
一个基于RushStack的monorepo CBB实践;A common building block power on RushStack

MIT License



Common building block(CBB) monorepo powered by RushStack

Monorepo principle with RushStack

  • minimizing "boilerplate" files. In other words, consolidating files and settings that would otherwise get copy+pasted into every single project folder in the monorepo. Boilerplate is a nuisance because it's difficult to keep in sync. When a fix is needed, if you have hundreds of projects, you would need to reapply the same fix hundreds of times.
    • 尽量减少 "模板 "文件。换句话说,合并那些在 monorepo 中需要复制粘贴到每个项目下的配置文件。让模板保持同步是个麻烦事。一旦需要变动,如果你有百个项目,你需要数百次重复操作。
  • principle of project isolation: Each project should build independently and should not become entangled with other projects (for example, by referencing files using relative paths like ../../other-project). This discipline facilitates Rush features like subset builds and incremental builds. It also makes it very easy to move Rush project folders around, to migrate projects between monorepos, and even to stop using Rush later if you change your mind. For this reason, we discourage practices such as putting a centralized .eslintrc.js file in the root of the monorepo and invoking ESLint globally for all projects.
    • 项目隔离原则。每个项目都应该独立构建,而不应该与其他项目纠缠在一起(例如,通过使用诸如 .../.../other-project 的相对路径引用文件)。这条原则有助于实现 Rush 的子集构建和增量构建功能,甚至当你不想使用 Rush 后,它也可以非常轻易地在 monorepo 间迁移项目。出于这个原因,我们不鼓励在 monorepo 仓库的根目录下放一个 .eslintrc.js 文件并让所有项目都借此调用 ESLint.

Directory Structure

Organizational Principles

  • organized with two level, like Categary/Project
# good
├── rush.json
├── Categary1
   ├── ProjectA
   └── ProjectB
├── Categary2
   └── ProjectC
├── Categary3
   ├── ProjectD
   └── ProjectE


  • assets
    • Assets package,svgimgiconfont etc
    • reviewCategories:published
  • cli
    • Cli package build with NodeJs
  • common
    • Common project config rush configgit-hooks etc
  • components
    • Components package build with vue2 and vue3 or other
    • Output esm and umd format
  • libraries
    • Library package build with es6 or ts
    • Only output esm format and do not any degrade,so you need transform it to other format and polyfill for other browser
  • run-control
    • Shared config package,.prettierrc.eslintrc.stylelintrc etc
  • tools
    • A NodeJS build tool used to compile the other projects
  • apps
    • A application build with vue3 and vite

Review Categories

  • production
    • need deploy to production environment
  • published
    • need published to npm registry
  • internal
    • no need to publish,just use in internal

How to add a new project?

  • Just run rush init-project to make it happen.


  • use vite to bundle components and libraries
    • 2022-1113 now build and test script use heft,vite just use as development server for libraries .components no adjustment.
  • use vite output .d.ts for components
  • add tools template
  • add components template
  • add libraries template
  • add assets template
  • use vitest replace @heft/jest
    • 2022-1113 switch back to @heft/jest in libraries project
  • enable phase_build
  • make project treat js as esm instead of cjs
    • add "type":"module" in package.json
  • Integrate vue-demi
    • add integrate vue-demi project template

How to publish a package

Package Rankings
Top 20.14% on Npmjs.org
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