
🥇Hepic App - Find, try and win photo contests thanks to Hepic


🥇 Hepic App

Hepic app is made with ♡ by de jaune et de bleu

App available on Netlify - https://hepic-app.netlify.com/

Important note



This app is created by using VueJS in order to build user interfaces and makes a big use of VueJS dependencies library as Vue-router that controls every routing management or VueX that is a pattern for state management.

Furthermore, Hepic app is generated by Webpack as asset pipeline. This bundle manager is a modified version of the one generated by VueCli. Webpack is setup to use LESS for CSS and Babel for JavaScript compiling/transpiling and Pug - Jade for templating generation.


Frameworks & preprocessors

This project is written using frameworks and libraries and various preprocessors for HTML, JS and CSS

Frameworks Usage
VueJS js ES6 -> VueX / VueRouter
Axios RESTfull APIs
Colcade grid style
LESS Atomic CSS - BEM style
PUG/Jade Web Components OOP
HelloJS Social Login


This project requires some Tools

Tool Usage
Webpack assets management
Babel transpiling
EsLint js correction -> airBnB rules
PostCSS LESS pipelining
Puppeteer Prerender SPA Plugin
Workbox Progressive Web App
Jest Unit Test
Nightwatch Automated testing
Git Github Flow -> Netlify CI connection
Slack deployment notification



You need to have the latest/LTS node, yarn and Vue CLI(v3) versions installed in order to use Hepic app under Vue.js.

Next step, clone this repository and run install command:

# Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/alexiscolin/hepic-app.git

# Install repo
yarn install

This will take some time and will install all packages necessary to run Hepic App and its tasks.

Then, look at the Build Setup section below in order to get more information about common use of Hepic App accross Vue CLI.

Build Setup

The Hepic project is served by Yarn package manager.

# install dependencies
yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn run serve

# build for production with minification
yarn run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
yarn run lint

# run unit tests
yarn run test:unit

# run e2e tests
yarn run test:e2e

Then visit http://localhost:8080/ - or a new browser windows popped-up already - to preview your new App. Webpack will automatically reload the CSS or refresh the whole page, when stylesheets or content changes.

As explained above, you have to run the build command to create the dist folder that you will be able to host on a dedicated server:

# build for production
yarn run build

As the Hepic app is a SPA, don't forget to create proper redirection rules on the server.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteBase /
  RewriteRule ^index\.html$ - [L]
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteRule . /index.html [L]

location / {
  try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

Note that a prerender tool (Puppeteer plugin) is used to generate static page for SEO - index.html in our case.

Hepic Structure

Hepic app structure is based on vue components system. The entire architecture follow the principle of functional modules. Notation, file name and composition is structured by the Vue.js style guide and the global architecture is proposed by VueCli, following the PWA methods (vue-cli 2 and PWA template) following the PWA plugin. Some of the code has been modified in order to shape the Hepic challenge.

Hepic app is structured around distinct groups over the components, api and store:

  • connexion
  • contests
  • photo
  • user
  • vote

Hepic features and design have created this distinction of methods accross behavior. Those groups follow them and make them easier to maintain and scale. Those groups rule the structure all over the App.


All apis are located inside the api folder. This foldeer contains pure API, ie nothing else than request to api.hepic.fr.

|--src                    // Everything in here will be built with Vue.js
|  |--api                 // API folder - all requests to api.hepic.fr are here
|  |  |--api.config.js    // API configuration - list of URLs to request
|  |  |--connexion.js     // Pure API request made for connexion
|  |  |--contests.js      // Pure API request made for contests
|  |  |--photo.js         // Pure API request made for connexion
|  |  |--user.js          // Pure API request made for user
|  |  |--vote.js          // Pure API request made for vote



Components are the heart of Hepic app. They are dedicated to be the MVC pattern of the app. Every components is focused on just only one task. A component module always hosts other sub-components and those files:

  • index.vue - module bundler - Mandatory
  • script.js - logical part of the component (ES6 - Linted) - Mandatory
  • template.pug - template of the component (Pug/Jade) - Mandatory
  • style.less - design of the component when it requires BEM style (Less) - Optional
  • config.json - statics data needed by the component - Optional


|--src                               // Everything in here will be built with Vue.js
|  |--components                     // Components folder - all components modules are here
|  |  |--AppLayout                   // List of general components - components shared accross the entire app
|  |  |  |--AppContestInfos          // Display info about a contest
|  |  |  |  |--index.vue             // Module heart of the component (find it inside every modules)
|  |  |  |  |--script.js             // Logical system of the component (find it inside every modules)
|  |  |  |  |--template.pug          // Template of the component (find it inside every modules)
|  |  |  |  |--style.less            // Style of the component that are not ruled by atomic CSS -> BEM inside (find it inside many modules)
|  |  |  |  |--config.json           // JSON data to configure the components (find it inside few modules)
|  |  |  |--AppSvg                   // SVG sprite
|  |  |  |--LayerOptin               // Layer validation system
|  |  |  |--LayerPopin               // Layer popin wrapper
|  |  |  |--TheFooter                // App footer
|  |  |  |--TheHeader                // App header
|  |  |  |  |--SearchBar             // SearchBar for contest (use vue-colcade to interact with the flux component)
|  |  |  |--TheShell                 // App general shell wrapper
|  |  |--RouteCallback               // Route used to host the loggin callback
|  |  |--RouteContest                // Route for contests
|  |  |  |--AppContestLayout         // Contest information wrapper (banner, logo...)
|  |  |  |--ContestRulesValidation   // Contest rules apply system
|  |  |  |--ContestUpload            // Upload file system
|  |  |--RouteFlux                   // Route for the general flux
|  |  |  |--TileContest              // Basic contest tile
|  |  |  |--TilePodium               // Podium tile to display contest winners
|  |  |--RouteIndex                  // Route for connexion index
|  |  |  |--IndexInstallBtn          // Installation button
|  |  |  |--IndexSocialBtn           // Loggin social buttons
|  |  |--RouteNotFound               // Route for 404
|  |  |--RoutePhoto                  // Route for photo view (zoom mode)
|  |  |  |--InfoPopin                // Informations about the photo
|  |  |--RouteUser                   // Route for specific user account
|  |  |  |--UserContent              // Display user's pictures
|  |  |  |--UserNotification         // Display notification
|  |  |  |--UserProfile              // Display user information (user picture, name...)
|  |  |  |--UserSettings             // Display private user settings (your own account)
|  |  |  |--UserSettingsRoutes       // Display routes to user settings
|  |  |--RouteVote                   // Route for vote
|  |  |  |--SharePopin               // Sharing system popin


