
Try Vim plugin on your browser without installing it using vim.wasm!

MIT License



vimwasm-try-plugin is a command line tool to try a Vim plugin hosted on GitHub using vim.wasm. You can instantly try Vim plugin and colorscheme without installing it on browser. About vim.wasm, please visit the repository.


Download and unzip an executable from release page for your platform and put it in some $PATH directory.

Or build from source using Go toolchain.

go get -u


vimwasm-try-plugin [{flags}] 'owner/name' [-- {args}]

For {flags}, please read -help output for more details. {args} are passed to command line arguments of Vim run in Web Worker.

For example,

vimwasm-try-plugin 'rhysd/clever-f.vim'

This command opens:

You can try clever-f.vim in your browser without installing it.

For example,

vimwasm-try-plugin 'morhetz/gruvbox' -- -c colorscheme\ gruvbox /home/web_user/tryit.js

This command opens:

gruvbox is applied by default and tryit.js source is opened. You can preview colorscheme without installing it.

All files are fetched on memory. So they are cleaned up automatically when a browser tab is closed. vim.wasm is a Vim fork to run it on browser by compiling it to WebAssembly.


vim.wasm is a Vim compiled to WebAssembly. So Vim is running on your browser and has some limitation.

  • Shell commands are not available. So if the Vim plugin uses system() or other stuffs which try
    to execute shell commands, it does not work.
  • The Vim is built with 'normal' feature set configuration. Some functionalities enabled in 'big' or 'huge' feature set
    are not available. For example, sign, conceal or profile.
  • vim.wasm fetches all plugin files before starting Vim. Fetching many files or a large file may slows Vim start up.


  • Add -local string option to specify local directory instead of using GitHub API
  • Consider symlinks


This repository is distributed under the MIT license.