
Build-time in-browser Open Graph image generation for Remix.



Build-time in-browser Open Graph image generation plugin for Remix.


When I came to generating OG images for my Remix app, I realized that it's an unsolved problem. A general recommendation is to use something like Satori, which renders a React component to an SVG, and then use extra tools to convert the SVG into an image.

That approach is nice, but it has some significant drawbacks. First, it's a runtime generation. It literally happens when your user's browser hits ./og-image.jpeg. It's another serverless function invocation, another compute, more latency, and all that comes with that. Second, such an approach is limited by design. You want a template for your image, and React is a great choice for that. But the only reliable way to render a React component is in the actual browser. Otherwise, you have to bring in additional resources and setup to make things work, like loading fonts, assets, etc.

I really wanted a simple built-time image generation. In fact, I've been using a custom script to generate images for my blog using Playwright for years. And it worked, it just was a bit disjoined from the rest of my build.

Then it occured to me: why not take my script and turn it into a Vite plugin? You are looking at that plugin right now.


The biggest feature of this plugin is the in-browser rendering. To put it extremely briefly: you create a route for OG images, write your React component template, and the plugin knows which routes to visit during the build, takes their screenshots using Puppeteer, and emits them on disk.

Here's a longer version of that:

  • 🚀 No limitations. I mean it. Use the same styles, fonts, assets, components, utilities, and anything else you already use.
  • 💎 Pixel-perfect rendering. This plugin takes a screenshot of your special OG image route in the actual browser, giving you 1-1 browser rendering without compromise.
  • 👁️ Retina-ready. All images are generated with x2 device scale factor, then compressed and optimized to deliver the best quality/file size ratio.
  • 🛠️ Build-time. You want build-time OG image generation most of the time. This plugin does just that. Get the images on the disk, pay no runtime cost whatsoever. Both static and dynamic routes are supported!
  • 💅 Interactive. OG image is just a React component rendered in a route in your app. Visit that route to iterate your image and bring it to perfection. No extra steps to preview/debug it. It's literally a React component without magic.


Step 1: Install

npm i remix-og-image

Step 2: Add plugin

// vite.config.js
import { openGraphImage } from 'remix-og-image/plugin'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
    // ...the rest of your plugins.
      // Specify a selector for the DOM element on the page
      // that the plugin should screenshot.
      elementSelector: '#og-image',

      // Specify where to save the generated images.
      outputDirectory: './og',

Step 3: Create OG route

This library needs a designated Remix route responsible for rendering OG images. Don't fret, it's your regular Remix route with one tiny exception:

// app/routes/og.jsx
import { json } from '@remix-run/react'
import { isOpenGraphImageRequest } from 'remix-og-image'

// 👉 1. Export the special `openGraphImage` function.
// This function returns an array of OG image generation entries.
// In the example below, it generates only one image called "og-image.jpeg"
export function openGraphImage() {
  return [
    // The `name` property controls the generated
    // image's file name.
    { name: 'og-image' }

// 2a. Add the `loader` export.
export function loader({ request }}) {
  // 👉 2b. First, check if the incoming request is a meta request
  // from the plugin. Use the `isOpenGraphImageRequest` utility from the library.
  if (isOpenGraphImageRequest(request)) {
     * @note Throw the OG image response instead of returning it.
     * This way, you don't have to deal with the `loader` function
     * returning a union of OG image data and the actual data
     * returned to the UI component.
    throw json(openGraphImage())

  // Compute and return any data needed for the OG image.
  // In this case, this is a static route.
  return null

// 👉 3. Create a React component for your OG image.
// Use whichever other components, styles, utilities, etc.
// your app already has. No limits!
export default function Template() {
  return (
    <div id="og-image">
      <h1>My site</h1>

[!IMPORTANT] The openGraphImage export is special. Everything else is your regular Remix route.

You can then reference the generated OG images in the meta export of your page:

// app/routes/page.jsx
export function meta() {
  return [
      name: 'og:image',
      content: '/og/og-image.jpeg',
      //            👆👆👆👆👆
      // This is the value of the `name` property
      // you provided in the `openGraphImage` export
      // of your OG image route.



  • options
    • elementSelector, string, a selector for the DOM element representing the OG image (i.e. your React component). The plugin takes the screenshot of the given element, and not the entire page, so you can render the OG image preview in the same layout as the rest of your app.
    • outputDirectory, string, a relative path to the directory to write the image. Relative to the client build assets directory (e.g. /build/client).
    • format, "jpeg" | "png" | "webp" (optional; default, "jpeg"), the format of the generated image.
    • writeImage, Function, (optional), a custom function to control writing image.
    • browser, Object, Puppeteer browser instance options.
      • executablePath, string, (optional), a custom path to the Chromium executable.
      • mediaFeatures, Record<string, string> (optional), custom media features to apply to each created page (see page.emulateMediaFeatures()). Useful to force media features like prefers-color-scheme.
import { openGraphImage } from 'remix-og-image/plugin'


  • request, Request, a request reference from the loader function of your OG image route.
  • Returns boolean indicating whether the given request is the meta request performed by the plugin during the data scrapping for the openGraphImage() special export.
import { isOpenGraphImageRequest } from 'remix-og-image'


Dynamic data

One of the selling points of generating OG images is including dynamic data in them.

This plugin supports generating multiple OG images from a single route by returning an array of data alternations from the openGraphImage function:

// app/routes/post.$slug.og.jsx
export function openGraphImage() {
  // Return a dynamic number of OG image entries
  // based on your data. The plugin will automatically
  // provide the "params" to this route when
  // visiting each alternation of this page in the browser.
  return => {
    return {
      name: post.slug,
      params: { slug: post.slug },

export async function loader({ request, params }) {
  if (isOpenGraphImageRequest(request)) {
    throw json(openGraphImage())

  const { slug } = params
  const post = await getPostBySlug(slug)

  return { post }

export default function Template() {
  const { post } = useLoaderData()

  return (
      className="w-[1200px] h-[630px] bg-blue-100 flex items-center justify-center"
      <h1 className="text-4xl">{post.title}</h1>

Use the same dynamic data you provided as name in the openGraphImage function to access the generated OG images in your route:

// app/routes/post.$slug.jsx

export function meta({ params }) {
  const { slug } = params

  // ...validate the params.

  return [
      name: 'og:image',
      content: `/og/${slug}.jpeg`,
      //            👆👆👆👆

Frequently Asked Questions

How does this plugin work?

  1. The plugin spawns a single Chromium instance.
  2. The plugin finds any routes with the openGraphImage() export.
  3. The plugin requests the route as a data route (a special request) to get whatever you returned from the openGraphImage() function. In response, the plugin receives the list of OG images (and their data) to generate.
  4. The plugin iterates over each OG image entry, visiting the route in the browser, providing it whatever params you provided in the openGraphImage() function. This way, it support dynamic OG images!
  5. Finally, the plugin takes a screenshot of the OG image element on the page, and writes it as an image to disk. 🎉

How to set the image size?

This plugin treats your OG image React component as the source of truth. The dimensions of your OG image will be the same as the dimensions of the DOM element representing it.

export default function Template() {
  return (
    <div id="og-image" style={{ width: 1200, height: 630 }}>
      Hello world!

For example, this Template component renders the #og-image element as a 1200x630 block. That will be the size of the generated OG image.

What if I don't want to write images to disk?

You can opt-out from writing generated images to disk by providing the writeImage option to the plugin:

  // ...options.

  async writeImage(image) {
    await uploadToCdn(

The image argument is a regular File.