
This is the frontend (VueJS) of the Youtube clone called VueTube.


VueTube Vue Frontend - YouTube Clone

This is the frontend (VueJS) of the VueTube clone


Backend RESTFUL API Repository API


  • Sign in / Sign Up to create channel
  • Video
    • Upload video
    • Upload video thumbnail
    • Watch video
    • Increase Views
    • Like and dislike video
    • Download video
    • Comment & reply for video
    • Update video details
    • Delete video
  • Subscribe to a channel
  • View liked videos
  • Trending
  • Subscriptions
  • History
    • Watch history
    • Search history
  • Settings
    • Modify channel name and email
    • Change password
    • Upload channel avatar

Project setup

Create .env.development.local for development then .env.production.local for production ready app. Then put in your api URL


Install packages

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


Delete the screenshot folder if you download this code (Screenshots folder is 3.14mb in size).

Sign In (/signin)

Sign Up (/signup)

Home Page (/)

Trending Page (/trending)

Subscriptions Page (/subscriptions)

History (Watch) Page (/history)

History (Search) Page (/history)

Liked Videos Page (/liked-videos)

Search Page (/search)

Watch Page (/watch/:videoId)

Comment & Reply (/watch/:videoId)

Channel Page (/channels/:channelId)

Dashboard Page (/studio)

Subscribers Modal (/studio)

Upload Video Modal

Upload Video Detail Modal

Videos Page (/studio/videos)

Edit Video Details (/studio/details/:videoId)

Upload Thumbnail Modal (/studio/details/:videoId)

Delete Video Modal (/studio/videos)

Settings Modal

If you like the UI, I developed it in a seperate repo VueTube


This project is licensed under the MIT License

Developed by Reagan Ekhameye (Tech Reagan)

Reach me on twitter @techreagan