
A boilerplate to start your simple WebGPU project using vite and vanilla typescript



WebGPU Typescript Starter

The boilerplate to help you quickly start building your simple WebGPU web page. You might find it useful if you want to focus on WebGPU development or not familiar with front end stuff.

Getting started

npm install


npm run dev


npm run build

The built site goes into dist/.

Your static assets (e.g. textures, models) can go into public/, which will be copied directly when built.


Dependencies used, and why they are used

  • Vite
    • Frontend tooling to make development and deployment easier.
    • Modified on top of the vanilla-ts setup.
    • Use vite-raw-plugin to import spearate WGSL shader files.
  • Typescript
    • Compared to Javascript, the typings can help avoid a lot of common bugs. tsc is integrated in Vite so no more overhead for using typescript.
    • @webgpu/types: types for WebGPU API.
  • wgpu-matrix: 3D math library for WebGPU.
  • tweakpane the new dat.GUI thing.

You can write your shader in separate .wgsl file and import as plain string

import triangleVertWGSL from './shaders/triangle.vert.wgsl';