
Subseasonal forecasting models

MIT License


Subseasonal Forecasting Toolkit

The subseasonal_toolkit package provides implementations of the subseasonal forecasting ABC model of

Adaptive Bias Correction for Subseasonal Forecasting Soukayna Mouatadid, Paulo Orenstein, Genevieve Flaspohler, Judah Cohen, Miruna Oprescu, Ernest Fraenkel, and Lester Mackey. Nature Communications. June 2023.

	author = {Mouatadid, Soukayna and Orenstein, Paulo and Flaspohler, Genevieve and Cohen, Judah and Oprescu, Miruna and Fraenkel, Ernest and Mackey, Lester},
	journal = {Nature Communications},
	number = {1},
	pages = {3482},
	title = {Adaptive bias correction for improved subseasonal forecasting},
	volume = {14},
	year = {2023}}

and the machine learning models and meteorological baselines of

SubseasonalClimateUSA: A Dataset for Subseasonal Forecasting and Benchmarking Soukayna Mouatadid, Paulo Orenstein, Genevieve Flaspohler, Miruna Oprescu, Judah Cohen, Franklyn Wang, Sean Knight, Maria Geogdzhayeva, Sam Levang, Ernest Fraenkel, and Lester Mackey. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS). Dec. 2023.

 author = {Soukayna Mouatadid, Paulo Orenstein, Genevieve Flaspohler, Miruna Oprescu, Judah Cohen, Franklyn Wang, Sean Knight, Maria Geogdzhayeva, Sam Levang, Ernest Fraenkel, and Lester Mackey},
 booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
 editor = {A. Globerson and K. Saenko and M. Hardt and S. Levine},
 publisher = {Curran Associates, Inc.},
 title = {SubseasonalClimateUSA: A Dataset for Subseasonal Forecasting and Benchmarking},
 volume = {36},
 year = {2023}

System Requirements

This package has been tested with the following operating system and Python pairings:

  • macOS Monterey 12.6.3 with Python 3.9.12
  • Linux CentOS 7 with Python 3.7.9

Data to train and evaluate models is made available through the subseasonal_data package. To download data through this package, you will need to have the Azure Storage CLI azcopy installed on your machine.

A complete list of Python dependencies can be found in setup.cfg; these dependencies are required upon installation.

Getting Started

  • Install the subseasonal toolkit package: pip install subseasonal-toolkit
    • Installation completed in under 1 minute with pip 22.2.2 on a 2021 MacBook Pro with 16 GB of RAM running macOS Monterey version 12.6.3.
  • Define the environment variable $SUBSEASONALDATA_PATH to point to your desired data directory; any data files needed by a model will be read from, saved to, or synced with this directory
  • Run the following demo which generates and evaluates Raw CFSv2 precipitation forecasts across the contiguous U.S. for the 2018-2021 std_paper_forecast evaluation period of "Adaptive Bias Correction for Subseasonal Forecasting":
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -u -e -m raw_cfsv2 --task us_tmp2m_1.5x1.5_34w
    • This demo ran to completion in 7 minutes with Python 3.9.12 on a 2021 MacBook Pro with 16 GB of RAM running macOS Monterey version 12.6.3.
    • Expected outputs
      • A forecast folder models/cfsv2pp/submodel_forecasts/cfsv2pp-debiasFalse_years12_margin0_days1-1_leads15-15_lossmse/us_tmp2m_1.5x1.5_34w/ containing daily forecast files from 20180101 through 20211231
      • A metrics folder eval/metrics/raw_cfsv2/submodel_forecasts/cfsv2pp-debiasFalse_years12_margin0_days1-1_leads15-15_lossmse/us_tmp2m_1.5x1.5_34w/ containing 6 evaluation metrics:
        • lat_lon_error-us_tmp2m_1.5x1.5_34w-std_paper_forecast.h5
        • lat_lon_rmse-us_tmp2m_1.5x1.5_34w-std_paper_forecast.h5
        • lat_lon_skill-us_tmp2m_1.5x1.5_34w-std_paper_forecast.h5
        • rmse-us_tmp2m_1.5x1.5_34w-std_paper_forecast.h5
        • score-us_tmp2m_1.5x1.5_34w-std_paper_forecast.h5
        • skill-us_tmp2m_1.5x1.5_34w-std_paper_forecast.h5

Generating Model Forecasts

The following examples demonstrate how to generate contiguous US forecasts for the target dates evaluated in "Adaptive Bias Correction for Subseasonal Forecasting" or "SubseasonalClimateUSA: A Dataset for Subseasonal Forecasting and Benchmarking" using each implemented model.

