
This is demo repository for new Laravel developer which includes demo of Laravel CMS with frontend with Vuejs. This repository contains demo implementation of Laravel policies, real time notification with laravel-echo-json with some example of feature tests.

MIT License


Laravel Demo

This is simple demo repository for laravel web application made with Laravel Framework 7.0 for new Laravel developer which includes demo of backend CMS with frontend with Vuejs. This repository contains demo implementation of Laravel policies, eloquent, Mailing, real time notification with laravel-echo-json with some example of feature tests.


First of all copy .env.example to .env

cp .env.example .env

and change database, mail & redis configuration according to your setup

now add require packages with command (hope composer is already installed in your system)

composer install

Run migration with

php artisan migrate

Run seeder with

php artisan db:seed

now install to install package.json dependencies

npm install

Thats all for project setup

Now to bundle all dependencies with web pack into a single file

npm run dev

Since this project also includes demo for realtime notification with laravel-echo-server make sure redis is installed and is running in background. Now install laravel-echo-server through npm globally.

npm i -g laravel-echo-server

after that in file named laravel-echo-server.json which is in root of project change authHost key's value and put your laravel application running host name or if you are running php artisan serve command Now, to run laravel-echo-server

laravel-echo-server start

your laravel echo server will run now.


To run test first of all set test environment in .env


and run

php artisan test


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Released under the MIT License - see LICENSE.txt for details.