
Starterkit for a component-driven Drupal theme


Quick Start

  • npm run build compiles and optimizes the output
  • npm start watches files for changes in any linked files (import from... or background-image:...), and compiles the results to dist/. Also starts a browsersync instance with a proxy to a lando server
  • npm run storybook launches the storybook ui in a browser.


  • components are expected to follow the conventions from https://github.com/bryanbuchs/generator-component (yo generate component)
  • Vite will look for components/**/*.library.js files and the results of each will be compiled to their own dist files.
  • The mixin and settings files in the root less directory are automatically loaded when processing LESS.
  • Images smaller than 10kb referenced in CSS/LESS will be inlined as data-url in the compiled CSS.
  • SVGs can be inlined the same way, or by using postcss-inline-svg if fill/stroke colors need to be adjusted per-rule.
  • postcss-inline-svg will look for SVGs at these paths, in order:
    • same directory as the component
    • the shared /images folder
    • installed in node_modules
    • A FontAwesome icon, using the pattern [solid|regular|brands]/[icon].svg


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