
Vite integration for your Rust backend.

MIT License


What's in-vite?

In-vite is a small library, inspired by Laravel's Vite Plugin. It allows you to integrate vite's bundling capabilities into your Rust πŸ¦€ backend.

Getting Started πŸš€

cargo install in-vite

The library revolves around the struct Vite which handles most aspects and is required for integration:

use in_vite::Vite;

fn main() {
  let vite = Vite::default();

  // Retrieve the HTML required to include app.js and it's dependencies.
  let code = vite.make_html(vec!["app.js"]).unwrap();

[!IMPORTANT] in-vite does not setup Vite by itself, rather it expects an already setup instance. On how to setup Vite read further.

Setting up Vite 🚧

This library requires an instance of Vite to be already setup. To setup Vite use your favorite package manager, for example using npm:

npm create vite@latest

Next, you need to extend Vite's vite.config.js:

// vite.config.js

export default defineConfig({
  build: {
    manifest: true,
    rollupOptions: {
      input: 'app.js'

The manifest is used in production builds to resolve the appropriate build artifact.

[!NOTE] You must manually specify entrypoints, since Vite has no index.html to go from.

Further configurations

By default, Vite serves assets on http://localhost:5173. This and other defaults can be overwritten by constructing an instance of Vite with ViteOptions.

Let's suppose, you're running Vite on port 8090, you can construct an instance like this:

let opts = ViteOptions::default().host("http://localhost:8090");

let vite = Vite::with_options(opts);

Mode Configuration

By default in-vite is assuming that you're running in development mode, unless any of the following environemt variables are set to production:

# or
# or

This behavior can be explicitly overwritten using ViteOptions:

let opts = ViteOptions::default().mode(ViteMode::Production);
let vite = Vite::with_options(opts);

Integrations πŸ—ΊοΈ

in-vite provides integrations for templating engines such as tera and minijinja. Which can be activated using the appropriate feature flag.

Integration with tera

Using the feature flag tera, the integration can be activated:

cargo add in-vite -F tera

Integrating Vite is as simple as registering a function with your tera::Tera instance:

let vite = Vite::default();

let mut tera = tera::Tera::default();
tera.register_function("vite", vite);

let template = tera.render_str(r#"{{ vite(resources="app.js") }}"#, &tera::Context::new())?;

Integration with minijinja πŸ₯·

Like other integrations, this one can be activated with the feature flag minijinja:

cargo add in-vite -F minijinja
let vite = Vite::default();

let mut env = minijinja::Environment::new();
env.add_global("vite", minijinja::Value::from_object(vite));

let template = env.render_str(r#"{{ vite(resources="app.js") }}"#, minijinja::Value::UNDEFINED)?;


If you consider contributing, then first of all: Thank you! πŸ’ The first and simplest way to show your support is to star this repo.

This project accepts bug reports and feature requests via the integrated issue tracker. Pull requests for new integrations are also welcome!

Additionally, code reviews and pointers on how to improve the libraries code are welcome. This is my first Rust library after all.


Thank you for considering sponsoring! While this project does not require sponsoring, small donations are accepted. 100% of the donations are used to provide a student (me) πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“ with a steady supply of caffeinated beverages which are then metabolized into 100% organic Rust code.


This project is licensed under the MIT license, which you find here.

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