
Crypto News allows you to convert cryptocurrencies, view latest news and exchange rates for each ICO – all the data from the world of cryptocurrencies in one place.

MIT License


Crypto News allows you to convert cryptocurrencies, view latest news and exchange rates for each ICO – all the data from the world of cryptocurrencies in one place. It is based on Vue, licensed under the MIT license. Uses CryptoCompare API.

Note: This project was bootstrapped with vue-cli. Below you'll find information about performing common tasks. The most recent version of this guide is available here.

Bug reporting

We want contributing to Crypto News to be fun, enjoyable, and educational for everyone. Changes and improvements are more than welcome! Feel free to fork and open a pull request. If you have found any issues, please report them here - they are being tracked on GitHub Issues.


Crypto News was created and developed by Bartosz Łaniewski. The full list of contributors can be found here. Crypto News's code is MIT licensed. Crypto data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported license. It is attributed to the CryptoCompare team.


We have prepared multiple commands to help you develop Crypto News on your own. You will need a local copy of Node.js installed on your machine. First, you need to clone or download our repository:

$ git clone --depth=1 crypto-news

…and install dependencies with npm:

$ npm install

… then run the development server:

$ npm run serve


$ npm run <command>

List of commands

Command Description