
Package manager for vim/neovim written in rust

MIT License



Package manager for vim/neovim using builtin packages written in rust.


Download and extract the precompiled binary from the releases page and put it somewhere in you $PATH.


By default pac will use ~/.vim/ for configuration and installing packages. Set $VIM_CONFIG_PATH to ~/.config/nvim/ to use neovim instead. $VIM_CONFIG_PATH/.pac/paconfig.yaml tracks the installed plugins and other related configuration (commit this file to your dotfiles).

# general help
$ pac help
$ pac install -h

# install plugins
# pac install <github_user/github_repo>
$ pac install maralla/completor.vim
$ pac install maralla/completor.vim maralla/completor-neosnippet

# install all plugins
$ pac install

# install as optional plugin
$ pac install altercation/vim-colors-solarized -o

# install to a specific category
$ pac install pangloss/vim-javascript -c lang

# install a plugin which is loaded for a specifc filetype only
$ pac install maralla/rope.vim --for python
$ pac install mattn/emmet-vim --for html,jinja,xml

# install a plugin which is loaded for a specifc command only
$ pac install gregsexton/gitv --on Gitv

# install a plugin and build after installation (shell command only)
$ pac install Shougo/vimproc.vim --build 'make'

# list all installed packages
$ pac list

# uninstall a plugin
$ pac uninstall maralla/completor.vim
$ pac uninstall maralla/completor.vim maralla/completor-neosnippet

# update plugins
$ pac update
$ pac update maralla/completor.vim maralla/completor-neosnippet

Shell completions

For bash, move contrib/pac.bash to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bash_completion or /etc/bash_completion.d/.

For fish, move contrib/ to $HOME/.config/fish/completions/.

For zsh, move contrib/_pac to one of your $fpath directories.


This project was forked from maralla/pack as a means of learning rust and adding features.


Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.