
LitElement, Polymer v2/v3, and Web Components code snippets for Visual Studio Code.

MIT License


LitElement, Polymer v2 / v3, and Web Components Snippets for Visual Studio Code

This extension for Visual Studio Code adds snippets for LitElement and Polymer v2/v3 for JavaScript and HTML.


Type part of a snippet, press enter, and the snippet unfolds.

JavaScript Snippets

p-polymer-element         // Polymer 3 Web Component definition
p-lit-element             // LitElement Web Component definition
p-hybridbehaviors         // Polymer.mixinBehaviors()
p-lifecycle-constructor   // constructor()
p-lifecycle-connected     // connectedCallback()
p-lifecycle-disconnected  // disconnectedCallback()
p-lifecycle-attrchanged   // attributeChangedCallback()
p-lifecycle-ready         // Polymer specific ready()
p-dispatchevent           // Fire custom event with this.dispatchEvent();
p-dispatchevent-composed  // Fire custom event through ShadowDOM
p-observers               // Polymer static get observers()
p-properties              // Polymer static get properties()
p-property-basic          // Polymer property w/type + default value
p-property-observer       // Polymer property w/type + default value + observer
p-property-computed       // Polymer property w/type + computed
p-property-all            // Polymer property with everything
p-mixin                   // ES6 arrow function subclass return
p-mixin-dedup             // Sharable mixin utilizing Polymer's dedupingMixin
l-element                 // LitElement Web Component definition (alias p-lit-element)
l-render-html             // LitElement render() with html``
l-render-svg              // LitElement render() with svg``
l-firstRendered           // LitElement firstRender()
l-properties              // Lit-Element properties by implementing a static properties getter
l-get-styles              // Lit-Element styles in a static styles property
l-get-styles-super        // Lit-Element static styles property with super class
l-firstUpdated            // Lit-Element firstUpdated()
l-shouldUpdate            // Lit-Element shouldUpdate()
l-requestUpdate           // Lit-Element requestUpdate()
l-updateComplete          // Lit-Element `await this.updateComplete;`

HTML Snippets

p-webcomponent            // Boilerplate Polymer 2 Web Component
p-mixin                   // Boilerplate Polymer 2 mixin class
p-mixin-dedup             // Boilerplate Polymer 2 mixin class utilizing Polymer.dedupingMixin()
p-slot                    // <slot name="">
p-dom-repeat-inside       // dom-repeat inside Polymer managed template
p-dom-if                  // dom-if

Alternatively, press Ctrl+Space (Windows, Linux) or Cmd+Space (OSX) to activate snippets from within the editor.


  1. Install Visual Studio Code 1.10.0 or higher
  2. Launch Code
  3. From the command palette Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows, Linux) or Cmd-Shift-P (OSX)
  4. Select Install Extension
  5. Choose the extension
  6. Reload Visual Studio Code