
The goal of this library is to help SCBD to migrate away from AngularJS by allowing VueJs component to be use into the AngularJS world without having to change code afterwards. Only SCBD needed features are implemented. If you are looking for robust imple

MIT License


SCBD angularVue

The goal of this library is to help SCBD to migrate away from AngularJS by allowing VueJs component to be use into the AngularJS world without having to change code afterwards. Only SCBD needed features are implemented. If you are looking for robust implementation to mix the two platforms please look at

Using Vue into AngularJS

Why another angular to vue:

  • Seamless / Transparent integration
  • Use natural VueJS syntax. (v-bind:my-prop="..." or :my-prop="...") and event (v-on:my-event="..." / @my-event="...") on bridged component
  • Possibility to use local registration of components without having to register them globally (not need to call Vue.component('myComponent', {...}))
  • No need to register created a wrapper directives or use a special elements (eg: <vue-component />) to use vue components
  • No need to change the code of a component when angular parent component/view is migrated to VueJs... component props/event binding remain unchanged

This documentation is incomplete

How it works

angularVue Use non interfering helper directives (ng-vue & ng-vue-expose) on the root of the Vue section in the angular partial/templates.

The ng-vue directive

When this directive attribute is present on a html element it becomes managed by Vue (becomes a vue component). At this stage, AngularJS directive, binding and interpolation is disabled and VueJs take over. You cannot use any angular directives on this element and its descendent anymore. The ng-vue directive will automatically expose angular properties present in v-bind: and v-on: attributes value if they use simple format myProps contact.firstName. ng-vue do not detect binding in interpolation syntax eg: {{ contact.firstName }} you need to declare them using ng-vue-expose

The ng-vue-expose attribute

ng-vue-expose goes along with ng-vue. It contains a comma separated value that list all angular properties & delegates that need to be exposed to Vue component (if cannot be detect by the simple binding). ng-vue-expose="myProp1,myProp2,&myDelegate". delegates in ng-vue-expose must be prefixed by & (angular inspiration!);

<div ng-app="app">
    <div ng-controller="MyController">
        <h1>Hello from {{ngWorld}}</h1>
        <h1 ng-vue ng-vue-expose="vueWorld" >Hello from {{vueWorld}}</h1>
        <button ng-vue ng-vue-expose="vueWorld,&alert" :click="alert('Hello from'+vueWorld)">click me</button>
const app = angular.module('app', ['angularVue'])
  .controller('MyController', function ($scope) {
    $scope.ngWorld  = "Angular";
    $scope.vueWorld = "Vue";
    $scope.alert = function(msg) {

Auto detect binding from v-bind:, v-bind short hand :m-props, v-model, v-html, v-text, v-show, v-class, v-attr, v-style, v-if.

    <h1 ng-vue v-text="vueWorld" :></h1>

Vue Options

You can pass Vue host wrapper component options ot the ngVue attribute. Options must be object where key/value will be assigned on Vue host wrapper. It allows user to pass additional parameters to the component definition object of the Vue host. Eg: you can use ngVue to passe locally registered components to the vue host

<hello ng-vue="{ components : myVueLocallyDefinedComponents }"></hello>
myVueLocallyDefinedComponents = { hello : MyHelloComponent };

Following properties are blacklisted:

  • props
  • data
  • computed
  • methods
  • watch

Lifecycle hooks can be passed but the behavior is not tested yet (no angularjs $apply()/$digest()):

  • beforeCreate
  • created
  • beforeMount
  • mounted
  • beforeUpdate
  • updated
  • beforeDestroy
  • destroyed

Component registation

You can register a component globally

<greeting ng-vue :contact="contact"></greeting>
Vue.component("greeting", {
    props: [ 'contact' ],
    template: `<b> Hello {{contact.firstName}} {{contact.lastName}}!!<b>`

$ {
    firstName : "Stephane"
    lastName : "Bilodeau"

Or locally using ngVue .components

<hello ng-vue="{ components : myLocalComponents }" :contact="contact"></hello>
// Local component
const hello : Vue.extend({
    props: [ 'contact' ],
    template: `<b> Hello {{contact.firstName}} {{contact.lastName}}!!<b>`

$scope.myLocalComponents = { components : { hello }}

$ {
    firstName : "Stephane"
    lastName : "Bilodeau"


You can pass angular variable to ng-vue components using props. Like on Vue props are one-way binding

<hello ng-vue :first-name="contact.firstName", :last-name="contact.lastName" ng-vue-options="vueOptions"></hello>
// Local component
const hello : Vue.extend({
    props: [ 'firstName', 'lastName' ],
    template: `<b> Hello {{firstName}} {{lastName}}!!<b>`

$scope.vueOptions= { components : { hello }}
$ {
    firstName : "Stephane"
    lastName : "Bilodeau"

But you can make props two-way binding using props .sync modifiers and emitting the good update:prop event.

