
NetworkDirect Service Provider Interface

MIT License


NetworkDirect SPI

The NetworkDirect architecture provides application developers with a networking interface that enables zero-copy data transfers between applications, kernel-bypass I/O generation and completion processing, and one-sided data transfer operations. The NetworkDirect service provider interface (SPI) defines the interface that NetworkDirect providers implement to expose their hardware capabilities to applications.

Please find additional documentation in docs/ folder.

NetworkDirect SDK is available in Nuget also.



  • Visial Studio 2017

    Please make sure to select the following workloads during installation:

    • .NET desktop development (required for CBT/Nuget packages)
    • Desktop development with C++
  • Windows SDK

  • Windows WDK

Based on the installed VS/SDK/WDK versions, update VCToolsVersion and WindowsTargetPlatformVersion in Directory.Build.props

Note that the build system uses CommonBuildToolSet(CBT). You may need to unblock CBT.core.dll (under .build/CBT) depending on your security configurations. Please refer to CBT documentation for additional details.


To build, open a Native Tools Command Prompt for Visual Studio and run msbuild from root folder.


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