
Vue components based on the JUI components available in Vue.js



A vue component library based on the JUI components available in vuejs.



npm install --save vue-uix

Browser (Legacy)

If you are using an existing JUI style, Just download dist/vue-uix.base.js and include it in your HTML file:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="dist/vue-uix.base.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jui-ui.classic.css" />
<!--<link rel="stylesheet" href="jui-ui.dark.css" />-->


Download the dist/vue-uix.classic.js and dist/vue-uix.css and include it in your HTML file:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="dist/vue-uix.classic.js"></script>
<!--<script src="dist/vue-uix.dark.js"></script>-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/vue-uix.css" />

ES Modules

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueUix from 'vue-uix'

Vue.use(VueUix, { theme: 'classic' })
Components (Legacy)

If you are using an existing JUI style, You must load a non-styled view component.

import Vue from 'vue'
import UixComboBox from 'vue-uix/src/components/combobox'

Vue.component(, UixComboBox);
import Vue from 'vue'
import UixComboBox from 'vue-uix/src/components/combobox.classic'
// import UixComboBox from 'vue-uix/src/components/combobox.dark'

Vue.component(, UixComboBox);

Implemented components




Name Type Required Watch Default Description
type String false false `` Additional styles of accordion (simple)
items Array true false undefined A list of accordion headers
index Number false false null Sets the accordion header to be activated
autoFold Boolean false false false Hide the content area when you click on the active accordion header again
width Number, String false true 100% The width of the component


Name Arguments Description
open index Events that occur when an accordion content is opened
fold index Events that occur when an accordion content is closed

Auto Complete


Name Type Required Watch Default Description
icon String false false `` When you want to use the icon, you can set the name of the icon provided by JUI (However, you do not need to use the prefix 'icon-')
width Number false true 150 The width of the component
size String false false small The size styles of the component (mini, small, large)
template String false false skip...
items Array true true undefined Auto-complete word list
value String false false `` Props to set the selected word


Name Arguments Description
change text, event Events that occur when you select a word in the Auto-complete list



Name Type Required Watch Default Description
type String false false radio It is a button selection option. Radio is single and Check is multi-selectable. (radio, check)
index Number false true 0 Sets the button to be activated
value String, Array false true `` Selected value. Radio is string type, Check is array type
size String false false small The size styles of the component (mini, small, large)
items Array true true undefined Button list


Name Arguments Description
change item, event Events that occur when you click a button

Color Picker


Name Type Required Watch Default Description
color String, Object true false #FFF Default color code, which can be set to a hex string or an RGB object


Name Arguments Description
change hex, rgb Events that occur when you select a color

Combo Box


Name Type Required Watch Default Description
index Number false true 0 Sets the item to be activated
value String false true `` Selected value
width Number false false 100 The width of the component
height Number false false 100 The width of the component
size String false false small The size styles of the component (mini, small, large)
keydown Boolean false false false Option to select items with up/down arrow keys
flex Boolean false false true Option that match the width of the drop-down menu to the width of the combo box
position String false false bottom Option to set where the drop-down menu is shown (top, bottom)
title String false false Selected... When there are no items, the default message shown in the combo box
items Array false false null Item list of combo box
active String false true false Options showing a drop-down menu


Name Arguments Description
change item, event Events that occur when you select a item

Date Picker


Name Type Required Watch Default Description
titleFormat String false false yyyy.MM Set the current year/month title format
dateFormat String false false yyyy-MM-dd Set the format for selected date
date String false true null Set the
template String false false <td><!= date !></td> A template for markup that prints out the date


Name Arguments Description
change dateStr, event Events that occur when you select a date
prev event Events that occur when you change to the previous month
next event Events that occur when you change to the next month

Calendar (extends Date Picker)


Name Type Required Watch Default Description
width String, Number false false 100% Set calendar width
height String, Number false false 100% Set calendar height



Name Type Required Watch Default Description
index Number false false 0 Sets the item to be activated
width Number false false 100 The width of the component
height Number false false 100 The height of the component
left Number false false 0 The left position value of the component
top Number false false 0 The top position value of the component
size String false false small The size styles of the component (mini, small, large)
keydown Boolean false false false Option to select items with up/down arrow keys
items String false true undefined Item list of drop-down menu
active Boolean false true false Options showing a drop-down menu
anchor Boolean false false false Set options to display anchor style


Name Arguments Description
change item, event Events that occur when you select a item



Name Type Required Watch Default Description
root String false true null Selector for the modal background element
target String false true null Selector of targeted element
active Boolean false true false Options showing a modal
color String false false black Background color of modal
opacity Number false false 0.4 Background opacity of modal
zIndex Number false false 0 Z-index value of modal
autoHide Boolean false false false Option to automatically hide modal on background clicking



Name Type Required Watch Default Description
root String false true null Selector for the modal background element
position String false false bottom Option to set where the drop-down menu is shown (top, bottom)
items Array false true undefined Item list of drop-down menu
template String false false <td><!= date !></td> A template for markup that prints out the date
icon String false false `` When you want to use the icon, you can set the name of the icon provided by JUI (However, you do not need to use the prefix 'icon-')
delay Number false false 3000 After the notification is shown, delay time
showDuration Number false false 500 Duration of effect in which notifications are shown
hideDuration Number false false 500 Duration of effect in which notifications are hidden
padding Number false false 12 Padding between notification and notification
distance Number false false 5 Distance between notification and notification


Name Arguments Description
change item, event Events that occur when you select a item
show index Events that occur when an notification is shown
hide index Events that occur when an notification is hidden



Name Type Required Watch Default Description
inside Boolean false false true Sets the inside style option for the switch
size String false false small The size styles of the component (mini, small, large)
checked Boolean false false false Sets the check state of the switch


Name Arguments Description
change checked, event Events that occur when you change a switch



Name Type Required Watch Default Description
type String false false tab Set tab style type (tab, pill)
position String false false top Sets the position of the tab (top, bottom)
items Array false true undefined Item list of tab
index Number false true 0 Sets the item to be activated
disable Array false true null Sets the index of the tab to be disabled


Name Arguments Description
change checked, event Events that occur when you change a activated tab



Name Type Required Watch Default Description
type String false false line Set tree style type (line, line-file, arrow, arow-file)
rootName String false false null Sets the name of the root node
rootHide Boolean false false false Option to hide root node by default
rootFold Boolean false false false Option to hide fold node by default
template String false false <li><div><i></i> <!= text !></div><ul></ul></li> A template for markup that prints out the node
items Array false true undefined Node list of tree
item Object false true null Sets the node to be activated


Name Arguments Description
change item, event Events that occur when you select a node
open item, event Events that occur when the child nodes of the selected node are opened
fold item, event Events that occur when the child nodes of the selected node are folded

Time Picker


Name Type Required Watch Default Description
size String false false small The size styles of the component (mini, small, large)
useDate Boolean false false false Use the year/month/day button
useTime Boolean false false false Use the hours/minutes button
minYear Number false false auto Minimum year
maxYear Number false false auto Maximum year
year Number false false auto Current year
month Number false false auto Current month
date Number false false auto Current date
hours Number false false auto Current hours
minutes Number false false auto Current minutes
useCalendar Boolean false false false Use the calendar component
calendarTitleFormat String false false yyyy.MM Date format of calendar title
calendarFormat String false false yyyy-MM-dd Date format of calendar selected value


Name Arguments Description
change data Events that occur when you change a value