This utils folder contains some of usefull function that are needed accross the whole App. Those functions are built as Js modules imported by WebPack where they are asked.


The store is configured throught Vuex modules. Modules are not namespaced.

|--src                          // Everything in here will be built with Vue.js
|  |--store                     // Store folder - all Vuex files (commit, dispatch, state) are here
|  |  |--index.js               // Store configuration - export differents store modules
|  |  |--modules                // List of store modules
|  |  |  |--call-contest.js     // Store related to contests APIs
|  |  |  |--call-photo.js       // Store related to photo APIs
|  |  |  |--call-user.js        // Store related to user APIs
|  |  |  |--call-vote.js        // Store related to vote APIs
|  |  |  |--connexion.js        // Store related to connexion settings
|  |  |  |--contest-entry.js    // Store managing contests rules validation
|  |  |  |--layer-optin.js      // Store managing optin displayed functions
|  |  |  |--popin.js            // Store managing popin display functions

Assets management

Src > assets folder

This folder is the basic one that you should use by default for your assets. Webpack process all assets in order to improve app performance:

  • small images are converted to data URL in base64 to avoid extra network requests.
  • result filenames include hashes, in this way we will have the same URL as long as the content is the same. So you don’t need to worry about browser caching their old versions.


|--src                          // Everything in here will be built with Vue.js
|  |--assets                    // Assets folder - all static assets are here
|  |  |--fonts                  // List of web fonts
|  |  |--img                    // List of images
|  |  |--style                  // List of Less styles
|  |  |  |--style.less          // General Less modul bundler
|  |  |  |--utils               // Atomic CSS files and BEM config

Public folder

Static folder manage all asset that will not be processed by Webpack and require an absolute URL: useful for these situations:

  • You need a file with a specific name in the build output.
  • You have thousands of images and need to dynamically reference their paths.
  • Some library may be incompatible with Webpack and you have no other option but to include it as a <script> tag.

Root folder (depreciated)

All assets localised in root folder will be copied at the root of the dist folder. It's a usefull system to manage asset that are required for environement and should avoid be processed by Webpack. It's a modification from VueCLi boilerplate. Hepic may use it for Netlify redir as exemple.


Hepic app router is managed by official plugin vue-router. The router folder hosts the routing management system. It follows the HTML5 history mode and all the Auth check methods inside navigation guards.


Hepic app store management is made by following one rule: all that need to be share between two components (excepts for direct linking from a child) needs to be coded inside the store. This allows us to ensure the constent reliability on data across all components and let us create a two way binding simulation.

Here, the store is built thanks to VueX store modules.

Progressive Web App (PWA)

Hepic is a Progressive Web App. That means it's a website with an application behaviour. You can download it and consulting it off-line. Hepic app gets an icon, a splashscreen, a shortname, a standalone mode, and a colorset. This works thanks to a combinaison of the manifest.json and the service-worker.js files. You can modify them accross Workbox plugin. A config function is available in the vue.config.js.

SSL & tests


Security issue : Keys are no longer available since they are expired Some exemple or test in localhost may require SSL connexion. ssl folder contains mandatories files and keys to generate private ssl certificate. This is a flow created by de jaune et de bleu, so other users must replace them by creating a new certificate. SSL configuration should be loaded by https protocol, so use the devServer field in vue.config.js file to activate it.

 devServer: {
   https: {
     key: fs.readFileSync('./ssl/server.key'),
     cert: fs.readFileSync('./ssl/server.crt'),
     ca: fs.readFileSync('./ssl/rootCA.pem'),


All code is linted by eslint using modified Airbnb style guide. Every modification is located inside the vue configuration file .eslintrc.js. Modifications must be made to follow some of Vue.js libraries rules.

Units and end2end tests

Those tests are not configured to be used by de jaune et de bleu. So, you have to edit them in order to use them. Remember that they make a big use of Jest (unit), Puppeteer and Nightwatch (e2e). All preconf files are already loaded and ready for use.


Hepic App is an SPA generated by an PWA system. As a OAuth application seved by thirds parties, this SPA must deal with 3Ps and OS's constraints. Nowadays, iOS 11.4 has some issues to deals with 3P OAuth because of page redirection - See report on Apple forum.


in order to fix that issue, we make the choice to avoid using standalone app in iOS device until this bug will be fixed by Apple. The manifest is removed on Apple Device. fix reported on GitHub.

Deploying to Netlify

Now Netlify will build and deploy your site whenever you push to git. Then if you have created a Slack Bot, you will get a notification on the dedicated slack channel.

Enjoy!! 😸