
React component to create graphic user interface with: - draggable nodes with ports and edges on a directed graph editor. - extensibility to customize the widgets or behaviors. - accessbility and testability support

MIT License


Work in progress


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React component to create graphic user interface with:

  • draggable nodes with ports and edges on a directed graph editor.
  • extensibility to customize the widgets or behaviors.
  • accessbility and testability support

About the name "react-dag-editor"

  • react: it is a react component created from scratch.
  • dag: directed acyclic graph editor. Our a11y solution assumes the graph is a DAG. If you intend to turn off the a11y features, it is fine to draw undirected or cyclic graph with this component.
  • editor: it supports readonly graphic data visualization. However the reason you choose this library is the highlight in the user interaction to create/edit a graph.


Online sample link: WIP

Local demo

Follow the steps below to run local demo on your machine(MacOS/Linux/Windows):

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run "yarn" to install all dependencies.
  3. Run "yarn start" and select the "react-dag-editor" in prompt selection.
  4. It won't take long to load the sample page. If not, try to open localhost:5000 on your browser or submit an issue.
  5. Checkout ./packages/ReactDagEditor/stories/components/FeatureDemo.tsx for api usage(Detail API Doc WIP)


Feature Description Demo Is in default feature set? Is in read only mode feature set?
GraphFeatures.nodeDraggable Node drag-and-drop to relocate (WIP) Yes Yes
GraphFeatures.nodeResizable Double clicking on a node to enable the anchors to resize it (WIP) Yes Yes
GraphFeatures.clickNodeToSelect Node click-to-select (WIP) Yes Yes
GraphFeatures.panCanvas Drag-n-drop on canvas to pan (WIP) Yes Yes
GraphFeatures.multipleSelect Ctrl click multi selection (WIP) Yes Yes
GraphFeatures.lassoSelect Lasso select (WIP) Yes Yes
GraphFeatures.delete Use delete key to delete a node (WIP) Yes No
GraphFeatures.addNewNodes Adding new nodes (WIP) Yes No
GraphFeatures.addNewEdges Adding new edges (WIP) Yes No
GraphFeatures.addNewPorts Adding new ports (WIP) Yes No
GraphFeatures.sidePanel, Built-in side panel (WIP) Yes Yes
GraphFeatures.autoFit Auto pan/zoom the whole canvas to fit the viewport on every move (WIP) No No
GraphFeatures.editNode Node inline editing mode (WIP) Yes No
GraphFeatures.autoAlign Auto aligning hint on node drag-n-drop (WIP) Yes No
GraphFeatures.undoStack Undo stack to support undo/redo (WIP) Yes No
GraphFeatures.ctrlKeyZoom Zooming by ctrl clicking + mousewheel (WIP) Yes Yes
GraphFeatures.limitBoundary Constraint the allowed drag-n-drop area (WIP) Yes Yes


Touch screen/touch pad support

Deceeded rendering on old browsers

Extensibility & customization


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