
Use Vue.js templates and Vue.js single file components in Eleventy.


eleventy-plugin-vue for Vue 3 🕚⚡️🎈🐀

Adds Vue Single File Component (SFC) support to Eleventy. Eleventy processes .vue SFC files as Eleventy templates and outputs zero-bundle size server rendered components.

Read more about the goals of this plugin (and a full tutorial!) at Eleventy and Vue, a match made to power Netlify.com


npm install @11ty/eleventy-plugin-vue
  • 1.x requires Eleventy 1.0.0 or newer
  • 0.2.x encouraged to use Eleventy 0.11.1 or newer (for incremental Vue component builds)
  • 0.1.x requires Eleventy 0.11.0 or newer


  • 1.0.0 (Milestone) Works with Vue 3. Adds Windows support.
  • 0.6.x (Milestone)
  • 0.3.1 (Milestone)
  • 0.3.0 (Milestone) More consistent incremental builds. Performance improvements.
  • 0.2.1 (Milestone) adds incremental builds for Eleventy Vue components to avoid unnecessary repeat work. Fixes bug with permalink strings returned from Vue Single File Component data.
  • 0.1.x converted to use a Single File Components for everything (templates, components, etc), instead of 0.0.x’s string templates with front matter.


  • Builds *.vue’s Single File Components, both in the input directory and in Eleventy’s includes directory. .vue files in the includes directory are available for import. Same as any Eleventy template syntax, includes do not write files to your output directory.
  • Works with Vue’s Single File Components, including with scoped CSS.
  • Data from SFC files feeds into the data cascade (similar to front matter)
  • All JavaScript Template Functions (see https://www.11ty.dev/docs/languages/javascript/#javascript-template-functions), Universal Filters, Universal Shortcodes, Universal Paired Shortcodes are available as Vue methods (global functions to use in templates and child components).
  • page Eleventy supplied data is also available globally in all components.

Not Yet Available

  • Using .vue templates as Eleventy layouts is not yet supported. Subscribe to this issue at #5.
  • Does not yet embed any client-side JavaScript from inside single file components into the output for use on the client.
  • lang on <template>, <style>, or <script> is not yet supported.


Add to Configuration File

Usually .eleventy.js:

const eleventyVue = require("@11ty/eleventy-plugin-vue");

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  // Use Defaults

Customize with Options

const eleventyVue = require("@11ty/eleventy-plugin-vue");

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  // OR, Use your own options
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(eleventyVue, {
    // Directory to store compiled Vue single file components
    cacheDirectory: ".cache/vue/",

    // Pass in a file or multiple .vue files to limit compilation
    // If this is empty, the plugin will search for all *.vue files
    input: [],

    // Use postcss in the single file components
    rollupPluginVueOptions: {
      style: {
        postcssPlugins: [

    // Passed to rollup.rollup
    rollupOptions: {
      // Declare your own external dependencies
      external: [],

      // Use your own Rollup plugins
      plugins: [],

For a full list of rollupPluginVueOptions, see rollup-plugin-vue’s Options.

Advanced: Use with eleventy-assets

Compatible with @11ty/eleventy-plugin-vue 0.0.5 and newer.

Eleventy’s Assets plugin lets you manage your own Inline CSS or JavaScript. For the first version of the Eleventy Vue plugin, you can reuse an existing CSS code manager from eleventy-assets add CSS from your Vue.js Single File Components too.

const eleventyVue = require("@11ty/eleventy-plugin-vue");
const { InlineCodeManager } = require("@11ty/eleventy-assets");

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  let myCssManager = new InlineCodeManager();

  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(eleventyVue, {
    // Re-use an existing `eleventy-assets` Manager
    assets: {
      css: myCssManager

Advanced: Run async things before component render

Available with Eleventy 1.0+ and Eleventy Vue Plugin 0.6+

Use serverPrefetch to tell the component to do a few async things before it renders the component.

Below is an example of a Vue template that uses the Eleventy Render Plugin to render Markdown (either in an external file or a string).

  <header v-html="content"/>
export default {
  async serverPrefetch() {
    // let content = await this.renderFile("./_includes/blogpost.md", "md");
    this.content = await this.renderTemplate("# Title", "md");