
Terminal for Visual Studio Code



Run terminal command directly in Text Editor


From v0.0.4, this extension will have limited updates for bug fix or feature development, because:

  1. I have another extension: Code Runner which is superset of the Terminal extension since it not only supports powershell, bat/cmd, bash/sh but also supports other script language like js, php, python, perl, ruby, go, lua, groovy, vbscript even F#, C#. Moreover, this Code Runner extension has more functions (e.g. working directory support, output syntax highlight, run as a file instead of running a set of commands and so on) and will have more supports and updates in the future.

  2. VS Code already has basic built-in support for the terminal from v1.2 and add 'run selected text' in v1.3. Besides, the ability to run the entire text of current active text editor will come in v1.5. I have already sent the Pull request and it has been merged.


  • Run all the commands in Text Editor
  • Run the selected commands in Text Editor
  • Stop the running commands
  • View output in Output Window
  • Open Integrated Terminal at current file's directory
  • Quick way to toggle Integrated Terminal


  • Write or select a set of commands in Text Editor, then use shortcut Ctrl+Alt+R, or press F1 and then select/type Run Terminal Command, the commands will run and the output will be shown in the Output Window.
  • To stop the running commands, use shortcut Ctrl+Alt+C, or press F1 and then select/type Stop Terminal Command
  • To open Integrated Terminal at current file's directory, use shortcut Ctrl+Alt+O, or press F1 and then select/type Open in Integrated Terminal, or right click in Text Editor/Explorer and then click Open in Integrated Terminal in context menu
  • To toggle Integrated Terminal, use shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T, or click the Terminal icon in the Status Bar at the bottom

Telemetry data

By default, telemetry data collection is turned on. To disable it, update the settings.json as below:

    "terminal.enableAppInsights": false

Change Log

0.0.10 (2017-07-22)

  • #10: Handle case-insensitive bash path

0.0.9 (2017-07-20)

  • #9: Open terminal for Bash on Windows

0.0.8 (2017-05-15)

  • Quick way to toggle Integrated Terminal in the Status Bar


  • Add 'Open in Integrated Terminal' context menu



  • Add Application Insights to track telemetry data


  • Update the future of this extension


  • Add support to stop running commands


  • Update README.md and add GitHub info


  • Initial Release


Submit the issues if you find any bug or have any suggestion.


Fork the repo and submit pull requests.