

About lspvi

lspvi is tui code reader powsered by lsp. Just code reader not editor

It provides goto define ,goto declaration, call hierarchy,reference etc which also provided by common ide.

But compared with vscode,neovim ..., lspvi provide more powerful function for call hierarchy,reference to analyze code.

It can prvoides UML call sequence which can help you to understand the code.

It also support fzf search for files and text, symbol ,call reference,live grep, word grep.

All above features are built in single binary not need to install plugin. Binary also includes built-in web server by which you can view uml in browser.

Mouse Support

Although it run in terminal, it supports mouse click, wheel scrolling as well as gui. So if you are not vimer, it is also easy to use.

User in Browser/Remotely

  • start as web server
lspvi -gui
  • open browser

start with 13000 http:://localhost:1300x

  • with power of xterm.js

lsp supported

  • gopls
  • clangd
  • python
  • typescript /javascript


above lsp serveries you have installed


git submodule init  && git submodule update --recursive
pushd pkg/lspr
bash -w
go build
./lspvi --root "prj root"

platform /os

  • linux
  • windows


cd docker
  1. build docker

    ./ create
  2. run docker



It supports most of common keymap of [neo]vim. Space will invoke menu and choose help or space + h will invoke keymap help.

key function
escape + f file in file
escape + * file in file vi
escape + / search mode
escape + 0 goto line head
escape + c goto callin
escape + r goto refer
escape + k up
escape + % match
escape + Up up
escape + h left
escape + Left left
escape + l right
escape + Right right
escape + j down
escape + Down down
escape + e word right
escape + b word left
escape + yy Copy
escape + y Copy
escape + gd goto define
escape + gr goto refer
escape + gg goto first line
escape + G goto first line
escape + B Bookmark
escape + xf goto file explorer
space + f picker file
space + fw grep word
space + ws query workspace symbol
space + hq quickfix history
space + r reference
space + hh history
space + o open symbol
menu + o open symbol
menu + q quickfix history
menu + r reference
menu + B bookmark
menu + g live grep
menu + hh history
menu + colorscheme
menu + wk workspace
menu + fw grep word
menu + ff Search in files
menu + f picker file
menu + h help
menu + ws query workspace symbol
menu + Q Quit
ctrl+w j next window down
ctrl+w k next window up
ctrl+w h next window left
ctrl+w l next window right
ctrl+w Down next window down
ctrl+w Up next window up
ctrl+w Left next window left
ctrl+w Right next window right
Ctrl-P picker file
Tab tab