
Lojban community's relay bot for Telegram <=> Facebook Messenger <=> Discord <=> IRC <=> Slack <=> Mattermost <=> VK.com board

MIT License


A TelegramDiscordSlack ↔ IRC ↔ MattermostFacebook Messenger ↔ vk.com (board) ↔ vk.com (wall) ↔ websocket (API for external use in custom apps or custom messengers) gateway.


  • makes a bridge where message from one messenger is sent to the rest. Both sending and receeving messages is possible.
  • e.g. Telegram messages are relayed to their respective IRC channel and Slack channel and Mattermost channels ... and vice versa
  • Supported messengers: Telegram, Discord, Slack, IRC, Mattermost, Facebook Messenger (not stable currently, not recommended), vk.com (board), vk.com (wall), websocket (API for external use in custom apps, web widgets or custom messengers)
  • IRC messages can be configured to relay to Slack and Telegram but not from Telegram/Slack into them (thus making them readonly)
  • Supports Telegram/Slack/Mattermost/Discord media files, URL to file is sent to the other messengers. Local hosting of images
  • installation via Docker is highly recommended

Quick start via docker

  • install Docker
  • mkdir data ; cp config/defaults.js data/config.js
  • edit data/config.js. Fill in all the necessary fields according to the infile instructions
  • ./docker_build.sh
  • edit ./docker_start.sh and change 9091 to <YOUR_FREE_PORT> where <YOUR_FREE_PORT> is the free port in your host OS that would serve media files from the website speicified in httpLocation param in data/config.js. You may use an external Apache or Nginx to proxy requests from httpLocation to <YOUR_FREE_PORT>
  • run ./docker_start.sh (should add 1chat process to docker's autostart)
  • see logs via docker logs -f -t 1chat
  • if necessary stop the process via docker stop 1chat


  • run ./docker_dev.sh in dev mode
    Run DEBUG=telegram,mattermost,discord npm run start to output messages to and from Telegram, Mattermost, Discord. Messengers to be separated with a comma.