
Atom & VSCode - Modern javascript snippets for better productivity with support for JavaScript, Babel, TypeScript, JSX and semicolonless code. Using StandardJS Style.

MIT License



Atom & VSCode - Modern javascript snippets for better productivity with support for JavaScript, Babel, TypeScript, JSX and semicolon-less code.

You might also be interested in always-done.

Highly opinionated to my needs - don't includes snippets that I don't use. But also is mixed between my previous Sublime javascript-charlike-snippets, standardjs-snippets and es6-javascript.

It uses standard style as base. But easily can be changed with a bit automation, so please open an issue if you want such thing.

The documentation is built and fully automated using verb, including table of contents and even the snippets docs.

Table of Contents

(TOC generated by verb using markdown-toc)


Install with apm (Atom Editor's package manager)

$ apm install modern-javascript-snippets

Or launch VSCode Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.

ext install modern-javascript-snippets



All assert snippets

ase assert.strictEqual

${1:assert}.strictEqual(${2:actual}, ${3:expected})${0}

asn assert.notStrictEqual

${1:assert}.notStrictEqual(${2:actual}, ${3:expected})${0}

asd assert.deepStrictEqual

${1:assert}.deepStrictEqual(${2:actual}, ${3:expected})${0}

asdn assert.notDeepStrictEqual

${1:assert}.notDeepStrictEqual(${2:actual}, ${3:expected})${0}

asi assert.ifError


ast assert.throws

${1:assert}.throws(${2:actual}, ${3:expected})${0}

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All async snippets

cb Node callback

(err, ${1:value}) => {${0}}

p Promise constructor

new Promise((resolve${1:, reject}) => {

then Promise.then

${1:promise}.then((${2:value}) => {${0}})

.then chain then

.then((${1:value}) => {${0}})

catch Promise.catch

${1:promise}.catch((${2:err}) => {${0}})

.catch chain catch

.catch((${1:err}) => {${0}})

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All classes snippets

cs class

class ${1:ClassName} {
  constructor (${2:args}) {

csx class extends

class ${1:ClassName} extends ${2:BaseClass} {
  constructor (${3:args}) {

csm class method

${1:name} (${2:args}) {

csi es5 singleton class

function ${1:ClassName} (${2:args}) {
  if (!(this instanceof ${1:ClassName})) {
    return new ${1:ClassName}(${2:args})

csf es5 function class

function ${1:ClassName} (${2:args}) {

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All console snippets

cl console.log


ce console.error


cw console.warn


cd console.dir


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All control-flow snippets

if if statement

if (${1:condition}) {

el else statement

else {

ife if/else statement

if (${1:condition}) {
} else {

ei else if statement

else if (${1:condition}) {

tc try/catch

try {
} catch (${2:err}) {

tf try/finally

try {
} finally {

tcf try/catch/finally

try {
} catch (${2:err}) {
} finally {

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All declarations snippets

v var statement

var ${1:name}

v= var assignment

var ${1:name} = ${2:value}

l let statement

let ${1:name}

l= let assignment

let ${1:name} = ${2:value}

c const statement

const ${1:name}

c= const assignment

const ${1:name} = ${2:value}

cy const yielded

const ${1:name} = yield ${2:value}

ca const awaited

const ${1:name} = await ${2:value}

ly let yielded

let ${1:name} = yield ${2:value}

la let awaited

let ${1:name} = await ${2:value}

co const object

const ${1:name} = {

ca const array

const ${1:name} = [

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All events snippets

on on event handler

${1:emitter}.on('${2:event}', ${3:args})

.on chain .on

.on('${1:event}', ${2:handler})

once once event handler

${1:emitter}.once('${2:event}', ${3:args})

.once chain .once

.once('${1:event}', ${2:handler})

emit emit event

${1:emitter}.emit('${2:event}', ${3:args})

.emit chain .emit

.emit('${1:event}', ${2:args})

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All functions snippets

f anonymous function

function (${1:args}) {${0}}

fn named function

function ${1:name} (${2:args}) {${0}}

asf async anonymous function

async function (${1:args}) {${0}}

asfn async named function

async function ${1:name} (${2:args}) {${0}}

af arrow function

(${1:args}) => ${2:statement}

afn arrow fn with body

(${1:args}) => {${0}}

gf generator

function * (${1:args}) {${0}}

gfn named generator

function * ${1:name} (${2:args}) {${0}}

iife immediately-invoked function expression

;(function (${1:args}) {

fa function apply

${1:fn}.apply(${2:this}, ${3:args})

fc function call

${1:fn}.call(${2:this}, ${3:args})

fb function bind

${1:fn}.bind(${2:this}, ${3:args})

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All iterables snippets

fe forEach loop


.fe chain forEach


map map


.map chain map


reduce reduce

${1:iterable}.reduce((${2:previous}, ${3:current}) => {
}${4:, initial})

.reduce chain reduce

.reduce((${1:previous}, ${2:current}) => {
}${3:, initial})

filter filter


.filter chain filter


find find


.find chain find


every every


.every chain every


some some


.some chain some


back to top


All json snippets

; JSON key/value pair

"${1:key}": "${2:value}"

;a JSON array

"${1:key}": ["${2:values}"]