  • ABC-CCSM4:
    • Generate predictions for each Climatology++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m climpp
    • Generate predictions for each CCSM4++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m ccsm4pp
    • Run ABC
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -a -m ccsm4
  • ABC-CFSv2:
    • Generate predictions for each Climatology++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m climpp
    • Generate predictions for each CFSv2++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m cfsv2pp
    • Run ABC
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -a -m cfsv2
    • Generate predictions for each Climatology++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m climpp
    • Generate predictions for each ECMWF++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m ecmwfpp
    • Run ABC
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -a -m ecmwf
  • ABC-FIMr1p1:
    • Generate predictions for each Climatology++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m climpp
    • Generate predictions for each FIMr1p1++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m fimr1p1pp
    • Run ABC
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -a -m fimr1p1
    • Generate predictions for each Climatology++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m climpp
    • Generate predictions for each GEFS++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m gefspp
    • Run ABC
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -a -m gefs
    • Generate predictions for each Climatology++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m climpp
    • Generate predictions for each GEMS++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m gemspp
    • Run ABC
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -a -m gems
  • ABC-GEOS_v2p1:
    • Generate predictions for each Climatology++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m climpp
    • Generate predictions for each GEOS_v2p1++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m geos_v2p1pp
    • Run ABC
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -a -m geos_v2p1
    • Generate predictions for each Climatology++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m climpp
    • Generate predictions for each NESM++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m nesmpp
    • Run ABC
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -a -m nesm
  • ABC-SubX:
    • Generate predictions for each Climatology++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m climpp
    • Generate predictions for each SubX++ model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m subx_meanpp
    • Run ABC
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -a -m subx_mean
  • AutoKNN:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper -u -m autoknn
  • CCSM4++:
    • First generate predictions for each model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m ccsm4pp
    • Then select a model configuration using the tuner
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -tu -m ccsm4pp
  • CFSv2++:
    • First generate predictions for each model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m cfsv2pp
    • Then select a model configuration using the tuner
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -tu -m cfsv2pp
  • Climatology:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -m climatology
  • Climatology++:
    • First generate predictions for each model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m climpp
    • Then select a model configuration using the tuner
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -tu -m climpp
  • Debiased CFSv2:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -m deb_cfsv2
  • Debiased ECMWF Control and Ensemble:
    • First, select your desired source (control or ensemble) for debiasing and forecasting in subseasonal_toolkit/models/deb_ecmwf/selected_submodel.json by setting the forecast_with and debias_with keys as described in deb_ecmwf.ipynb.
    • Then, run the selected model: python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -m deb_ecmwf
  • Debiased LOESS CFSv2:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -m deb_loess_cfsv2
  • Debiased LOESS ECMWF:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -m deb_loess_ecmwf
  • Debiased Quantile Mapping CFSv2:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -m deb_quantile_cfsv2
  • Debiased Quantile Mapping ECMWF:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -m deb_quantile_ecmwf
  • Debiased SubX:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -m deb_subx_mean
  • ECMWF++:
    • First generate predictions for each model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m ecmwfpp
    • Then select a model configuration using the tuner
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -tu -m ecmwfpp
  • FIMr1p1++:
    • First generate predictions for each model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m fimr1p1pp
    • Then select a model configuration using the tuner
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -tu -m fimr1p1pp
  • GEFS++:
    • First generate predictions for each model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m gefspp
    • Then select a model configuration using the tuner
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -tu -m gefspp
  • GEM++:
    • First generate predictions for each model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m gempp
    • Then select a model configuration using the tuner
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -tu -m gempp
  • GEOS++:
    • First generate predictions for each model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m geos_v2p1pp
    • Then select a model configuration using the tuner
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -tu -m geos_v2p1pp
  • Informer:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper -u -m informer
  • LocalBoosting:
    • First generate predictions for each model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -u -b -m localboosting
    • Then select a model configuration using the tuner
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper -u -tu -m localboosting
  • MultiLLR:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper -u -m multillr
  • N-BEATS:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper -u -m nbeats
  • NN-A:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -m nn-a
  • Online Ensemble:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper -u -m online_learning
  • Persistence:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper -u -m persistence
  • Persistence++ CCSM4:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -u -e -m perpp_ccsm4
  • Persistence++ CFSv2:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -u -e -m perpp_cfsv2
  • Persistence++ ECMWF:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -u -e -m perpp_ecmwf
  • Persistence++ FIMr1p1:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -m perpp_fimr1p1 -u -e
  • Persistence++ GEFS:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -m perpp_gefs -u -e
  • Persistence++ GEM:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -m perpp_gem -u -e
  • Persistence++ GEOS_v2p1:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -m perpp_geos_v2p1 -u -e
  • Persistence++ NESM:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -m perpp_nesm -u -e
  • Persistence++ SubX:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -m perpp_subx_mean -u -e
  • Prophet:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper -u -m prophet
  • Raw CCSM4:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -u -e -m raw_ccsm4
  • Raw CFSv2:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -u -e -m raw_cfsv2
  • Raw ECMWF:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -u -e -m raw_ecmwf
  • Raw FIMr1p1:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -m raw_fimr1p1 -u -e
  • Raw GEFS:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -m raw_gefs -u -e
  • Raw GEM:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -m raw_gem -u -e
  • Raw GEOS_v2p1:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -m raw_geos_v2p1 -u -e
  • Raw NESM:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -m raw_nesm -u -e
  • Raw SubX:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -m raw_subx_mean -u -e
  • Salient2:
    • First generate predictions for each model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -u -b -m salient2
    • Then select a model configuration using the tuner
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper -u -tu -m salient2
  • SubX++:
    • First generate predictions for each model configuration
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_eval -e -u -b -m subx_meanpp
    • Then select a model configuration using the tuner
      python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -tu -m subx_meanpp
  • Uniform Ensemble:
    python -m subseasonal_toolkit.generate_predictions -t std_paper_forecast -e -u -m linear_ensemble

For Developers


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