
A quick way to get up and running with a Vue-based WordPress plugin



  • Browsersync for auto refreshing during local development
  • webpack to handle all of the assets

Getting Started

  • Clone the repo inside of your wp-content/plugins directory
  • Rename the cloned plugin directory, vwp-plugin.php and the files inside of the inc/ directory to suite your needs.
  • Review the contents of vwp-plugin.php making sure to replace any occurances of vwp-plugin, vwp_plugin and VwpPlugin with your own namespacing.
  • Navigate to the plugin's directory and run
    npm install
    npm run watch for development
    npm run build when you're ready to deploy the plugin.
  • Note templates/admin/index.php is the base PHP template for the plugin settings UI. It has an element <div id="vwp-plugin"></div> where the Vue app is getting mounted.
  • The provided Vue template can be found in src/vue/App.vue.
  • Activate the plugin in WordPress
  • Get to work!