
Laravel blade snippets and syntax highlight support for Visual Studio Code

MIT License


Laravel Blade Snippets

Laravel blade snippets and syntax highlight support for Visual Studio Code.

Suggest Laravel related extension: Laravel Snippets


User Settings

Open Preferences -> Settings

"emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab": true, // enable tab to expanse emmet tags
"blade.format.enable": true,         // if you would like to enable blade format

Specific settings for blade language

"[blade]": {
    "editor.autoClosingBrackets": "always"


  • Blade syntax highlight
  • Blade snippets
  • Emmet works in blade template
  • Blade formatting

Blade Syntax Hightlight

  • Auto detected with .blade.php extension
  • Manually switch language mode to Blade (Ctrl + K, M or ⌘ + K, M)

Laravel Blade Snippets

Trigger Snippet
b:extends @extends
b:yield @yield
b:section @section...@endsection
b:section-show @section...@show
b:if @if...@endif
b:if-else @if...@else...@endif
b:unless @unless...@endunless
b:has-section @hasSection...@else...@endif
b:for @for...@endfor
b:foreach @foreach...@endforeach
b:forelse @forelse...@empty...@endforelse
b:while @while...@endwhile
b:each @each
b:push @push...@endpush
b:stack @stack
b:inject @inject
b:comment {{-- comment --}} (Ctrl + / or ⌘ + /)
b:echo {{ $data }}
b:echo-html {!! $html !!}
b:echo-raw @{{ variable }}
b:can @can...@endcan (v5.1)
b:can-elsecan @can...@elsecan...@endcan (v5.1)
b:canany @canany...@endcanany (v5.8)
b:canany-elsecanany @canany...@elsecanany...@endcanany (v5.8)
b:cannot @cannot...@endcannot (v5.3)
b:cannot-elsecannot @cannot...@elsecannot...@endcannot (v5.3)
b:verbatim @verbatim...@endverbatim (v5.3)
b:php @php...@endphp (v5.3)
b:includeIf @includeIf (v5.3)
b:includeWhen @includeWhen (v5.4)
b:includeFirst @includeFirst (v5.5)
b:includeUnless @includeUnless (v6.x)
b:component @component...@endcomponent (v5.4)
b:slot @slot...@endslot (v5.4)
b:isset @isset...@endisset (v5.4)
b:empty @empty...@endempty (v5.4)
b:auth @auth...@endauth (v5.5)
b:guest @guest...@endguest (v5.5)
b:switch @switch...@case...@endswitch (v5.5)
b:lang @lang
b:csrf @csrf (v5.6)
b:method @method(...) (v5.6)
b:dump @dump(...) (v5.6)
b:dd @dd(...) (v5.6)
b:prepend @prepend...@endprepen (v5.6)
b:error @error...@enderror (v5.8)
b:props @props (v7.4)
b:production @production...@endproduction
b:env @env...@endenv
b:once @once...@endonce
b:class @class (v8.51)
b:aware @aware (v8.64)
b:js @js (v8.71)
b:checked @checked (v9.x)
b:selected @selected (v9.x)
b:disabled @disabled (v9.x)
b:style @style (v9.x)
b:readonly @readonly (v9.x)
b:required @required (v9.x)
b:pushOnce @pushOnce...@endPushOnce (v9.x)
b:pushIf @pushIf...@endPushIf (v9.x)
b:prependOnce @prependOnce...@endPrependOnce (v9.x)
b:session @session ... @endsession (v10.x)

$loop variable (Laravel v5.3+)

Trigger Snippet
b:loop $loop->(index,remaining,count,first,last,depth,parent)
b:loop-first @if($loop->first)...@endif
b:loop-last @if($loop->last)...@endif

Laravel Helper Snippets for Blade

Trigger Laravel Helper
lv:elixir elixir() - deprecated
lv:mix mix() (v5.4)
lv:trans trans()
lv:action action()
lv:secure-asset secure_asset()
lv:url url()
lv:asset asset()
lv:route route()
lv:csrf-field csrf_field()
lv:csrf-token csrf_token()
lv:pagination-links $collection->links()

Blade extensions

Register in the boot method of ServiceProvider

  • Blade::component
  • Blade::include
  • Blade::if
  • Blade::directive
  • Blade::stringable

Rendering inline blade templates

  • Blade::render
  • Blade::renderComponent


Please file any issues or have a suggestion please tweet me @onecentlin.



Please read License for more information