;t JSON true

"${1:key}": true

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All loops snippets

fl for loop

for (let ${1:i} = 0; ${1:i} < ${2:iterable}${3:.length}; ${1:i}++) {

fi for in loop

for (let ${1:key} in ${2:source}) {
  if (${2:source}.hasOwnProperty(${1:key})) {

fo for of loop

for (let ${1:key} of ${2:source}) {

wl while loop

while (${1:condition}) {

wf fast while loop

let len = ${1:iterable}.length
let i = 0

while (i < len) {
  let val = ${1:iterable}[${2:i++}]

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All misc snippets

us use strict

'use strict'

self const self this

const self = this

ye yield

yield ${0}

aw await

await ${0}

pe process.exit


thn throw new error

throw new ${1:TypeError}('${2:message}')${3}

iferr if not typeof then throw error

if (typeof ${1:actual} !== ${2:expected}) {
  throw new ${3:TypeError}('${4:message}')

js JSON.stringify()


jp JSON.parse()


afi arrayify

/* istanbul ignore next */
const arrayify = (val) => {
  if (!val) return []
  if (Array.isArray(val)) return val
  return [val]

fixture fixture (useful for assert.throws)

function fixture () {

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All modules-commonjs snippets

req require module


rr const require package

const ${2:name} = require('${1:pkg}')${0}

em exports.member

exports.${1:member} = ${2:value}

emd exports default

exports['default'] = ${1:value}

me module.exports

module.exports = ${1:value}

med module exports and exports default

module.exports = exports['default'] = ${1:value}

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All modules-es2015 snippets

ex module export

export ${1:member}

exd module default export

export default ${1:member}

im import module

import ${2:name} from '${1:pkg}'${3}

ima import module as

import ${2:*} as ${3:name} from '${1:pkg}'${4}

imd import module destructured

import { $2 } from '${1:pkg}'${3}

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All objects snippets

kv key/value pair

${1:key}: ${2:'value'}

proto prototype method

${1:ClassName}.prototype.${2:key} = ${3:value}

.proto chain prototype method

.prototype.${2:key} = ${3:value}

xa extend-shallow

See extend-shallow lib

extend(${1:defaults}, ${2:sources})${0}

oa Object.assign

Object.assign(${1:dest}, ${2:source})${0}

ok Object.keys


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All returns snippets

r return

return ${0}

rth return this

return this

rn return null

return null

rt return true

return true

rf return false

return false

r0 return 0

return 0

r-1 return -1

return -1

rp return promise

return new Promise((resolve${1:, reject}) => {

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All testing snippets

ita async test (mocha/mukla)

${1:it}('${2:description}', (${3:done}) => {

its synchronous test (mocha/mukla)

${1:it}('${2:description}', () => {

te tape-style test

${1:test}('${2:description}', (${3:t}) => {

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All timers snippets

st setTimeout

setTimeout(() => {
}, ${1:delay})

nt process.nextTick

process.nextTick(() => {
}${1:, args})

si setInterval

setInterval(() => {
}, ${1:delay})

sim setImmediate

setImmediate(() => {

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All types snippets

S String


Sy Symbol


B Boolean


N Number


O Object


A Array


D Date


Rx RegExp


P Promise


tof typeof equal to

typeof ${1:source} === '${2:value}'

tofi typeof not equal to

typeof ${1:source} !== '${2:value}'

iof instanceof

${1:source} instanceof ${2:Object}

ia Array.isArray()


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  • always-done: Handle completion and errors with elegance! Support for streams, callbacks, promises, child processes, async/await and sync functions. A drop-in replacement more | homepage
  • dush-router: A simple regex-based router for dush, base, minibase and anything based on them. Works on Browser and Node.js | homepage
  • dush: Microscopic & functional event emitter in ~350 bytes, extensible through plugins | homepage
  • minibase: Minimalist alternative for Base. Build complex APIs with small units called plugins. Works well with most of the already existing more | homepage
  • try-catch-core: Low-level package to handle completion and errors of sync or asynchronous functions, using once and dezalgo libs. Useful for and more | homepage


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue. Please read the contributing guidelines for advice on opening issues, pull requests, and coding standards. If you need some help and can spent some cash, feel free to contact me at too.

In short: If you want to contribute to that project, please follow these things

  1. Please DO NOT edit, and files. See "Building docs" section.
  2. Ensure anything is okey by installing the dependencies and run the tests. See "Running tests" section.
  3. Always use npm run commit to commit changes instead of git commit, because it is interactive and user-friendly. It uses commitizen behind the scenes, which follows Conventional Changelog idealogy.
  4. Do NOT bump the version in package.json. For that we use npm run release, which is standard-version and follows Conventional Changelog idealogy.

Thanks a lot! :)

Building docs

Documentation and that readme is generated using verb-generate-readme, which is a verb generator, so you need to install both of them and then run verb command like that

$ npm install verbose/verb#dev verb-generate-readme --global && verb

Please don't edit the README directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in

Running tests

Clone repository and run the following in that cloned directory

$ npm install && npm test


Charlike Mike Reagent


Copyright 2016-2017, Charlike Mike Reagent. Released under the MIT License.

This file was generated by verb-generate-readme, v0.6.0, on May 20, 2017. Project scaffolded using charlike cli.

Extracted from project README
atom package manager apm downloads vscode version vscode installs dependency status standard code style commitizen friendly greenkeeper friendly