
📌 1KB Web Component Abstraction


📌 Nho

Nho (nhỏ | small in Vietnamese) is a tiny library designed for easy Web Component development.

Why Nho?

  • Writing a Web Component (WC) using vanilla JavaScript can be such tedious. Alternatively, popular WC libraries can be overkill and overweighted (4KB+) for creating small components like a "Buy now" button or a cart listing.

  • Nho simplifies the process by staying lightweight, removing unnecessary APIs, and using a simple DOM diffing algorithm.


  • 1.3KB gzipped.
  • Simple API inspired from Vue.



  • In order to stay small, Nho skips few advanced features found in popular front-end frameworks like key, Fragments, memo. The DOM diffing algorithm is somewhat basic, but it is fast enough for small projects. If your components become too complex, consider other options.


using npm

First, run

npm install nho


import { Nho } from 'nho';
class MyCounterChild extends Nho {}

using CDN

First, add script to the html file

<script src="https://unpkg.com/nho"></script>

then, add script to the html file

  let Nho = nho.Nho;
  class MyCounterChild extends Nho {}


/* main.js */

/* declare global style. Styles will be injected to all Nho Elements */
Nho.style = `
  .box {
    background: blue;
    color: yellow;

class MyCounterChild extends Nho {
  render(h) {
    /* bind value from props */
    return h`<div>Child: ${this.props.count}</div>`

class MyCounter extends Nho {
  setup() {
    /* this method runs before mount */

    /* create component state using "this.reactive", state must be an object */
    this.state = this.reactive({ count: 1 });

    /* only use ref for storing DOM reference */
    this.pRef = this.ref();

    /* effect */
      // effect value: fn -> value
      () => this.state.count,
      // effect callback: fn(old value, new value)
      (oldValue, newValue) => {
        console.log(oldValue, newValue)

  onMounted() {
    /* this method runs after mount */

  onUpdated() {
    /* this method runs after each update. */

    /* P tag ref */
    console.log('P Ref', this.pRef?.current);

  onUnmounted() {
    /* this method runs before unmount */
    console.log('Before unmount');

  addCount() {
    /* update state by redeclaring its key-value. Avoid updating the whole state. */
    this.state.count += 1;

  render(h) {
    /* this method is used to render */

      JSX template alike
      - Must have only 1 root element
      - Bind state / event using value in literal string
      - Pass state to child element using props with 'p:' prefix
    return h`
      <div class="box">
        <p ref=${this.pRef}>Name: ${this.state.count}</p>
        <button onclick=${this.addCount}>Add count</button>
        <my-counter-child p:count=${this.state.count + 5}></my-counter-child>

customElements.define("my-counter", MyCounter);
customElements.define("my-counter-child", MyCounterChild);
/* index.html */


  • Avoid using these below properties inside Nho Component since they are reversed Nho's properties.

Element properties

_op, _ef, _ev, _sr, _ga, _nm, _sc, _p, _u, _h, _e, _t
setup, onMounted, onUnmounted, onUpdated, effect, ref, reactive, render

Class properties

_c, style

How it works

  • It's better to dive into the code, but here is a quick sketch about how Nho works.
