
An emoji component for vue2.0

MIT License



An Emoji component for Vue2.0


yarn add rui-vue-emoji


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./node_modules/vue-emoji-component/dist/vue-emoji.css">
<script src = './vue.min.js'></script>
<script src = './node_modules/vue-emoji-component/dist/vue-emoji.js'></script>
<div id="app">
    <div contenteditable="" ref = 'edit' focus></div>
    <button ref = 'btn' @click = 'showEmoji = !showEmoji'>emoji</button>
      v-show = 'showEmoji'
      ref = 'emoji'
      @select = 'showEmoji = false'
      @hide = 'handleHide'
new Vue({
  el: '#app',
  components: {
  data () {
    return {
      showEmoji : false
  mounted () {
      area: this.$refs.edit,
      btn: this.$refs.btn,
      position: 'top left'
  methods: {
    hide () {
      this.showEmoji = false;
    handleHide (e) {

Used with webpack

// styles.js
import 'rui-vue-emoji/dist/vue-emoji.css';

You may also consider using the emoji-sprite and single emoji-picture with CDN, you can upload images in ./images to your CDN and then you need to make some little changes in your css and js files.

[class*="sprite-"] {
  background-image: url("https://your.cdn.path/")!important;
mounted () {
    area: this.$refs.edit,
    btn: this.$refs.btn,
    position: 'top left'

Something you need to notice is that you should control the sprite path in your css file and single emoji picture path in js file.



  • select: When a emoji is selected, the selectevent will be triggerd. The only parameter is an img element.
  • hide: When hide event is triggerd, you need to close the emoji-pop in the parent component. It always triggerd when an element in page is clicked, and the click event object will be passed as the param.



You need to call this method when the parent component mounted to initialilze the params of emoji component. An object at least contains two properties area and btn should be passed as param. area means the element you want the emoji inserted and btn means the button is used to trigger emoji pop. The property position is optional. It can decide the emoji-pop's postion relative to the button. The default value is top center, means the emoji-pop is on the top of button and in the horizontal direction it's center is button. You can use top or bottom for vertical and left,center or right for horizontal.


This method is used to recalc the position of emoji pop, when the content of element [contenteditable] added, usually it's height will be changed, so we need to recalc the position of pop. But unfortunately I cannot find a way to listen to the change of height automaticaly, so you should listen it manualy, and then called the method.


watch: {
  showEmoji (value) { // showEmoji is the prop that control the pop's display.
    if (value) {



By default, when an emoji is selected, a corresponding img will be generated and inserted to the area you specified. You can make it support Unicode to config the unicode prop. It means that in this situation, when an emoji is selected, a corresponding Unicode char will be inserted. The thing you should be aware of is that when you use unicode, the emoji you can select is less than you use img.

  v-show = 'showEmoji'
  ref = 'emoji'
  @select = 'hide()'
  @hide = 'hide()'


By default, component uses Chinese as captions for different emoji panels like 表情、自然、物品、地点、符号. If you want to use others, you can passed captions props in vue-template. The captions should be an Array, and each item should be a string.

  v-show = 'showEmoji'
  ref = 'emoji'
  :captions = 'captions'
  @select = 'showEmoji = false'
  @hide = 'handleHide'
data () {
  return {
    captions: ['Expressions', 'Nature', 'Goods', 'Lacation', 'Symbol']


git clone [email protected]:rishiqing/vue-emoji.git
cd vue-emoji
npm start

Some Problems

Because I've just used Vue for a little time, so this component has too many problems. Such as I hope that I can pass some props in template to instead of calling appendTo method of component after it's parent mounted. I think the current implementation is an ugly hack, but after I tried too many times, I cannot still find a good way to pass some references of other DOM nodes to child component when parent component is rendering it. Of course, maybe the most important reason is that I've made a wrong design with this, so if you have a better way to solve it, please tell me, thanks a lot.