
Simple lightbox component for Vue applications

MIT License


Simple Image Lightbox for Vue.js

Upgraded to support Vue 3 and still no dependencies required!

Inspired by vue-pure-lightbox, however I needed a framework that allowed for a gallery of thumbnails as well as filtering functionality.

Vue Compatibility

Versions >= 3.0.0 are built for Vue 3.

If your project uses Vue 2, use vue-my-photos-1.1.1


Live demo available on Codepen


Via NPM:

npm i vue-my-photos --save

Via CDN:

<!-- In <body>, after Vue import -->
<script src=""></script>


In your App:

    import Lightbox from "@/lightbox.vue";
    // ...
    export default defineComponent({
        name: "VueMyPhotosDemo",
        components: {
        // ...


Simply initiate a lightbox component with the lightbox tag:

    ref="mylightbox"                            * Now Optional
    :filter="galleryFilter"                     * Optional
    :directory="thumbnailDir"                   * Optional
    :timeout-duration=5000                      * Optional
    :close-on-backdrop-click="true"             * Optional
    @on-lightbox-change="onLightboxChange"      * Optional

Expose the appropriate data for the template:

data() {
    return {
        thumbnailDir: "/.../.../",
        images: imageList,
        galleryFilter: "all",
        currentImageName: ""

Each thumbnail in the gallery registers a click event, passing the name of the photo:

<img @click="showLightbox('img.jpg')" src="..." alt="..." title="..." />

And add the showLightbox and onLightboxClose methods to your vue page (these can be named however you like):

showLightbox(imageName: string) {
    this.currentImageName = imageName;
onLightboxClose(imageName: string) {
    this.currentImageName = imageName;

To update which images show within the lightbox, update the filter string like so:

updateFilter(filterName) {
    this.galleryFilter = filterName;

A Note On v3 Updates

Previously, the lightbox was shown by accessing the component via the $refs object and calling the show method directly:

showLightbox: function(imageName) {

This approach can still be done (and in Vue 3 using Ref() within the setup method), however, in an effort to decouple the Lightbox Component from its parent Component, the new recommended approach is detailed above using the currentImageName prop. This is a reactive property that will trigger the lightbox to display whenever its value is changed. A method that listens to the on-lightbox-close event must also be implemented in order to reset the value of currentImageName (Otherwise, if the user tries to open the lightbox with the same image twice in a row, currentImageName won't change and the lightbox won't open).


Property Type Value
images (Required) array Array of objects with image data (example below)
currentImageName (Required) string Should initially be an empty string, then updated later to trigger lightbox
filter (Optional - Default: "all") string String to filter on specific images (Ex: "nature")
directory (Optional - Default: "") string Path to location of images (Ex: "/src/assets/")
timeoutDuration (Optional - Default: 3000) integer duration in ms of key/mouse inactivity before caption disappears
closeOnBackdropClick (Optional - Default: false) boolean toggle whether or not to close lightbox when clicking outside of image


Event Description
onLightboxClose(imageName: string) Fired every time the lightbox is closed. Must implement a method to update currentImageName with the value passed by this event
onLightboxChange(newImage: { name: string, alt: string, filter: string, id: string } Fired every time the user advances the lightbox to the next or previous image.

Example of images array:

var images = [{'name':'mountains.jpg', 'alt':'The Dolomites', 'filter':'nature', 'id':'image1' },
              {'name':'bird.jpg', 'alt':'It is a bird', 'filter':'animals', 'id':'image2' }];


  • 'name' value should include the file extension
  • 'alt' is optional
  • 'filter' is optional if you never pass or try to update the filter value on the lightbox component
  • 'id' is optional, but useful as a key if you're displaying the images in a gallery using the v-for iterator

Recommended additional modules

disable-scroll or similar module to prevent the user from scrolling while the lightbox is visible.

vue-fontawesome if you want to replace/re-style the svg icons for left/right arrows and close icon.