
Migration tool Vue 2.0 application for Vue 3.0

MIT License


📂 Table of Contents

⚙️ How to use

To use Vue Migration Tool, your code must follow the standards in this Vue Guide.

⚠️ If your code has a different implementation than the guide, there may be inconsistencies after migration.

Here we go!

Clone the project:

git clone

Install the dependencies:

npm install

For run the project we have some environment variables:

REPOSITORY: HTTPS link from project. (required) BRANCH: Branch name, if there is no name, main is used. (optional)

Then run one of these commands

For main branch:

cross-env REPOSITORY=<repository-link> npm start

Example: cross-env REPOSITORY= npm start

For a specific branch:

cross-env REPOSITORY=<repository-link> BRANCH=<branch-name> npm start

Example: cross-env REPOSITORY= BRANCH=migrate npm start

For main branch and log info:

cross-env REPOSITORY=<repository-link> npm run start:log

Example: cross-env REPOSITORY= npm run start:log

also works with BRANCH:

cross-env REPOSITORY=<repository-link> BRANCH=migrate npm run start:log

Example: cross-env REPOSITORY= BRANCH=migrate npm run start:log

At the end of the execution the code will be available in the migrated folder.

Enjoy! 😎

🔨 Breaking Changes

Each dependency has its own list with checkboxes. When a checkbox is ✔️, it means the change has been implemented.

Here is a list of breaking changes from each dependency that were implemented in the project:

Over time, the project may receive more migrations of other plugins, libraries, etc., which can cause breaking changes.

😃 How to contribute

  • First, leave ⭐ if you liked it!
  • Fork this repository.
  • Create a branch for your feature: git checkout -b my-feature
  • If you are adding a new dependency breaking change:
    1. Create a folder with the dependency's name in src/operation/tranformer.
    2. Inside this folder, create a folder for scripts and/or templates.
    3. Create a constant containing all functions from this dependency as {dependency}_TEMPLATE_TRANSFORM_LIST or {dependency}_SCRIPT_TRANSFORM_LIST.
    4. In src/operation/tranformer/index.js, import your constant to templateRules or scriptRules.
    5. Create a file to list breaking changes, whether they have been migrated or not.
    6. Follow the steps below..
  • If you are updating an existing dependency breaking change:
    1. Add a breaking change message in src/utils/message.js.
    2. Create a function in src/operation/tranformer/{dependency}/template/index.js or src/operation/tranformer/{dependency}/script/index.js.
    3. Include showLog with a new breaking change message in the created function.
    4. Add the created function to {dependency}_TEMPLATE_TRANSFORM_LIST or {dependency}_SCRIPT_TRANSFORM_LIST.
  • Commit: git commit -m 'feat: my new feature'
  • Push your branch: git push origin my-feature

📝 License

This project is under the MIT license. see the license page for more details.

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