<!-- only first-name wil be two-way bound -->

<hello ng-vue :first-name.sync="contact.firstName", :last-name="contact.firstName" ng-vue-options="vueOptions"></hello>
// Local component
const hello : Vue.extend({
    props: [ 'firstName', 'lastName' ],
    computed: {
        fn: { get() { return this.firstName}, set(v) { this.$emit("update:firstName", v) }  },
        ln: { get() { return this.lastName }, set(v) { this.$emit("update:lastName", v) }  }
    template: `
        <label>first Name</label> <input v-model="fn"><br>
        <label>Last Name </label> <input v-model="ln"><br>

$scope.vueOptions = { components : { hello }}
$ {
    firstName : "Stephane"
    lastName : "Bilodeau"


Since the objective of the library is help run VueJS in a hybrid mode lot of VueJS features may not be available for eg. vueRouter, to overcome that plugins were introduced so that certain features from AngularJS can be sent to VueJS in object form to be further used in vue components. The intention of plugin is to create wrapper object of the features currently not available in vue due to the hybrid limitation for eg, create wrapper object of router so that if the component is moved to pure VueJS project minimal changes will be required for the switch. In situation where the wrapper object is not required plain angularJs objects can be passed using the angular-vue-plain-plugin

example usage["realm", "locale", '$injector', function (realm, locale, $injector) {

  registerVuePlugin('$realm', realm);
  registerVuePlugin('$locale', locale);

  window.Vue.use(new AngularVueRoutePlugin ($injector));
  window.Vue.use(new AngularVueRouterPlugin($injector));


function registerVuePlugin(name, service){
  const newPlugin = new CreateAngularVuePlug(name, service)

Know problems


  • Delegate must be bounded as root property @click="clicked()". Dot is not supported eg: @click="ctrl.clicked()"
  • You cannot pass $property from angular-to-vue. (eg $index from ngRepeat) you have to reassign them using ngInit
  • Not well taking advantage of the reactive framework. .sync modifier push value up to angular that push it back down to vue component (double trigger). / overuse of angular $watch
  • ng-vue directive only look at the root element to detect simple binding. Should browse the element tree

Using AngularJS into Vue

The <vue-ng /> angular code component wrapper

The vue-ng component is wrapped around html to allow usage of angular stuff into vue world (the reverse the vue-ng angular directive above). The goal is to reuse already developed angular component into vue without having to re-code everything into vue once passed from AngularJs to Vue


Angular vue special plugins is required to be used. The plugin require runtime agularjs $injector instance to work.

const vueApp =  new Vue({}); // Vue app root!;
const ngApp  =  angular.module("app",[...])['$injector', function($injector){
    Vue.use(new AngularVuePlugin({ 
        $injector, // mandatory
        ngApp,     // optional, for future use
        vueApp     // optional, allow vue inside angular to have parent component set!
    { //install options
        vueNgName:  null // optional, define component name global registered. Default: `VueNg`;

angular.bootstrap(document, []);   


To inject angular code into vue app, you simply need to use the special ng-vue component that will use angular to run the html contained inside the vue-ng component default slot html. Angular html portion should use v-pre directive to tell Vue to keep the html as is (preformatted html). you only have to declare all prop you want to expose to angular.

This code run in Vue. my name from Vue: {{name}}
<vue-ng :name="name">
    <div v-pre>
        this code run in angular!
        My name passed to Angular {{name}}

You can also renamed props exposed to angular

My name from Vue is stored in myNameInVue = {{myNameInVue}}
<vue-ng :my-name-in-angular="myNameInVue">
    <div v-pre>
        My name passed to Angular in myNameInAngular = {{myNameInAngular}}

Or do two-way binding

My name from Vue is stored in myNameInVue = {{myNameInVue}}
<vue-ng :my-name-in-angular.sync="myNameInVue">
    <div v-pre>
       Type your name from Angular in myNameInAngular = <input ng-model="myNameInAngular"><br>
       Your name {{myNameInAngular}} will be sync back to Vue parent `myNameInVue` prop.


Of course you can mix and match vue-ng & ng-vue

My name from Vue is: {{name}}
<vue-ng :name="name">
    <div v-pre>

        My name from Angular (inside vue) is: {{name}}

        <div ng-vue ng-view-expose="name">

           My name from Vue (inside Angular (inside Vue)) is: {{name}}

           <vue-ng :name="name">
               <div v-pre>
                   My name from Angular (inside Vue (inside Angular (inside Vue))) is: {{name}}

