
Build your VUE.js App with Nuxt3 . First Class PrimeVUE support. Formkit Validation included.


Nuxt 3 + PrimeVue 4 Starter

Build your VUE.js App with Nuxt3 (Nuxt 4 ready). First Class PrimeVUE support. Validation by Formkit. Based on PrimeVue Styled Theme with Aura Preset.

THX to antfu / Vitesse Nuxt3 for starter code


Nuxt Modules

  • PrimeVue-Nuxt PrimeVue Nuxt Module
  • Pinia - intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue.
  • VueUse - collection of useful composition APIs.
  • FormKit - Validation
  • UnoCSS - the instant on-demand atomic CSS engine.
  • Content - parses .md, .yml, .csv and .json files
  • Images - Optimised images for Nuxt
  • Fonts - Plug-and-play custom web font optimization and configuration for Nuxt apps
  • I18n - Integration with Vue I18n

Nuxt PrimeVue configuration

Important: use autoimport false if using primevue formkit validation

  primevue: {
  autoImport: false,
    components: {
    exclude: ['Chart', 'Editor'],
  options: {
    theme: {
      preset: Aura,
        options: {
        darkModeSelector: '.dark',
    ripple: true,

PrimeVue 3

Nuxt PrimeVue 3 under the prime3 branch of this project

Starter App on Netlify

Project setup and usage

Install node:

Latest node LTS version required (20) Use node manager like nvm to install.

Install pnpm:

Install dependencies:

pnpm install

Run development server:

pnpm dev

Vitest test runner:

pnpm test:unit


pnpm build

Start Production build:

pnpm start


I use IntelliJ with VUE.js plugin.


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