
A highly experimental lsp client for vim. Written in vim9script.

MIT License


vim-lspclient (WIP)

A highly experimental LSP client for VIM using the builtin LSP channel mode. Written in vim9script.


I just wanted to try out the new vim9script language, at the same time, wanted to challenge myself on building something different/unique besides just building web applications.

At this moment, this plugin is just a toy project for me to play around with LSP and what features I could possibly implement/contribute to different plugins that already do something similar.

The aim for this LSP client is to be:

  • Portable: use as much of built-in VIM features as possible, write any custom wrappers in case a feature is needed.
  • Efficient: find ways to display important info and make it easy for the users to access this info.
  • Aesthetics: make displaying info as aesthetically pleasing as possible but still out of the way of distractions if needed.
  • Performance: not really a high aim for now, but eventually will get there in small increments.

What works

Ref: LSP Specification v3.17

  • Server Initialization (initialize and initialized)
  • Server Shutdown (shutdown and exit)
  • Dynamic Registration Capability
    • workspace/didChangeConfiguration
  • Document updates
    • textDocument/didOpen
    • textDocument/didChange
    • textDocument/didClose
    • textDocument/willSave
    • textDocument/didSave
  • Language features
    • textDocument/publishDiagnostics
    • textDocument/declaration
    • textDocument/definition
    • textDocument/typeDefinition
    • textDocument/implementation
    • textDocument/references
    • textDocument/documentHighlight
    • textDocument/hover
    • textDocument/codeLens (WIP)
    • codeLens/resolve (WIP)
  • Workspace features
    • workspace/configuration
    • workspace/didChangeConfiguration
    • workspace/workspaceFolders (WIP)
  • Window features
    • window/showMessageRequest (WIP)
    • window/showMessage
    • window/logMessage
    • window/workDoneProgress/create (WIP)
    • window/workDoneProgress/cancel (WIP)



The following version and features are required, these can also be checked with :LSPClientCheckHealth:

Install via plugin manager

Plug 'creativenull/vim-lspclient'

Install without plugin manager

git clone ~/.vim/pack/creativenull/start/vim-lspclient



" Example keymaps
nmap <Leader>lgd <Plug>(lspclient_definition)
nmap <Leader>lge <Plug>(lspclient_declaration)
nmap <Leader>lgt <Plug>(lspclient_type_definition)
nmap <Leader>lgi <Plug>(lspclient_implementation)
nmap <Leader>lr <Plug>(lspclient_references)
nmap <Leader>lro <Plug>(lspclient_reference_next)
nmap <Leader>lri <Plug>(lspclient_reference_prev)
nmap <Leader>li <Plug>(lspclient_document_highlight)
nmap <Leader>ld <Plug>(lspclient_diagnostics)
nmap <Leader>ldo <Plug>(lspclient_diagnostic_next)
nmap <Leader>ldi <Plug>(lspclient_diagnostic_prev)
nmap <Leader>lw <Plug>(lspclient_diagnostic_hover)
nmap <Leader>lh <Plug>(lspclient_hover)

Enable Debug Logs

Check logs with :LSPClientLog or vim +LSPClientLog (in terminal)

let g:lspclient_debug = 1

LSP Servers Setup Examples

tsserver (js/ts)

Must have typescript-language-server installed globally with npm i -g typescript-language-server.

let s:tsserver = {}
let = 'tsserver'
let s:tsserver.cmd = ['typescript-language-server', '--stdio']
let s:tsserver.filetypes = ['typescript', 'typescriptreact', 'javascript', 'javascriptreact']
let s:tsserver.initOptions = { 'hostInfo': 'VIM 9' }
let s:tsserver.markers = ['tsconfig.json', 'jsconfig.json', 'package.json']

call lspclient#Create(s:tsserver)

volar (vue >= 3)

Must have vue-language-server installed globally with npm i -g @volar/vue-language-server

let s:volar = {}
let = 'volar'
let s:volar.cmd = ['vue-language-server', '--stdio']
let s:volar.filetypes = ['vue']
let s:volar.markers = ['package.json', 'vite.config.js', 'vite.config.ts']

let s:volar.initOptions = {
\   'typescript': {
\     'serverPath': lspclient#fs#GetProjectRoot('node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary.js'),
\   },
\   'documentFeatures': {
\     'allowedLanguageIds': ['html', 'css', 'vue', 'typescript'],
\     'selectionRange': v:true,
\     'foldingRange': v:true,
\     'linkedEditingRange': v:true,
\     'documentSymbol': v:true,
\     'documentColor': v:true,
\     'documentFormatting': v:true,
\   },
\   'languageFeatures': {
\     'references': v:true,
\     'implementation': v:true,
\     'definition': v:true,
\     'typeDefinition': v:true,
\     'callHierarchy': v:true,
\     'hover': v:true,
\     'rename': v:true,
\     'renameFileRefactoring': v:true,
\     'signatrueHelp': v:true,
\     'completion': {
\     	'defaultTagNameCase': 'both',
\     	'defaultAttrNameCase': 'kebabCase',
\     	'getDocumentNameCasesRequest': v:true,
\     	'getDocumentSelectionRequest': v:true,
\     },
\     'documentHighlight': v:true,
\     'documentLink': v:true,
\     'workspaceSymbol': v:true,
\     'codeLens': v:true,
\     'semanticTokens': v:true,
\     'codeAction': v:true,
\     'inlayHints': v:false,
\     'diagnostics': v:true,
\     'schemaRequestService': v:true,
\   },
\ }

call lspclient#Create(s:volar)

deno (js/ts)

Must have deno installed globally.

let s:denols = {}
let = 'denols'
let s:denols.cmd = ['deno', 'lsp']
let s:denols.filetypes = ['typescript', 'typescriptreact', 'javascript', 'javascriptreact']
let s:denols.settings = { 'enable': v:true, 'unstable': v:true }
let s:denols.markers = ['deno.json', 'deno.jsonc']

call lspclient#Create(s:denols)


Must have rust-analyzer installed globally.

let s:rust_analyzer = {}
let = 'rust_analyzer'
let s:rust_analyzer.cmd = ['rust-analyzer']
let s:rust_analyzer.filetypes = ['rust']
let s:rust_analyzer.markers = ['Cargo.toml']

call lspclient#Create(s:rust_analyzer)


Must have gopls installed globally.

let s:gopls = {}
let = 'gopls'
let s:gopls.cmd = ['gopls']
let s:gopls.filetypes = ['go', 'gomod']
let s:gopls.markers = ['go.mod']

call lspclient#Create(s:gopls)