
Open Source Social Intranet built on Yii2 framework and Vue.js

BSD-3-CLAUSE License


Agora Intranet API based on Yii2 Framework.


The minimum requirement by this project template that your Web server supports PHP 7.0.0.


You need to have composer installed.

If you do not have Composer, you need to install it by following the instructions at

  1. Clone the project.
  2. Go to the project root directory.
  3. Run composer install.
  4. Copy .env.example into .env and adjust parameters (Leave the database parameters unchanged if you are going to setup with docker)

Setup with php builtin server

  1. Adjust database parameters in .env
  2. Run php create-database.php to create the database.
  3. Run sh migrate to create tables and insert initial data.
  4. Run php yii serve --port 8081 and open in browser http://localhost:8081

Setup with Docker

Make sure you have docker installed. Also, make sure you don't have Apache or Mysql running and ports 80 and 3306 are not busy.

  1. Start the docker processing: docker-compose up -d
  2. Run migrations: docker-compose exec app sh migrate

Open in the browser http://agora-api.localhost

To run console commands

docker-compose exec app php yii <controller>/<action>


You must have Node.js installed.

Go to the vue folder. Copy .env.example into .env and specify the API url in VUE_APP_API_HOST

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Run your tests

npm run test

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


Tests are located in tests directory. They are developed with Codeception PHP Testing Framework. By default there are 3 test suites:

  • unit
  • functional
  • acceptance

Tests can be executed by running

vendor/bin/codecept run

The command above will execute unit and functional tests. Unit tests are testing the system components, while functional tests are for testing user interaction. Acceptance tests are disabled by default as they require additional setup since they perform testing in real browser.

Running acceptance tests

To execute acceptance tests do the following:

  1. Rename tests/acceptance.suite.yml.example to tests/acceptance.suite.yml to enable suite configuration

  2. Replace codeception/base package in composer.json with codeception/codeception to install full featured version of Codeception

  3. Update dependencies with Composer

    composer update  
  4. Download Selenium Server and launch it:

    java -jar ~/selenium-server-standalone-x.xx.x.jar

    In case of using Selenium Server 3.0 with Firefox browser since v48 or Google Chrome since v53 you must download GeckoDriver or ChromeDriver and launch Selenium with it:

    # for Firefox
    java -jar -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver=~/geckodriver ~/selenium-server-standalone-3.xx.x.jar
    # for Google Chrome
    java -jar ~/selenium-server-standalone-3.xx.x.jar

    As an alternative way you can use already configured Docker container with older versions of Selenium and Firefox:

    docker run --net=host selenium/standalone-firefox:2.53.0
  5. (Optional) Create yii2_basic_tests database and update it by applying migrations if you have them.

    tests/bin/yii migrate

    The database configuration can be found at config/test_db.php.

  6. Start web server:

    tests/bin/yii serve
  7. Now you can run all available tests

    # run all available tests
    vendor/bin/codecept run
    # run acceptance tests
    vendor/bin/codecept run acceptance
    # run only unit and functional tests
    vendor/bin/codecept run unit,functional

Code coverage support

By default, code coverage is disabled in codeception.yml configuration file, you should uncomment needed rows to be able to collect code coverage. You can run your tests and collect coverage with the following command:

#collect coverage for all tests
vendor/bin/codecept run -- --coverage-html --coverage-xml

#collect coverage only for unit tests
vendor/bin/codecept run unit -- --coverage-html --coverage-xml

#collect coverage for unit and functional tests
vendor/bin/codecept run functional,unit -- --coverage-html --coverage-xml

You can see code coverage output under the tests/_output directory.


Run mailer migration

php yii migrate --migrationPath="vendor/intermundia/yii2-mailer/migrations"

SMTP configuration