
Bot for the social network VKontakte, which on command launches a vote with the exception of a certain user.

MIT License


About the bot

The bot on command starts a vote to exclude a specific user.

Also, the bot keeps a list of excluded users, because of what an excluded user can not add to the conversation again, until the administrator unlocks it.

The bot has a built-in anti-flood system and there is a possibility to use the Captcha automatic.

Technical requirements

Python 3+ should be installed on your computer. If you did not, here's link

The following Python packages must be installed:

How to use

To start working with the bot, you need to configure the (config.py) and enter all the necessary data. If you choose to use an antikapchi, you must register at getcaptchasolution.com and get the key

After that, you need to run bot.py (the extension must be associated with Python).

Option 2: open the terminal, move through cd to the directory of this repository, and then enter

python bot.py

You can also edit the constants in const.py (the time of voting, the number of votes, etc.)

The bot commands

  • !voteban USER_ID - create a poll. The user ID is in his link after vk.com/. Voting takes 5 minutes. The conditions for exclusion: more than 5 participants in the conversation voted, more "placet" than "against";
  • !votehelp - Help with using the bot;
  • !banlist - View the blocked users in this conversation;
  • !uptime - bot's uptime
  • !unban USER_ID [ONLY FOR ADMINISTRATORS] to unlock the user.
  • !addinbanlist USER_ID [ONLY FOR ADMINISTRATORS] to force the user to add a banlist.
  • !setvotecount NUMBER [ONLY FOR ADMINISTRATORS] - sets the minimum number of people needed for voting (default: 5)
  • !setvotetime NUMBER_OF_MINUT [ONLY FOR ADMINISTRATORS] - sets the time required for voting (default: 2 minutes)


In the development of this bot involved:



  , -         ,     .


  Python 3+.      -  [](https://www.python.org/downloads/)


    (config.py)     .

, getcaptchasolution.com

bot.py (     Python). 

2: , cd ,

python bot.py
   const.py ( ,    ..)

  • !voteban ID_ - . ID vk.com/. 5 . : 5 , "" , "";
  • !votehelp - ;
  • !banlist - ;
  • !uptime - ;
  • !unban ID_ [ ] - ;
  • !addinbanlist ID_ [ ] - -.
  • !setvotecount _ [ ] - , (-: 5)
  • !setvotetime __ [ ] - , (-: 2 )

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