
📼 A simple video header/section component for Vue. Good for video backgrounds and overlaying content on them.

MIT License



A simple video header/section component for Vue. Good for video backgrounds and overlaying content on them.


View demo

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# npm
npm i vue-video-section

# yarn
yarn add vue-video-section

Or you can include it through the browser at the bottom of your page along with the css:

<!-- Please note if you're using the browser method you're going to want to adjust the version number as needed. The number given here is just an initial version. -->

<script src="[email protected]/dist/vue-video-section.min.js"></script>

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[email protected]/dist/vue-video-section.css">
<!-- css import for when you want to import the component css into your css file/files  -->
@import '/path/to/node_modules/vue-video-section/dist/vue-video-section.css';


<!-- javascript import for when you're importing the css directly in your javascript  -->
import 'vue-video-section/dist/vue-video-section.css'


import VueVideoSection from 'vue-video-section'
Vue.component('vue-video-section', VueVideoSection)


vue-video-section is a simple Vue component that helps you use a video background as a background for a header or another section on your site.

One pain point vue-video-section hopes to solve is the overlaying of content on your background video. That can be tricky! vue-video-section uses a combination of techniques to make this as simple as possible while still having the video stay nice and centered with a proper aspect ratio. As you can see in the demo (code is in the ./example folder), you can just fill the overlay-content slot with whatever you like - I'm using Bootstrap's grid with just some basic content. You sorta don't even have to think about it.

The only caveat is that you'll want to set a predefined height for the section where you'll be showing the video. If this can be circumvented later I'll add it to the library. Right now it's really simple though - just set the desktopHeight, mobileHeight, and mobileBreakpoint props and you'll be all set. You can even have it change real time if you like.

You'll notice I'm providing three different filetypes in this example - that's because to get the best browser support you'll want to include an mp4, .ogv, and webm file - although you'll probably get by with just an .mp4 for the most part. If the browser doesn't support your video, make sure to have the posterSource prop provided as it will fall back to that image. If that doesn't work, then some text will be shown letting the user know their browser isn't supported.

Usage Example

    <div slot="overlay-content" class="overlay-content">
      <div class="container py-4">
        <div class="row justify-content-center">
          <div class="col-lg-12 text-center">
      <div class="container py-4">
        <div class="row justify-content-center mb-4">
          <div class="col-lg-6">
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Expedita quam laboriosam iusto, sapiente, tempore eaque eos unde. Recusandae, officia perferendis tenetur in animi excepturi perspiciatis culpa amet quia voluptatibus tempora.</p>


Use the playsinline prop to control whether the video plays on mobile. If you set it to false then it will just show its posterSource image. Keep in mind that browsers are always changing their reaction to some of these properties so it might be a bit of a mixed bag concerning options like these. Right now, this is the way to stop the playing in mobile, but that may change in the future.


prop type required default possible values description
elementId String yes This value will be set as the id of the instance
ref String no This value will be set as the ref of the instance
mp4Source Video no require() your .mp4 file
oggSource Video no require() your .ogv file
webmSource Video no require() your .webm file
posterSource Image no require() your image file
mobileBreakpoint Number no 992 The width breakpoint between what you consider mobile and desktop
desktopHeight Number no 500 The height of the section in desktop
mobileHeight Number no 450 The height of the section in mobile
playsinline Boolean no true A Boolean attribute indicating that the video is to be played "inline", that is within the element's playback area
loop Boolean no true Loop the video
autoplay Boolean no true Autoplay the video
autobuffer Boolean no true Autobuffer the video
muted Boolean no true Start the video muted


method parameters description
playVideo If you didn't autoplay the video, use this to start it
pauseVideo Pause the video

Note - to call these methods set a ref on your <vue-video-section />, something like this: <vue-video-section :ref="header-background-video" />. Then, manually call the methods like this in your javascript: this.$refs['header-background-video'].play().


name description
overlay-content Use this to provide custom content overlayed over your video.

SCSS Structure

.vue-video-section-wrapper {

.vue-video-section {
  video[poster] {

  &__video-element {

  &__overlay-content-wrapper {
    &__background {

    &__content-wrapper {
      &__content {


# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload
npm run watch

# run the tests
npm run test

# build demo page
npm run build:example

# build library
npm run build:library

# build everything and run tests
npm run build


Go ahead and fork the project! Submit an issue if needed. Have fun!

If you use this in a project let me know and I'll make a list here linking to it.



Packaged with a mixture of vue-lib-template and vue-sfc-rollup.

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