfecter forepeaks allegorize outbarring girlishly cursively inboard regelating olecranon antiars caustically tuberculate gripingly blears left detractingly chays lambently whiles clean topsails uppish elsewhere parchedly maliciously muddier dilute penuche attackable decolonise cassias underslung pocky lagomorphic",
    "x_globing": true,
    "x_shivers": false