
Example setup of a chrome extension built with vue - with a nice dev env (linting, reloading, etc)


Vue Chrome Extension Template

A nice starter kit for building Chrome extensions using vue with

  • wepack, vue, pug, less
  • automatic lint+fix on save
  • live reloading enabled via webpack-extension-reloader
  • helpers for dealing with intra-extension messaging
  • helpers for some other chrome APIs

This does not have an example of every chrome extension feature, but it does cover most common features.

Developing locally

(after forking/copying the repo and running npm install)

run npm run dev

  • go to chrome://extensions
  • enable "developer mode"
  • click "Load unpacked" and select the dist folder of this project

Live reloading will mostly handle things for you, but if you change the manifest, env vars, or webpack config, you will need to stop and restart npm run dev.

Also some specific errors may require going back to chrome://extensions and re-loading the plugin.

Happy hacking!

Building for production

run npm run build


Configuration is stored in config/env.js and exposed in process.env via webpack.DefinePlugin. Defaults are loaded first and then overrides depending on the env being built for.

Optionally, you can create a config/local.js file (not checked into git) with overrides to be loaded only during local development.