
Experimental Vue-only frontend for vglist.

MIT License



An experimental frontend made entirely in Vue for vglist.

Project setup

  • Install dependencies with yarn install.
  • Clone the vglist backend with git clone (probably in a separate directory), see the instructions in the for the backend project to set it up.
  • Once the backend is set up and running, log in and go to Settings > Developer > Applications > New Application and create an application with the following:
    • Name: Whatever you want, I use Local vglist Vue frontend
    • Redirect URI: http://localhost:8080
    • Confidential: false
    • Scopes: read write
  • Create the OAuth Application and make note of its "Application UID", the secret is irrelevant.
  • Create a .env.development.local file in vglist-frontend with the following content:
  • You may do one of two things to set the VUE_APP_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID:
    • Create an environment variable called VGLIST_EXPERIMENTAL_FRONTEND_OAUTH_ID_LOCAL (probably in your .bash_profile or .zsh_profile) and set it to the "Application UID" you got before.
    • Or you can just set it directly in .env.development.local with the value of the Application UID.
  • Now you can run yarn serve and the frontend should be available at http://localhost:8080.
  • Note that right now there's not a proper login flow! You'll have to use the "Authenticate" button which will direct you to the vglist Rails app and have you go through the OAuth application authorization flow. It will require re-authentication roughly every ten minutes. It's not great, but hey it's still in development.

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Run your unit tests

yarn test:unit

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

Updating the generated GraphQL types

Note: Instead of these manual steps, you can instead use bundle exec rake graphql:copy_to_frontend in your vglist directory to generate and copy the files.

  • In your copy of the vglist Rails app, run bundle exec rake graphql:schema:dump to generate a dump of the GraphQL schema.
  • Copy the newly-generated schema.graphql file to the vglist-frontend directory, probably with cp schema.graphql ../vglist-frontend.
  • In vglist-frontend, run yarn run generate to regenerate the GraphQL types.
  • Commit changes!

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


vglist-frontend's source code is licensed under the terms of The MIT License.

Icons are courtesy of Font Awesome, licensed as CC-BY-SA 4.0.