
Vue 2 wrapper for Phaser.

OTHER License



Core Components


Wrapper for an entire Phaser game.

Prop Type Default Notes
options Object: Phaser.GameConfig {} Game options to pass directly to the Phaser.Game constructor.


Wrapper for a single Phaser scene.

Prop Type Default Notes
sceneKey String Required
init Function Scene init function
preload Function Scene preload function
create Function Scene create function
update Function Scene update function
autoStart Boolean false Whether or not to start on this Scene.
sceneData Object {} Optional data to pass to scene. See docs.
preloadQueue Array [] Array of items to preload. See below.
Event Arguments Notes
load-progress Number representing percentage complete preload() load progress
load-complete Loader All items in preload() loaded

You can quickly load sprites in the preloadQueue with strings: ['example1.png', '/another/example2.png']

In this case, the filename minus the path and extension will be the sprite key (example1 and example2 above).

You can also pass objects to the queue (or mix and match strings and objects):

[{ url: '/more/examples/example3.png', key: 'my-key' }]

url and key properties are required, while type and options are allowed:

  url: '/my/example4.png', 
  key: 'my-key-2', 
  type: 'spritesheet', 
  options: [{
      frameWidth: 32,
      frameHeight: 38,
      startFrame: 0,
      endFrame: 8

type is the method on load to run (see docs), while options is an array of options that will be spread and passed to the load method.

You can also pass a type string and args array for completely custom load method usage:

  type: 'on',
  args: ['progress', console.log]

type is still the method on load to run, while the args array is spread into the type method as its arguments. This is the equivalent to calling this.load.on('progress', console.log) in your scene's preload function.




NPL 5+


Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.

Adding a New Component

  • Add the file in src/plugin/components.
  • Make sure that file extends src/plugin/components/common/base.js (see existing components for examples).
    • Also make sure to use any relevant mixins in the src/plugin/mixins folder - for example, anything movable like a Sprite or Container has several options already available.
  • Import the file into src/plugin/components/index.js.
  • Add the imported component to that file's export.