
a colorscheme for {neo,}vim inspired by neon genesis evangelion. supports diagnostics, cmp, fzf, gitsigns, lazy, lsp, lualine, telescope, treesitter, trouble, which-key, & more.

CC0-1.0 License



a colorscheme for {neo,}vim inspired by neon genesis evangelion.

supports tons of languages, diagnostics, cmp, fzf, gitsigns, indents, lazy, lsp, lualine, luasnips, mason, nerdtree, telescope, treesitter, trouble, which-key, & more.


this theme is available in optimized lua, development lua, and classic vim compatible formats based on the branch used.

  • main - optimized lua version
  • vim - classic vim version
  • dev - development version


for neovim use main branch

for classic vim use the vim branch


using lazy

  lazy = false,
  priority = 1000,
  init = function()

using lazy (with all options)

  lazy = false,
  priority = 1000,
  opts = {
    overrides = {
      keyword = { fg = "#00ff00", bg = "#222222", undercurl = true },
      ["@boolean"] = { link = "Special" },
  init = function()

using packer

use {
  config = function() require("evangelion").setup{} end,
  run = ":colorscheme evangelion"

using plug

Plug("xero/evangelion.nvim", { branch = "vim" })
colorscheme evangelion


the setup function takes a table argument with the following options:

name type default description
transparent boolean false sets key background highlights to "none", allowing for terminal backgrounds to be visible.
overrides table|boolean false values in this table will override (or add new) highlight groups. items that start with an @ must be wrapped in bracketed quotes (e.g. ["@variable.keyword"])


set the evangelion color scheme with the built-in command :colorscheme evangelion


this theme is built with lush.nvim, so customizations are quite easy.

first, checkout the dev branch git fetch origin dev && git checkout dev, open the lua theme nvim lua/lush_theme/evangelion.lua and execute :Lushify. then adjust colors to suit your taste with real-time feedback. checkout the dev branch readme for details on building the optimized colorscheme. lots more details on using lush in their repo.


this repo comes w/ a lualine color theme. but if you wanna make it a bit cooler, here's an example:

  event = "VeryLazy",
  opts = {
    options = {
      -- this is all you need
      theme = "evangelion",

      -- below is some extra style
      component_separators = { left = "", right = "" },
      section_separators = { left = "▓▒░", right = "░▒▓" },
    sections = {
      lualine_x = {
        { "encoding", padding = { left = 1, right = 1 }, separator = { left = "░▒▓" } },
        { "fileformat" },
        { "filetype" },
      lualine_y = {'searchcount', 'progress'},

or grab the super custom one (used in screenshots) from my dotfiles


this theme has been ported to a few different apps, and are included in the extras directory:

more on the way, and pr's for others are welcomed!


screenshots feature other ui styles (e.g. tmux, zsh) from my dotfiles repo

 https://x-e.ro  _            ____
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             .  |   :|\__     |    |   | \          /  \
             |\ |   |! \ \    |    |   | |\        /   /
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   "-_   ____:  |_\ ||  \/  ___\  __  _//  | |  ___ \---" /
      \  \   |  _____,  /___\___\/ / /   \_! |  // _/  / /
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  //_________|  /    |/  |/  \__// /     /  /_/ \/
             | /     |   :      | /     /__/
             |/                 |/   E V A N G E L I O N


all files and scripts in this repo are released CC0 / kopimi! in the spirit of freedom of information, i encourage you to fork, modify, change, share, or do whatever you like with this project! ^c^v

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